FGC Newsletters – Spring 2021

Each month, FGC distributes digital newsletters to share updates and information about FGC and its programs. Here is the introductory text and links to the newsletters and updates we shared between March and May 2021, including Vital Friends, Book Musings, and FGC Gathering Updates.
Book Musings: Up and At ‘Em
Send date: March 2nd, 2021
Dear Friend,
Let’s celebrate Quaker women! You probably know that 2020 marked the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. While it prohibited denial of the right to vote solely because of sex, it didn’t prevent disenfranchisement of countless women for many other reasons, including Jim Crow restrictions.
The historical tour guide in me was so looking forward to special programs at Independence National Historical Park and other sites, but with covid the celebration was squelched. So, here’s my tribute to Quaker Women activists, from early Friends spreading the word (Hidden in Plain Sight) to Abolitionists and Suffragists (Valiant Friend, Alice Paul and the Fight for Women’s Rights, and Remember the Ladies), to advocates for the environment (Ingrid Lakey in Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries) and advocates for racial equality today (Vanessa Julye, author of Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship.) See the full collection here. Do you think I left something out? Let me know!
Any Bookstore questions? I’m happy to answer them.
In Friendship,
Audrey Greenhall, Manager of QuakerBooks
(215) 561-1700 ext. 3044
In This Issue:
- New Arrivals Collection
- FGC Spiritual Deepening Program -When the Spirit Calls
- Faith & Play – An Easter Story for Friends
- Friends Journal Picks – March 2021
- Beyond QuakerBooks – Bookshop
Read the March 2021 issue of Book Musings.
Vital Friends: The Clerking Issue
Send date: March 12th, 2021
Dear Friend,
I’ve learned during my time at FGC that clerking is a crucial spiritual practice, a subtle yet deeply important art, and it requires seasoned listening skills and great faithfulness. I’m continually amazed by the skill and tender guidance of so many past and current clerks of FGC who have guided and served this organization over the years.
Since clerking is so essential to Quaker spirituality and process, this issue of Vital Friends is dedicated to the art of clerking, from resources you can explore online to interviews with Friends who are clerks (or help others find their clerking groove, like Steve Mohlke). There’s also an anti-racist clerking screener from Implementation Committee member Eppchez Yes, and information about FGC’s annual Clerking Workshop for Adult Young Friends and High Schoolers (and how your financial support makes it possible).
In this issue, you’ll also find a new book discussion and a resource for children from the Spiritual Deepening Program, details about FGC’s t-shirt contest, an update about the upcoming White Privilege Conference, and an invitation to a special virtual consultation about online meetings.
In Friendship,
Marta Rusek
Communications Manager for FGC
In this issue:
- The Clerking Issue: Resources and Interviews with Friends
- FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: March 2021 Update
- An Update on FGC’s Clerks Training for Adult Young Friends and High Schoolers
- Spiritual Deepening: A New Reading Group and Activities for Children
- Enter our New T-Shirt Contest: Why Quaker Spirituality is Essential Right Now
- Participate in the 2021 White Privilege Conference with FGC Friends
- Virtual Events in the Quaker Community: March 2021
- FGC Consultation: Spirit and Community Online
Read the March 2021 issue of Vital Friends.
Gathering March 2021 Update: Junior Gathering, High School Program, and Pre-Gathering Retreats
Send date: March 24th, 2021
Dear Friend,
The impact of the pandemic on children and families over the last year has been profound. Many parents and children have felt isolated over the last year. This year’s Gathering: Way Will Open is indeed an opening and opportunity for reconnection among Friends of all ages.
Junior Gathering offers dynamic programming that is relevant for families and inclusive of young people of all ages. The High School Program provides spiritual depth and a flexible schedule for participants to attend sessions based on their interests and availability.
Pre-Gathering Retreats have been vital to building community among those that attend. This year, Quakers and Business, People of Color and Their Families, and Adult Young Friends are gathering for Pre-Gathering retreats.
Many of you have received the Advance Program in your mailboxes by now! Start browsing…early registration is April 15th – 29th!
We look forward to seeing you online at the 2021 Gathering!
In service,
Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky
Gathering Conference Coordinator
Read the March 2021 Gathering Update.
Vital Friends: A Celebration of Quaker Authors & Publishing
Send date: April 2nd, 2021
Dear Friend,
Books have the power to transform minds, society, and the course of history. So it’s no surprise that Friends have turned to this inspirational medium to document Quaker history and historic Friends, speak truth to power, and make Quaker spirituality and practice more accessible to seekers.
In this issue, we’re celebrating Quaker authors, publishers, and bookstores. We’re also sharing information about registration for the virtual 2021 FGC Gathering (and the return of QMart, a beloved Gathering tradition we all missed last year), a message about confronting anti-Asian hate from the Institutional Assessment Implementation Committee, spring offerings from the Spiritual Deepening Program, a peek at the cover of FGC’s 2020 Impact Report, and more.
In Friendship,
Marta Rusek
Communications Manager for FGC
In this issue:
- A Celebration of Quaker Authors and Publishing
- FGC Gathering 2021: Registration and the return of QMart
- FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: April 2021 Update
- A Message about Email Scams (and How to Identify Them)
- Register Now: Spiritual Deepening Spring Programming and a Consultation on Spirit and Community Online
- Coming Soon: 2020 Impact Report
- Virtual Events in the Quaker Community: April 2021
Read the April 2021 issue of Vital Friends.
Book Musings: What’s on your bookshelf?
Send date: April 13th, 2021
Dear Friend,
If you’ve read Christine Whitmire’s Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity then you know its value, but sometimes we need to reintroduce a book for the next generation or to new Friends. Plain Living is part of our Meetinghouse Bookshelf Collection, core books that teach the Quaker way and strengthen Friends’ spirituality; they are mainstays in Quaker Religious Education.
Until the end of April, we offer a free copy of Plain Living with your purchase of three or more books from the Meetinghouse Bookshelf. You won’t need a discount code. Simply add Plain Living to your cart. When you go to purchase the other books it will be included in your order for free. Please note, this offer cannot be combined with other discounts.
Any Bookstore questions? I’m happy to answer them.
In Friendship,
Audrey Greenhall, Manager of QuakerBooks
(215) 561-1700 ext. 3044
In This Issue:
- New and Noteworthy – Quaker Basics; Do Better
- Friends Journal Picks – April 2021
- Beyond QuakerBooks – Bookshop
Read the April 2021 issue of Book Musings.
Gathering April 2021 Update: Gathering Update Early Registration is Open, Pay as Led, Afternoon Sessions
Send date: April 22nd, 2021
Dear Friend,
Way Will Open is a gift, a reminder, and a calling. Way opening is not a passive experience. It’s one of active seeking. Friends are called to actively co-create a world of love and justice.
The recurring incidents of racism and violence have me thinking about the poignancy of this year’s Gathering theme more than ever.
The Gathering is an opportunity for way to open among us. Worshiping, exploring, learning, and struggling in community, we can seek and transform together.
Early Registration is open until April 29th.
Join us.
In service,
Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky
Gathering Conference Coordinator
Read the April 2021 Gathering Update.
Book Musings: Nurturing the Spirit
Send date: May 5th, 2021
Dear Friend,
Like many of you, I’ve had far more time at home this past year than I normally would. I’m working remotely while my son and daughter attend classes, also remotely. Each of us in our own space; together, but not . . . except in the kitchen.
All the together time has led me to reflect (a lot) on parenting. With that in mind here are a few book and pamphlets on Spirit-led parenting and childcare, from how we approach and love babies (Whispering to Babies) to teaching Quaker testimonies (Paths to Quaker Parenting) to making sure we have meaningful family time (Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home.)
See the full collection, here.
Any Bookstore questions? I’m happy to answer them.
In Friendship,
Audrey Greenhall, Manager of QuakerBooks
(215) 561-1700 ext. 3044
In This Issue:
- FGC Gathering Collection
- New and Noteworthy – El Espíritu Se Levanta ebook
- Friends Journal Picks May 2021 – Miss Mary; Saturdays are for Stella
Read the May 2021 issue of Book Musings.
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