FGC Newsletters: March 2020

Vital Friends

Dear Friend,

How do we nurture caring Quaker communities as COVID-19 spreads in our world? How do we help Friends who are most vulnerable to the destructive impact of the virus, from community members with compromised immune systems to individuals who have been harmed by the increase of xenophobia fueled by fear?

The answer lies in careful and timely discernment, becoming more informed about the challenges that some Friends face, and remembering what we stand for as a faith community. We originally planned to highlight youth programming in our March issue (and those resources and more are still here in our newsletter this month), and we also want to make sure you and your Quaker community are safe and prepared in the days ahead.

We will be updating our Coronavirus resource for Friends, monthly meetings and churches, and event attendees on our website as new information and guidelines from national public health organizations become available. In the meantime, wash your hands, stay home if you’re not feeling well, pay attention to whether your monthly meeting is or is not holding worship, and let the love that binds our Quaker communities be your guide as we move forward together.

In the Light,
Communications Staff at FGC

In this issue:

  • Coronavirus Prevention: Your Quaker Community & FGC Events
  • Pacific Yearly Meeting is affiliated with FGC!
  • FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: March 2020 Update
  • An Update about Events organized by FGC’s Ministry on Racism Program
  • FGC Gathering 2020: Meet Our New Conference Coordinator
  • Youth Programming: Resources from FGC and Faith & Play™ Stories

Read the March 2020 Vital Friends Newsletter.

Book Musings

Dear Friend,

Spirit-led action can take you to many different places, some far from where you live, often out of one’s comfort zone. But isn’t that the nature of being a Friend? One goes where one is led.

This month, we focus on Spirit-led journeys.

Wishing you Peace and Love,
Audrey Greenhall,
Manager for QuakerBooks
In This Issue:

  • Friends Journal Picks for March 2020
  • New and Noteworthy – A Journey out of Season; World of Trouble
  • Quaker Press -Kendal Sparrow flying high!
  • 10% discount on orders over $100

Read the March 2020 issue of Book Musings.

FGC Gathering Updates for Friends

This month, we made the difficult decision to not hold the 2020 FGC Gathering as an in-person event. Below is the original announcement distributed via email, as well as our follow-up message, an invitation to worship and offer ideas for a Virtual 2020 Gathering.

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