Notebooks for journaling; queries for individual reflection.
Encourage participants, whatever their ages, to set aside time each week for silent meditation followed by journaling. As appropriate, invite them to experience the practice in different surroundings. Suggest beginning each session by focusing on a query from the list below:
What helps me to set aside times of quiet for openness to the Holy Spirit? What are some barriers my setting aside time?
Do I encourage in myself a habit of relying on God’s guidance for each day?
Are my private holy silences a source of strength and guidance for daily living?
In holy silence, do I respond to the leadings of Spirit, without trying to decide in advance what those leadings may be?
Do I spend time daily in prayerful meditation, Bible reading, or other devotional activities that help put me in touch with my spiritual center?
Am I open to the healing power of divine love?
How does Jesus speak to me today?
Am I aware of the spirit of the universe at work in the ordinary activities and experience of daily life?
Am I open to new leadings from the Light?
Have I approached this day’s holy silence with a sense of quiet reverence?
Am I ready to yield to the will of That Which is Eternal?
Am I developing an attitude of expectant waiting?
As my holy silence comes to a close, have I listened fully to all that has been spoken and unspoken?
What can I take with me as I leave my silent time?
Credits: Brent Bill (WYM) and Gretchen Haynes (SCYM), Exercise Authors