Returning to FGC: Marta Rusek, Gathering Bookstore Manager

FGC is pleased to announce that Marta Rusek will be our QuakerBooks Bookstore Manager for the FGC Summer Gathering, at the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota, July 3-9, 2016.
Marta brings her retail skills from work at Apple, Tiffany & Co. and Banna Republic, but more importantly she is already well versed in FGC as an organization. We were lucky enough to have Marta as the 2014-2015 Online Communications Fellow. We are excited that Marta will come back and share her outgoing friendliness with Bookstore shoppers at Gathering. Be sure to drop by the Bookstore for a chance to chat with Marta. Beyond her work with FGC she’s done some pretty amazing things, like her service with the Peace Corps in Gambia. She looks forward to serving Friends, Seekers, and friends of Friends this summer at QuakerBooks!