What do Quakers Believe about the Experience of God’s Presence?
essay: The Experience of God is Universal
essay: The Experience of God is Universal (PDF)
Friends experience of that of God within has led them to realize that the potential to experience God’s presence inwardly is universal. It is available to all people. Anyone, anywhere, at any time can experience God’s presence directly.
Pages 14-16 of Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide, Participant’s Edition by Marsha D. Holliday, copyright 2006. Used by permission of Quaker Press of FGC
essay: Revelation is Continuing
essay: Revelation is Continuing (PDF)
Friends experience of that of God within has led them to realize that anyone at any time may receive and express God’s leadings. Consequently, revelations, or messages from God, are continuing. Although we are not always receptive or perceptive, the Divine is always present—imparting guidance, direction, and unchanging Truth. Friends, therefore, wait expectantly for revelations, which may come to Friends through other people, through their religious communities, through reading religious scriptures, or through sources such as art, music, nature, science, philosophy. They may come as dreams, insights, or nudgings.
Friends have found revelations to be continuing, not only throughout history but also in their individual lives.
Pages 12-13 of Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide, Participant’s Edition by Marsha D. Holliday, copyright 2006. Used by permission of Quaker Press of FGC