Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
An Unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Charlotte, NC

News & Announcements

Query: What is it that you need to do coming out of the “tomb of covid?” What is the work that needs to happen in the world today?


Quaker Speak Video:

Followed by discussion.

Forum starts at 11:30am on 3/28/2021

Request the link using the form on the website.

What obstacles prevent me from sharing freely? How can I eliminate those obstacles and ask for help when needed?

Quaker Speaks Link:

Join us at 11:30am to learn about the core beliefs of Quakerism.


Each session will start at 11:30am, feature a short “Quaker Speak” video followed by discussion, and run for approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Dates: 2/28, 3/28, 4/25 & 5/23 (Click title for more details)


What is a more charitable thought or action?
