Gathering Marketing Survey 2019 – The results are in!
Dear Friends,
Thank you again to everyone who took the FGC Gathering Marketing Survey. Over 2,000 Friends participated, giving FGC in-depth data for discernment related to the future of the Gathering. Please find the survey results here: View the Results (PDF file)
Please know that the data indicates a number of possible ways to improve the Gathering experience and increase attendance. FGC will be looking closely at this data in the coming months and discerning ways forward. Some of the results were what we expected, and some results were a surprise to committee members and staff alike. The surprises especially highlight why it is so important to do survey work.
As you might imagine, the cost of attending the Gathering is one of the largest concerns of both attenders and non-attenders.
Something important to note is that – while we did reach out to FGC Friends in the United States, Canada, and beyond – 95% of respondents were from the U.S. Therefore, our consultant chose to use U.S. population density maps broken out by U.S. regions where relevant. So while it’s not reflected in the slides at the moment, FGC, as an organization that serves both US and Canadian Friends, is working with our consultant to explore ways that FGC can gain more insight from the data about how to better serve Canadian Friends through the Gathering.
Thank you again for your participation in the FGC Gathering Marketing Survey. Together, we’re strengthening Quaker practice and community.
In Service,
Barry Crossno