FGC Newsletters: February 2020
Note: A new Vital Friends eNewsletter will arrive on Friday, March 6th, 2020, since our most recent issue was a double issue.
Book Musings
Dear Friend,
Thank you to those readers who contacted me with book recommendations. As I try to keep up with them, I’m reading far more than I used to, storing bits of truth and inspiration that pop back up later. I feel like a squirrel with many caches of acorns.
Quaker Press of FGC is thrilled to introduce its newest book, The Kendal Sparrow, which has already received high praise from numerous authors. We hope you’ll consider The Kendal Sparrow for book groups or adult education, and certainly for yourself.
Audrey Greenhall,
Manager for QuakerBooks
In This Issue:
- Meeting for Reading – The Kendal Sparrow
- New and Noteworthy – Quaker Quicks series
- Friends Journal Picks for February 2020
FGC Gathering Update
Dear Friend,
Come join us for a rich week with Friends!
Way Will Open, the 2020 Gathering, is a unique opportunity for families and Friends of all ages to grow and play together at Radford University in Radford, VA from June 28 – July 4, 2020. Read on to find out what we have in store in our youth programs this year!
We’re excited to announce a new grant for High School Quaker Leaders!
Late Breaking News: I am excited and delighted to announce that Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky will be our next Conference Coordinator! (Look for more info soon about Lori on the FGC website.)
Looking forward to seeing you at the 2020 Gathering! (Early Registration will open April 1 – 14.)
Ruth Reber
Conference Coordinator
P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day! Check out FGC’s Quaker Valentines!