Introducing Lee Meinicke
FGC is pleased to introduce Lee Meinicke, our new Fiscal and Properties Manager. Lee brings Friends General Conference skills gained in her 20 years’ experience working in the non-profit sector, ranging from environmental conservation to social justice to religious organizations. Her expertise includes financial management and compliance, organizational management and development, operations systems and improvements, and program evaluation. Lee is the founder of the Mid-Atlantic region’s only woman-owned organics recycling business, Philly Compost, and Lee currently serves as a Board Member of Green in Chestnut Hill. She is an active member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown. Friends General Conference is happy to welcome her as a new member of our office. Over the next couple of months, Lee will be working with Ken Miller, who is retiring after 43 years.
As Fiscal and Properties Manager Lee Meinicke will maintain personnel records, administer FGC staff health & life insurance plans, manage FGC’s property, coordinate the annual budget preparation and support the auditors as they prepare the annual audit, among other tasks. Lee will also serve on the Technology Committee, the Friends Meeting House Fund board, and on the board of the Condominium Association, as well as providing support to the Property, and Finance Committees.