Pacific Yearly Meeting is affiliated with FGC!

In October 2019, Executive Committee joyously approved Pacific Yearly Meeting’s request to affiliate with Friends General Conference. We are grateful to have this opportunity to be in deeper relationship with Friends in the western United States and parts of Mexico, and to co-create possibilities that will enrich Friends across the continent.
The Minute reads:
(53-19) Pacific Yearly Meeting’s affiliation with FGC: Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch (Clerk of the Committee for Nurturing Ministries) brought a recommendation that we accept Pacific Yearly Meeting’s request to affiliate with FGC. Friends APPROVED joyfully. We are inspired by the faithfulness of Pacific Yearly Meeting’s years-long, careful process to come to the point of requesting affiliation. There are directly affiliated monthly meetings within Pacific Yearly Meeting. In the future, the yearly meeting affiliation will take priority. Jean-Marie shared that there are two monthly meetings in Pacific Yearly Meeting that are in Mexico. We are aware that there are multiple yearly meetings in FGC with Spanish-speaking people. We wish to explore the possibility of FGC providing materials in the languages of the people we serve.
Friendly facts about our new associated yearly meeting:
- Pacific Yearly Meeting is comprised of 50 local meetings and worship groups, including one in Mexico City and the majority in California, Hawai’i, and Nevada in the United States.
- Over 1,200 members (plus many more attenders) participate in the yearly meeting’s affiliated Quaker communities.
- Their Annual Sessions are held in July. This year’s sessions will take place July 10th to 15th, 2020 at Walker Creek Ranch near Petaluma, CA.
- With North Pacific and Intermountain Yearly Meetings, Pacific Yearly Meeting produces Western Friend magazine.
Pacific Yearly Meeting is the most recent Yearly Meeting to affiliate with FGC since 2009. FGC is now an association of 16 yearly meetings and 14 directly-affiliated monthly meetings.
Friends are also encouraged to read the official announcement from Sandy Kewman, Presiding Clerk of Pacific Yearly Meeting.
We would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to Friends of Pacific Yearly Meeting!