New Quaker Checklist #20

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Attend a potluck or “friendly eights” group event at your local meeting.

The after-meeting potluck lunch is a tradition in many Quaker meetings, often celebrated once a month on a set schedule. Sometimes lightheartedly called the “meeting for eating,” the potluck lunch offers Friends and newcomers a chance to sit, snack, and connect. If your local meeting hosts a potluck, plan to grab a plate and share a meal with Friends. If you’re able to contribute a dish or a drink or a dessert to the meal, even better (but no pressure — there’s enough food for everyone!).

Friendly Eights offer another opportunity to build community over a shared meal. A meeting community will divide into small groups of eight who gather for a meal and conversation on a regular basis. Joining a small group and spending time with Friends outside of meeting for worship can connect you with spiritual companions and deepen your faith journey. Plus, they’re fun!

Visit the New Quaker Hub for more tips and resources like this!
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