How Do Quakers Make Decisions in Community?
essay: Quaker Processes
essay: Quaker Processes (PDF)
In every situation requiring decisions in meeting for business, Friends are confident that there is a direction that approaches the Truth, and, that if they are patient enough, they can find that way. In making decisions, Friends search as a group for God’s guidance and seek unity in their decision-making.
Pages 37-39 of Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide, Participant’s Edition by Marsha D. Holliday, copyright 2006. Used by permission of Quaker Press of FGC
video: How Quakers Make Decisions
video: How Quakers Make Decisions (4 minutes)
In my understanding of Quaker spirituality and Quaker theology, a business meeting is an opportunity for sacramental encounter with God.
Original video from A project of Friends Journal. Filmed and edited by Jon Watts. Transcript here.