Materials & Setup:
You need selected readings, videos or podcasts on Friendly Practices. There are some selections in the Scripture, Friendly Voices, Videos and Podcasts tabs and in the Sharing exercises.
Painting the Bible is for everyone, those with no artistic leanings and those seasoned artists in our midst. Our materials are paper, acrylic paint or pastels, our hands, and the meditation of our hearts. We gather together and reflect on passages in a way that intertwines the creative arts and the beauty of poetry.
Setup is key. Tables are arranged so that everyone is part of a group, not painting on their own. Supplies are shared, and the art is done in community. The end result is not the painting that is created. It is the conversation, sharing, and listening that takes place around the table. While there is grief, sadness, and loss, there is also hope. There is an opportunity for celebration as we gather together.