Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Meeting for Business March 2018

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Minutes Details: 

Frederick Friends Meeting

723 N. Market St. | Frederick, Maryland 21701

Minutes from Third Month 2018

Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Frederick Friends Meeting met in worship with a concern for business on March 11, 2018 at noon. Present were: Carol Ahlum, Ethan Bliss, Tori Bolton, Dat Duthinh, Michele Hartley, Karen Lockett, Julie Odland, Ann Payne, Betsy Tobin, Greg Tobin.  Carlotta Joyner served as Clerk of Meeting and Kathy Funkhouser served as Recording Clerk. 

The Meeting began with a brief period of silent worship, out of which the Clerk read the following queries on membership and worship together:

Queries for March:  Vocal Ministry and Listening

  • How do I discern when to speak and when not to speak, both in Meeting and elsewhere?
  • How do we encourage Friends to allow ample time to absorb the previous message before speaking?
  • How do I practice listening to the Truth which may be revealed by others?
  • How have I been changed by deeply listening to another, to God, and to nature?

3/18—1: Recommendation for Associate Membership, Ministry and Counsel Committee

Julie Odland read the request from Isaac Smith and Yarrow First-Hartling Smith for

Associate Membership for their daughter, Rose Alder First-Hartling Smith, born on January 3rd, 2018. The meeting joyfully received this request.

Friends approved this request.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

3/18—2: The first reading of the Spiritual State of the Meeting Report, Ministry and Counsel Committee, Julie Odland

Julie Odland presented the Spiritual State of the Meeting.  As she read the report Friends listened deeply and later expressed appreciation for the reports fluid wording.  (See Appendix I for full report)

Friends accepted this report. It will be presented for a second reading in April.

3/18—3: First Annual Report from FCNL Liaison- Dat Duthinh

Dat is FFM’s liaison with Friends Committee on National Legislation.  He and Michele Hartley work as a team leading Frederick’s FCNL Advocacy Team.  Dat presented the report on their activities for the last year, including background information around their training for advocacy. He shared highlights from the year as: five lobby visits; three letters to the editor, monthly phone calls on Pentagon spending. Dat asked the meeting for guidance around involving Friends in letter writing and other activities.  Several suggestions were offered.  (See Appendix II for full report)

Friends accepted this report with appreciation.

3/18—4: Report from the Ad Hoc Search Committee-Kathy Funkhouser, convener

When Nominating committee is in need of an additional member, it requests the Recording Clerk of the meeting to convene a search committee.  The recording clerk asks two standing committees to name representatives to serve on this committee.  The Peace and Social Concerns committee and Trustees each provided a Friend to serve on the ad hoc committee.

Kathy Funkhouser, Annette Breiling and Carlotta Joyner met together and considered carefully the needs of Nominating committee.  Several names were considered, and after speaking with several Friends, the committee found unity around a name. 

The ad hoc search committee recommends Carlotta Joyner to fill the vacancy on Nominating Committee. Carlotta asked for input from members of Nominating present around a starting date for this nominating, as Carlotta is Clerk of Meeting until July.  While being mindful of burn out, Carlotta was assured that her participation is welcome before her term begins in July.

Friends approved with gratitude.

3/18—5:  Recommendation from Peace and Social Concerns Committee-Ann Payne, Co-clerk

Before presenting a request from Peace and Social Concerns (P&SC) Ann Payne addressed a concern that arose from some on that committee about an unanswered question that appeared in the February Minutes. The question asked how Right Relationship with Animals is a concern of  P&SC. Ann answered that question by reminding us that P&SC’s job is to question our behaviors when they result in suffering. It is increasingly obvious that many sentient beings suffer, whether we ‘identify’ with them or not. She also pointed out that it is good practice to listen to our fellow Quakers under the burden of a strong ministry, even an uncomfortable one.

Ann brought us for consideration the issue of our response to Styrofoam and plastic single use items in the meetinghouse.  After a discussion Friends crafted the following statement:

"Frederick Friends Meeting's intention is to care for our planet and each other. Therefore we agree not to purchase or acquire any polystyrene (Styrofoam) or single-use plastic tableware."

The Meeting approved this statement.

Peace and Social Concerns Committee will work with other Meeting committees on how they can reflect this decision in their activities. For example, we would expect Property Committee to edit the instructions for those who use our building to ask that any polystyrene and single use plastic they might bring be removed after an event.

3/18—6:  Information about Meeting’s parking and pedestrian easement agreements-Greg Tobin, Trustee

Greg reminded us that we have two permanent easements that allow us to park in the lot behind X’cel Primary Care and go through the gate from that lot to the Meeting’s back yard. One of these is with the owners of the X’cel building and allows us to use the parking spaces. A second one is with the owners of 717 North Market Street (currently Shawn Beard and Andy Stout).

The terms of the pedestrian easement allowed us to install the gate on a corner of their land and to come and go through the gate for activities at the meeting house. It also requires us to give the owners notice at least 24 hours in advance of any activities that occur on times other than Sunday morning and Monday evenings (which was described in the agreement as “committee night”). Trustees will work with Property Committee to make sure we have procedures in place to comply with these terms.

Closing announcements

The next Meeting for Business will be on April 8 at 9 a.m. The time change reflects our calendar of Meetings for Business at 9 a.m. in the months of April through October.  Agenda: 2nd presentation of Spiritual State of the Meeting report, report on Interim Meeting, and Peace and Social Concerns Committee annual report.



Kathy Funkhouser, Recording Clerk ______________________


Carlotta Joyner, Clerk of Meeting ______________________ 


  1. Spiritual State of the Meeting Report
  2. FCNL Report
  3. Report from Ad Hoc Search Committee

 Note: See Attached PDF file for full report including appendices 
