A New Year’s Message from the General Secretary

“You suffer from the illusion that control is the way to God.” A man I had just met shared that message with me seventeen years ago, at dusk, across a campfire far from home. The day before, I had almost died on a hike in the desert because I didn’t listen. Now I was listening and, over time, these words helped open me to Spirit and to Quaker practice. These words and that moment helped change my life. …
Barry Crossno’s New Year’s reflections on the work of Friends General Conference and spirituality in Quaker life.
“You suffer from the illusion that control is the way to God.” A man I had just met shared that message with me seventeen years ago, at dusk, across a campfire far from home. The day before, I had almost died on a hike in the desert because I didn’t listen. Now I was listening and, over time, these words helped open me to Spirit and to Quaker practice. These words and that moment helped change my life.
I’m sure you’ve had those moments. It may have been dramatic; a car accident, an illness, the birth of a child, or the death of a parent. It may have been routine; somehow Spirit slipped something subtle into your day that shifted your direction. While many of these life changing and life deepening moments happen through grace, it’s also true that many of these moments happen because we till the soil of our soul in preparation for something new to grow inside us. We place ourselves in the path of God so that we might hear her as she whispers by.
That’s why we go to meeting for worship. It’s why we read books. It’s why we go to workshops. It’s why we say yes to service.
These are all opportunities to prepare ourselves for the possibility of being deepened, of being transformed. This is why meetings exist, why yearly meetings exist, why FGC exists. It’s why FGC organizes the Gathering, publishes books, holds retreats, and provides so many services… all in the hopes of helping you and the communities of spiritual practice to which you belong experience the in-breaking of Spirit and the deepening of your life.
As we enter a new year, FGC invites you to prepare the soil of your soul. We hope the resources we provide and the support we extend through Yearly and Monthly Meetings, as well as directly to you, will enrich your spiritual lives as you and your meeting prepare for God’s grace.
In Service,
Barry Crossno