Thursday, 1:30.      Patti Nesbitt and Kristin Zimet… Patti is a palliative care nurse, caregiver, cancer survivor, traveling minister, and clerk. Her co-author,  Kristin,  is a two-time cancer survivor, caregiver, former EMT, patient care volunteer in hospice and in hospitals, and Reiki master. Both Friends are members of the End of Life Working Group of Baltimore Yearly Meeting and have served on support committees for Friends with terminal diseases.  Their book being presented in our author talks is A Tender Time.

Thursday, 4:30  Chris Stern was brought up in the Religious Society of Friends at a meeting that was deeply influenced by world peace concerns.  Somewhere along the line he began to recognize that evil was not just simply out there in “those people”.  It was also inside of him.  He began to see the Quaker vision as two-fold:  a call to personal inward experience of Christ and a call to become part of a faith community.  His book Who Turned on the Light? discusses the conflict he now feels between his vision of Quakerism and much of what he sees in the Quaker world around him.

Friday, 1:30.     Rashid Darden is an award-winning, best-selling novelist of the urban LGBT experience, a seasoned leader of Black fraternal movements and nonprofit organizations, and a professional educator in alternative schools.  He is FGC’s Associate Secretary for Communications and Outreach.  has written four contemporary LGBT novels, two urban fantasy novels, an anthology, and a volume of poetry.  He has also published short stories in various other anthologies and as standalone works.  Today he will be reading from his work-in-progress, A Peculiar Legacy

Friday, 3:15.        Cherice Bock  lives in Oregon, where she serves as as a climate policy manager.  Bock also teaches and writes at the intersection of spirituality and the environment.

She is adjunct faculty at Earlham School of Religion and Portland Seminary.  A recorded Quaker minister, Bock sees environmental concerns as this generation’s most pressing social justice issue. Her academic work focuses on nonviolent theology, Quakerism, contextual theologies, feminism, environmental justice, ecospirituality, and ecotheology.  Her author talk will focus on her bookA Quaker Ecology.

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