Friends General Conference does not publish a Faith & Practice book, but its affiliated yearly meetings do! Many are available in free, electronic formats. FGC has also included non-FGC Faith & Practice links for comparison.
Faith & Practice of FGC-affiliated Yearly Meetings
- Faith and Practice of Baltimore Yearly Meeting
- Faith and Practice of Canadian Yearly Meeting
- Faith and Practice of Illinois Yearly Meeting
- Intermountain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice
- Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Advices and Queries
- New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice
- Faith and Practice: The Book of Discipline of the New York Yearly Meeting
- Faith and Practice of Northern Yearly Meeting
- Faith & Practice: The Book of Discipline of The Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting
- Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice
- Faith and Practice of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
- Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting & Fellowship Foundational, Organization, and Procedural Documents
- Procedures Manual, South Central Yearly Meeting
- Southeastern Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice
- Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association Faith and Practice
Other Faith & Practices of Note
- North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Faith & Practice
- Quaker Faith & Practice: The book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain