This exercise is a game about listening and responding. It provides practice in being sensitive to the vocal and physical movements of just one other person. Frequently, before we can listen to that still small voice of God moving in a group, we need to learn to get out of ourselves and to tune in to others.
Pair up (one way is to count off “one, two, one, two” around the group until everybody is either a “One” or a “Two” and then have each “one” pair with a “two”). Now the two members of each pair stand facing each other. Tune into each other’s breathing in silence. Choose one partner to be “leader.” The leader starts by making a small movement with a soft sound. The partner then mimics exactly the voice and physical gestures of the leader. The leader continues with louder and bigger motions, with the partner mimicking each one. Then as the leader gets softer and smaller, so does the partner. Trade places and try this again, with the other partner leading.