
Find some space in your day to sit in prayer and reflect on the questions below.  You might want to record your thoughts in a journal.

  • What is my earliest memory about race? About my racial identity? Looking back, what early messages did I receive from family and larger circles about our group and other groups?  
  • As I think about my racial identity, I notice the feelings that come up. Where in my body do my feelings arise? If that part of my body could speak, what would it say?
  • What’s good about being my racial identity?
  • What are the costs of my racial identity?

As you pay attention to your own racial identity and the racist society we live in, consider taking a daily inventory: 

  • How has my racial identity shown up today?
  • What did I notice today that was a product of white supremacy? Did I notice anyone disrupt it?
30 minutes High School and Up Introspection
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