Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

News & Announcements

Click here to see our regularly scheduled events.

Ellie Clayton has started a Meeting Blog:


In today's Opinion Section of the New York Times was an interesting piece about Quakers and the use of pronouns.  The only thing the writer really got wrong was the mistaken idea that modern Friends no longer use "thee" and "thou".  But, nevertheless, interesting.


What would right relationship among Native and non-Native peoples of North America look like? How can we begin to take steps in that direction in our communities, places of worship, schools, and other institutions?

The Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples (TRR) program promotes education, reflection, dialogue, and action in response to these queries.


This report is prepared each year by the clerk of the meeting and is filed with the yearly meeting.

This year's report was prepared by co-clerks Bonnie Zimmer and Jean Larson.


Two meeting members will be leading forums on subjects on which they 
have expertise.


The December, 2018 newsletter is here for online reading or downloading.
