Strengthening Quaker Meetings

John & Kit Potter

For Kit Potter of Nashville Friends Meeting, strengthening Quaker meetings is crucial. When her yearly meeting asked for a representative to FGC’s governing body, Central Committee, she volunteered. Kit sees the difference FGC makes in strengthening meetings especially after moving from a large yearly meeting.

“Nurturing smaller meetings helps the Religious Society of Friends grow and become more vital,” Kit observes. She’s participating along with other volunteers in FGC’s website redesign because of her interest in resource sharing among meetings. She wants to help develop a network of spiritually-grounded Friends to support meetings.

Resources to Deepen Worship

“Many meetings don’t realize what is available through FGC,” Kit explains. “Situations arise that would benefit from eldership. Vocal ministry is one example.” As a result of this need, FGC developed resources on vocal ministry to help deepen worship.

Kit didn’t feel she had the depth of knowledge or experience to contribute when she began volunteering for FGC’s Committee on Nurturing Ministries (guiding religious education, the Spiritual Deepening and Ministry on Racism Programs). Since then, she’s participated in workshops, online worship sharing, the White Privilege Conference, anti-racism training, and the Virtual Gathering.  Kit is now a connector, sharing FGC’s resources and training and encouraging others in their spiritual journeys.

“We’ve been isolated physically this past year,” Kit reflects. “We’re isolated from face-to-face conversations, from community. We’re being challenged socially and personally. If we move through discomfort as a faith community, we will grow stronger. FGC is so important to deepening Quaker spirituality.”

Make an Impact. Volunteer!

Fill out FGC’s Volunteer Skills Interest Survey and find out all the ways you can contribute to strengthening Quaker community.

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