3 Ways to Challenge Racism in Your Meeting This Year
Our faith as Friends calls us to respect and nurture that of God in everyone. That includes advocating for an end to white supremacy and racism. This year, FGC is lifting up three ways Friends can live into beloved community by challenging racism in their Quaker meetings:
Attend the White Privilege Conference: FGC sponsors a group discount to this annual conference that empowers individuals to work for justice and equality through transformations at the individual and societal level. This year, Friends can participate in two events – WPC 19 in Grand Rapids, MI and the first WPC Global in Toronto.
Explore and share resources on race and racism from Yearly Meetings: Whether your meeting is beginning its journey or seeking inspiration for change from other Quaker communities, these online resources can help. View the Yearly Meeting resource page on our website.
Start a book club in your meeting: Books have the power to change mindsets and inspire readers to take action, so why not channel that energy into a Friends Challenging Racism Book Club in your meeting or online through social media? Learn about the roots of racism and oppression as well as strategies of resistance from Quakers and spirit-led activists through books such as The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, The Third Reconstruction by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (who will be speaking this summer at the FGC Gathering), and Sarah Mapps Douglass by Margaret Hope Bacon. These titles and more are available from FGC’s bookstore QuakerBooks.