Friends General Conference

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December MFM News - A Sampling

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Quakers in Latin America

Although about 80,000 Quakers live in the United States, almost as many live in Central and South America.

  • Bolivia 28,500
  • Guatemala 20,000
  • Jamaica 2,000
  • Mexico 1,250
  • Peru 1,200
  • Cuba 900
  • El Salvador 550

It is through Friends World Committee on Consultation (FWCC) that we keep in touch. Here’s an excerpt from a letter sent recently by Milena Villca Mamani, Assistant Recording Clerk for the Section of the Americas, translated from the original Spanish.

I hope to travel to Greensboro NC in March 23-26 with an historically large contingent of Representatives from Latin America, one that would reflect FWCC’s growing connection to Quakers in Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador and elsewhere.

Friends are scattered throughout the world, and every Friend in every region has special ideological and cultural characteristics. I know that many Friends – even in my own region – are very different from me. But that does not make us separate.

I believe that the purpose of FWCC is to unite Friends without trying to change the customs that each of us has. FWCC allows you to be you and to share with others. And that makes you rich. I practice programmed worship, but at the last in-person section meeting, I met Friends who waited quietly for the voice of the Spirit to move them. I thought it was fantastic.

The theme for the upcoming meeting will be “Becoming the Quakers the world needs.” Quaker principles respond to those needs. There is a need for justice. There is a need for equity. There is a need for love.

It costs $1,400 for a Latin American Friend to travel to North Carolina, but small gifts add up. Please make a gift to FWCC so that more Latin American Friends can travel to the Section Meeting.
