
In this section we will be defining racism, white supremacy, intersectionality, and other key terms that will ground our work toward Understanding & Healing White Supremacy.  These definitions are accompanied by more exercises featuring articles, videos, and podcasts that provide personal accounts and big-picture examples of the systems that are in place to uphold racism and inequality throughout society.  We hope that by working through the activities and resources in this Spiritual Deepening Library topic we will all be able to recognize systemic oppression and white privilege as they exist in the normative (white) American culture including the Religious Society of Friends.

This will be hard work and these conversations may be uncomfortable, but please stick with it.  None of us created this system, yet we have all been raised in it and have been taught how to perpetuate it.  Those of us who are white do benefit from white supremacy and systemic racism, whether we want to or not.  White privilege is not consistent with Quaker values, but understanding it and being able to identify it and see ourselves in the system are the first steps toward dismantling it and making the world a more just and loving place.  If we want to authentically engage in healing from white supremacy, white people must learn to look inward with honesty and vulnerability and to listen and prioritize the feelings and needs of people of color.

It is okay if feelings of confusion, guilt, shame, or anger arise as we look closely at pain and injustice.  We must help each other move through these feelings to a place of transformation where we can be thoughtful, creative, and active in how we respond to white privilege and racism. We have the power to help each other heal as we work together to eradicate white supremacy in our society.

Before you go forward to engage with this content, we invite you to be compassionate with yourself as you engage with the abundance of resources that we have made available to you. We do not expect that anyone will be able to experience and respond to all of the materials. Our goal was to curate resources that would speak to a variety of people with different life experiences. Please be intentional about finding a balance that allows Spirit to guide you, while challenging yourself with materials that may be outside of your present comfort zone.

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