Update on Quakers and Hurricane Harvey
On August 29th, 2017, we received a message from Liz Yeats, the Clerk of South Central Yearly Meeting (SCYM), regarding Friends and Quaker meetings that are located in areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. She writes: “So far Friends in SCYM affected by Harvey are in safe places, no one has suffered injury and are working hard to take care of one another and others…no meeting houses have been harmed. Coastal Bend Friends meet in rented space.”
When it comes to immediate needs, Liz mentioned that “First and foremost, Friends in the affected areas are asking for our prayers…Sending […] Light and Love comes first. It really helps.” If Friends feel led to make a donation to help the general population of Houston, especially those with less than most Friends, Live Oak Friends Meeting has suggested giving through this group online.
For Friends who want to give specifically to Friends in need, Liz shared that Live Oak is discerning setting up a fund for suffering and SCYM will steward the funds. “There are Friends in Live Oak who have damage to property. There is at least one Friend in Coastal Bend Meeting in Corpus Christi who had damage to her home, don’t know how much, and there may be more in Baton Rouge and New Orleans as this crisis continues.
Friends who wish to give can mail their donation in the form of a check to:
Live Oak Friends Meeting, 1318 W 26th St, Houston, TX 77008
South Central Yearly Meeting, 9835 Greentree St, San Antonio, TX 78230
**Please write “Hurricane Relief” in the Memo field of your check.**
For Friends who wish to see updates, Liz recommends following the Greater Houston Community Foundation and South Central Yearly Meeting’s website.
As Quakers on the ground in Houston organize volunteers and resources to help Friendswood Friends Church repair and rebuild their meeting house (more information here), Friends of Live Oak Friends Meeting have offered to provide hospitality to Friends who are able to come to Houston and lend a hand. Volunteers are asked to bring their own work gloves and safety glasses, as supplies of these items are very low. Other Friend’s churches in the Houston area were also affected, so please spread the word in your Quaker meeting that the need for volunteers during the post-Harvey recovery is great.
The process of rebuilding will be ongoing for some time, so Friends planning to volunteer in Houston at a later time are most welcome. From Liz Yeats, Clerk of SCYM: “Obviously, Friends in Texas are closest and travel to Texas may be hard right now, but we are looking at a long hall and I think this kind of cooperation between branches of Friends needs to be encouraged.”
Please get in touch with Jane Houser from LOFM if you can offer help: jhouser@compassnet.com.
Liz Yeats’ message was originally shared on FGC’s Facebook page. FGC will add updates to this page from Friends as they are communicated to us. If you would like to submit an update for inclusion on this page, email Marta Rusek at martar@fgcquaker.org.