Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Meeting for Business November 2017

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Minutes Details: 

Frederick Friends Meeting

723 N. Market St. | Frederick, Maryland 21701

Minutes from Eleventh Month 2017

Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Frederick Friends Meeting met in worship with a concern for business on November 12, 2017 at noon. Present were: Carol Ahlum, Annette Breiling, Jamie DeMarco (Adelphi Meeting), Nick Funkhouser, Bob Hanson, Michele Hartley, Karen Lockett, Ann Payne, Greg Tobin and Jim Wagner.  Carlotta Joyner served as Clerk of Meeting and Kathy Funkhouser served as Recording Clerk. 

In appreciation of Gail Whitehead, our member who was a regular, worshipful presence at all our Meetings for Worship with a Concern for Business, the Clerk offered the following meditation as we settle into silence. It was requested by Gail to remember her since she and her husband, Steve Hanson, moved to Washington State earlier this month. The words are from the Quaker poet, John Greenleaf Whittier.

1. Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
forgive our foolish ways;
re-clothe us in our rightful mind,
in purer lives thy service find,
in deeper reverence praise.

2. Drop thy still dews of quietness,
till all our strivings cease;
take from our souls the strain and stress,
and let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of thy peace.

3. Breathe through the heats of our desire
thy coolness and thy balm;
let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still small voice of calm.

4. In simple trust like theirs who heard,
beside the Syrian sea,
the gracious calling of the Lord,
let us, like them, without a word
rise up and follow thee.

11/17—1: Quarterly Financial Report, Stewardship and Finance -Greg Tobin

Greg reviewed the financial report and drew Friends attention to the deficit in line 70 primarily due to the shortfall in member/attender contributions. Greg also pointed out that, under fundraising, the amount received from the service auction has not been included since it was received after the end of the quarter.  That amount is $2,737.   (See Appendix I for the full report.)

Friends accepted this report.

11/17—2: 1st presentation of the 2018 budget, Stewardship and Finance- Annette Breiling

A draft budget for next year was presented for consideration.  Annette noted that the committee was proposing a balanced budget of $58,022.  The amount for member contributions remains the same as this year’s amount.  The budget reflects a small increase in tenant rent.  The fundraising figures are based on having one yard sale and one service auction next year.  A change from the past budget is the absorbing of the Communications committee by the Ministry and Counsel committee.  Ministry and Counsel has increased the amount available for adult scholarships, raising its line item from last year.  A discussion arose from consideration of the Program Committee’s line item.  Because Friends have been purchasing simple snack foods and making them an in-kind contribution to the meeting, the committee does not have a clear idea of how much is actually spent on snacks.  It was suggested that Program Committee’s line item be $500.

Greg requested that all purchases be submitted for reimbursement so that accurate records of meeting expenses can be kept.  Greg will clarify the process for submitting receipts for reimbursement.  Friends briefly considered the amount of the meeting’s investments, which have increased to over $100,000.  Trustees will be giving attention to these investments at their next meeting.  (See Appendix II for the full report.)

Friends accepted this report.

11/17—3: Recommendation on Meeting co-sponsorship of Frederick Interfaith Thanksgiving Dinner- Annette Breiling, Peace and Social Concerns Committee

The Frederick Area Ministerial Association and Frederick Interfaith combined effort three years ago to create an annual multi-faith Thanksgiving Service.  This year’s 3rd annual service will be held on Tuesday, November 21 at 7:30pm at Beth Shalom congregation, 1021 B Market St.  This is a request for Frederick Friends Meeting to again participate and to be listed as a participating congregation by presenting a query relevant to gratitude.  Katie Bliss has agreed to present the query.

Friends approved this request.

11/17—4: Recommendation on Clean Energy Jobs Initiative-Ann Payne, Peace and Social Concerns Committee

Ann asked meeting to sign on in support of the resolution. She introduced Jamie DeMarco, of Adelphi Meeting, who is Co-Manager of the campaign for this initiative.  He informed us that BYM and various monthly meetings have signed the resolution. He explained the resolution proposes to raise the bar on renewable energy portfolio standard requirements (RPS) in Maryland to 50% by 2030 (the current requirement is for 25% by 2020); to increase incentives for clean renewables; to fund job training and creation in the renewable industry, especially for women and people of color and in economically distressed areas of the state; to phase out funding for incinerators. He emphasized that the initiative will address the needs of low income people and people of color.  After a question and answer period Friends affirmed support of the initiative.  Friends were reminded they may also sign as individuals on line at

Friends approved the request to sign the Maryland Clean Energy Jobs Initiative. (See Appendix III.)

11/17—5: Report on Interim Meeting- Clerk

Carlotta Joyner, Clerk, reported that she attended the Tenth Month BYM Interim Meeting at Homewood Friends Meeting on October 14 as well as an Eleventh Month Called Meeting at Sandy Springs Friends Meeting on November 11.  Other Frederick Friends who attended one or both of those meetings were Annette Breiling, David Hunter, Jane Megginson, Helen Tasker, and Greg Tobin. Carlotta provided comments on those meetings, which are attached.  She focused especially on statements and discernment related to racism and BYM’s response to it. (See attachment III.) After hearing the report, Michele Hartley proposed convening a group in our meeting to carry forward the conversation around racism and racial awareness issues. Carlotta Joyner agreed to work with Michele on that initiative.

Friends accepted this report.

Announcements and closing

Minutes were read back and approved during the course of the meeting. Several Friends expressed their appreciation for the additional time for discernment provided by meeting at noon rather than 9 a.m.

The next Meeting for Business will be at noon on December 10. Draft agenda: Second presentation of the 2018 budget; Annual Report and revisions to the Guidance document, Nominating Committee.

Meeting closed with a brief period of worship.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathy Funkhouser, Recording Clerk ______________________


Carlotta Joyner, Clerk of Meeting ______________________




  1. Quarterly Financial Report
  2. Proposed 2018 Budget
  3. Clean Energy Jobs Initiative
  4. Report from Interim Meeting


Note: See Attached PDF file for full report including appendices

