SIQM Minutes 2018-05-27

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Minutes Details: 

Meeting for Worship + Business, 05/27/2018

Present: Michael Batinski, Kathy Cotton, Zach Cravens, Dawn Crimson (treasurer), Tom Hensold (clerk), Dennis Holtzclaw, Gary Marx (recording), Katie Winkleblack and Juniper

The meeting opened with a moment of silence and a reading from Illinois Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, reminding us to conduct our business in the spirit of worship.

The Treasurer’s report was given and approved. Treasurer Dawn Crimson said the Meeting is on track to meet all of its expenses. She also said she was heartened that the Meeting has received universal financial support from everyone who attends.

Friends agreed to spend $99 to help fund Maurine Pyle’s blog, New Children of the Light, this year.

The clerk’s State of Society report to Illinois Yearly Meeting was read and Friends approved the draft with minor changes. Dawn Crimson will make the necessary editing changes and forward the report to ILYM.

The Meeting approved sending a congratulatory message to Adam Alexander and Madeline Wayham on the occasion of their marriage. It reads: “In our gathered meeting, we send to you, Adam and Madeline, our love and care, wishing you many blessings in your marriage. We celebrate with you.”

The meeting closed with a moment of silence.
