Theme: Seeking Wholeness

Dates: July 5 – July 11, 2015

Location: Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC

What happened at the 2015 Gathering?

Schedule and handouts from the 2015 Gathering


Bible Half Hour: Ruby Braye

During the week of Gathering 2015: Seeking Wholeness, Bible Half Hour presenter Rubye Braye led readings and lively discussions of verses from Genesis 1:26-30. Friends enjoying these recordings from home can follow along by referring to the King James Bible and the New International Version of the Bible

Play Bible Half Hour Ruby’s Intro
Play Bible Half Hour Day 2
Play Bible Half Hour Day 3
Bible Half Hour Day 4
Bible Half Hour Day 5

Evening Programs

Sunday Night

Gathering Welcome – This Is Holy Ground

Monday Night

Daryl Atkinson and Scott Holmes “Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges

Scott and Daryl have worked together on many criminal justice issues in North Carolina. Together, they will explore the challenges of seeking sustainable wholeness in broken community.

Tuesday Night

Interest Groups

Audio recording of the Spiritual Deepening Interest Group

Wednesday Night

Carrie Newcomer Concert

Carrie Newcomer is one of the definitive voices of the heartland and progressive spirituality, with an ability for sharp observation of the world.  Carrie attends Bloomington Friends Meeting (OVYM).

Thursday Night

Parker J. Palmer “The Quaker Tradition: Broken into Wholeness”

Parker J. Palmer is a writer, speaker and activist who focuses on issues in education, community, leadership, spirituality and social change. He is the founder and Senior Partner of the Center for Courage & Renewal, which oversees long-term retreat programs for people in the serving professions. These programs—which have now served 80,000 people—are deeply rooted in Quaker principles and practices.

Friday Night

Tieraona Low Dog “Life is Your Best Medicine”

It is said that when we are born, we are set upon our medicine road. Everything we do in our lives–from the food that we eat, to the way we move in the world, to the way we treat a stranger–affects us. Modern science is now confirming what many indigenous have peoples long believed, that much of our health and vitality comes from the way we live our lives and the choices that we make each and every day. It has also confirmed that our resiliency, our ability to bounce back and move forward, is stronger when we are physically, emotionally and spiritually nourished.

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