Serving on a New Meetings Project MentoringTeam

The New Meetings Project (NMP) goals include developing a systematic, disciplined, and highly replicable model for helping Friends to nurture the creation of new, vibrant Quaker meetings and worship groups across the U.S. and Canada and developing resources to help such meetings and worship groups thrive.
As part of supporting new meetings and worship groups, the NMP is looking for some seasoned, faithful Friends to serve as members of mentoring teams. Some of the qualities we are hoping will be brought to the work of the teams are the gifts of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22, as well as the ability to listen deeply and remain teachable. We are seeking Friends who can bring into encounters with others an experiential understanding that the Spirit can teach us together. In essence, we are looking for those who have the ability to invite people more deeply into God’s presence.
If this sounds like work that you are being called to do, we invite you to download a copies of the forms below and begin the process.
Also, each person selected to serve on a Mentoring Team will attend a retreat with other Mentoring Teams members.
For more information, contact NMP coordinator Brent Bill at