Copies of There Is Hope by Gabreell James or send link to participants to read before meeting.
Read Gabbreell James’ journey from visitor to active and valued member of Green Street Meeting, in her article There is Hope:
I am still supported by my meeting and empowered by the members’ trust and faith in me. I have elders that I go to with questions and concerns. I have friends that I love. I have a true spiritual home, and my children know the love that I felt as a child. Each First Day I seek the Light in a loving meetinghouse with some of the best f/Friends that I have ever known.
Friends Journal, October 2014
Reflect on the queries below through worship sharing or writing in your journal:
What did Friends at Green Street Meeting do well in welcoming Gabbreell and her family?
What can we learn from Gabreell’s experience?
Credits: Article from Friends Journal, October 2014