Minutes 02-27-2022

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Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting

Meeting for Worship + Business, 02/27/2022

Attending: Jill Adams (clerk), Dawn Crimson (recording/treasurer), Dennis Holtzclaw, Tom Hensold

  1. The meeting opened with silent worship.
  2. The Treasurer's report for January 2022 was accepted. Operating fund balance: $666.67.
  3. The clerk has received a Feb 12, 2022 request for the transfer of Michael Batinski's membership to Monadnock meeting, NH. Jill will write the letter affirming the transfer. SI Friends are invited to send their thoughts to Jill for incorporating into the letter.
  4. We discussed a request from a reporter at the Southern Illinoisan for a copy of a letter we sent to our former landlord a couple of years ago. Dawn had responded to the reporter indicating that we needed to take up the request in our next business meeting, and she also explained that we had a good stay at the DFC and were happy to return to our long time worship home at the Gaia House. The sense of the Meeting was that this was sufficient response and that there was no need to provide her a copy of the letter we had sent to the landlord.
  5. Sponsor Circles are forming in Carbondale to invite Afghan refugees who already escaped their country (who had been housed on military bases in the US) to relocate to Carbondale. As we have had a ministry related to assisting an in-county Afghan family to be admitted to the US, we continue to carry a concern for the refugee effort. There are new opportunities for Friends to contribute by donating to a Sponsor Circle in town. Dawn or Jill will forward messages from CAIRS to keep the Meeting up to date.
  6. We recognized the need for a pro tem Recording Clerk. Tom volunteered to take notes, and Dawn volunteered to load minutes on the siquaker.org website.

*NOTE, our SIU-hosted listserv is closed. We are currently communicating via a group email thread. At some point we will create an alternate such as a Google Group. Folks who want to be invited to the e-group can send a request to info@siquaker.org.
