Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Worship in Library

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Stewardship of our Resources

We continued with the maintenance and upkeep of our Sickle Street Meeting House this summer. In the past month the remediation of the asbestos flooring in the back hallway was completed, and new (high-traffic, composite vinyl) flooring was laid. At the same time, painters descended on the outside to paint the woodwork on the north and east sides of the building (the other sides were painted last year).
Finally, with the new floors in the back, it became very clear that the walls were in great need of patching & painting. It seems it was meant to be, as the rooms were already empty, the flooring project came in under-budget, and the painters already on-site bid the interior job at just under the amount we had left. SOLD!
We ask for a little patience and flexibility from our members and attenders, as the worship room may not be ready for Meeting for Worship yet for another two Sundays. We will use the Library or downstairs for Worship, until the room is ready again.
