Explore, Learn, and Build at the Online Gathering

The 2025 Online Gathering of Friends is February 1-9. Here are some things to know before you register.

The Online Gathering

Are you craving community? The 2025 Online Gathering of Friends is a great place to deepen friendships and anchor together in the New Year. Online Gathering includes workshops, worship, and thoughtful speakers. Build your spiritual toolkit through exploration, learning, and creation. The Online Gathering is February 1-9, 2025. The deadline to register is January 24th.


  • What is essential in your life
  • What may be getting in the way of your own growth
  • Daily practices that can help create a more spacious spiritual life


  • Which societal forces affect many Quaker meetings in the United States
  • How to wield power in healthy ways
  • The Four Roles of a Social Movement


  • New patterns for self-discovery
  • Dialogue skills among couples and partnerships
  • Networks of community care

There will not be online youth programs at the 2025 Online Gathering. There will, however, be some events where parents are welcome to join with elementary-aged children.

When You Register

When you register, you will be asked to make three key decisions. You can expect registration to take 20-30 minutes.

1. Choose an Events Package

You can attend the Full Program, or you can choose the options that happen just on weekends. There are lots of choices in-between. The “Events Package” shows how much of the event you will attend. Those options include:

Full Program includes access to weekend plenaries, up to 3 workshops, daily worship, afternoon activities, evening Spiritual Sharing groups, open hang out time, and Bible half hour.

Workshops Plus includes access to daily worship, up to 3 workshops, afternoon activities, evening Spiritual Sharing groups, open hang out time, and Bible half hour. (It does not include plenary programs.)

Plenaries Plus: includes access to daily worship, weekend plenaries, afternoon activities, evening Spiritual Sharing groups, open hang out time, and Bible half hour. (It does not include workshops.)

Meetings is an option for monthly meetings & worship groups. This is for groups that would like to stream Online Gathering plenary programs to their Quaker community.

Weekends is for plenaries, weekend worship, and up to 2 workshops. The weekend dates are February 1-2 and February 7-8.

As you choose your Events Package, you may want to consult with the Online Gathering Schedule. Note that during the Gathering, you will only have access to the events for which you have registered.

2. Choose a Workshop

Some people will enroll in workshops, while others may not. It’s your choice based on which Events Package you choose. Some workshops meet once a day, Monday through Friday. Some workshops meet on two different weekend days. Some workshops are for a single weekend day, usually for about four hours.

If you like learning in small-group settings, take a look at the workshops page. There are many to choose from! Some workshops are limited to small group sizes, which might be helpful if you are an introvert. Workshops relate to mutual aid, deep communion, empowerment, feminism, and racial healing. Some workshops are experiential, while others have more lecture and discussion.

3. Choose a Sliding Scale Option

The Online Gathering is Pay as Led. There are three levels along the sliding scale:

  • Abundant Sharing: this amount covers the cost of your attendance plus an extra amount towards others attending, helping to equalize the cost for everyone
  • Traditional Cost: this amount covers the cost for your attendance at the Gathering 
  • Limited Resources: a lower price for people with limited financial resources. Financial aid is allocated on a rolling basis.

For more information on the costs and fees, visit here. When you register, you will be asked to pay a $50 deposit to hold your spot.

For more information about how to pay and what your money covers, see the bottom of the Fees & Event Package page.

Registration Complete

You will know that your registration is complete when you receive a confirmation email. For more details, visit the Registration page.

Are you ready to register?

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