Event Details

Event Date

Event Date: Sunday, September 24, 2023 -through Sunday, October 1, 2023

Event Time

Event Time: 4:00 PM - to 6:00 PM

All events are Eastern Time

Event Description

As facilitator, you hold a group in space and in silence by offering the “container” through which group participants can deepen their relationship with the content and one another. Holding Space, Holding Silence invites you to get curious and deepen your skills and ideas regarding facilitation. As virtual and hybrid events become more common, how are we keeping Quaker values and practices at the center as we hold space for all we bring to programming? How are we making room for Spirit through our active space curation and our intentional silence?

This workshop was dreamed up and designed thinking of:

  1. Anti-racism rooted practices and processes
  2. Quakers who want to lead deepening activities in their meetings
  3. people who want to develop workshops
  4. invite young folks to help with skill development
  5. experienced facilitators who want to shift their skills to a spiritual context

Program Details

  • Offered September 24th and October 1st, 2023
  • Two weeks, $45 pay-as-led** participation fee
  • Readings, queries, resources, and activities will be available on FGC’s eRetreat website, Matrix
  • Community Calls begin at 4pm EST / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1PM PT / 10AM HST

**Pay-as-Led is a method of offering sliding scale pricing so that paid events are more accessible for people with a wide range of abilities to pay. Participants choose how much to pay for the registration fee.

Community Building Calls

Each week, the facilitators will lead Community Building Calls using Zoom. During these calls, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the eRetreat content, worship together, do additional eRetreat exercises, and build connections with each other.

Holding Space, Holding Silence will be facilitated by nova george and Rachel Ernst Stahlhut

Sign up for the Spiritual Deepening email list to be notified about upcoming eRetreat opportunities.

Location Details


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