The groups listed on this page are most relevant to North America.
Nonprofit Organizations
- Alternatives to Violence Project USA | Facebook
- American Friends Service Committee | Facebook | Instagram
- Canadian Friends Service Committee | Facebook | Instagram
- Center on Conscience & War | Facebook | X
- Earth Quaker Action Team | Facebook | Instagram | X
- Friends Association for Higher Education | Facebook
- Friends General Conference | Facebook | Instagram
- Friends Committee on National Legislation | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok
- Friends Council on Education | Facebook | Instagram | X
- Friends Fiduciary Corporation | Facebook | X
- Friends Historical Association | Facebook
- Friends Peace Teams | Facebook
- Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas | Facebook
- Pendle Hill | Facebook | Instagram | X
- Quaker House | Facebook | X
- Quaker Earthcare Witness | Facebook
- Quaker Religious Education Collaborative | Facebook
- Quaker United Nations Office | Facebook | X
- Quaker Universalist Fellowship | Facebook
- Quaker Voluntary Service | Facebook | Instagram | X
- Right Sharing of World Resources | Facebook | Instagram
- Friends Journal | Facebook | X
- QuakerSpeak | Facebook | X
- Thee Quaker Podcast | Instagram
- Quakers Uniting in Publications | Facebook
- Tract Association of Friends | Facebook
Yearly Meetings
- Baltimore Yearly Meeting | Facebook
- Lake Erie Yearly Meeting | Facebook | X
- New England Yearly Meeting | Facebook | Instagram
- New York Yearly Meeting | Facebook | Instagram | X
- Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting | Facebook
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting | Facebook | X
- South Central Yearly Meeting | Facebook
- Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association | Facebook