Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022 -through Sunday, September 18, 2022
Event Time
Event Time: 1:00 PM - to 5:00 PM
All events are Eastern Time
Event Description
Using geographic maps as a framing metaphor, this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on their personal experience of the Divine and the spiritual guides that inspire them. (See this Friends Journal article for more context: Maps and Spirit by Michael D. Levi, Dec 2021)
The two big questions upon which participants will be asked to reflect are:
- What does the direct experience of God feel like? What enables or encourages that experience?
- What are the spiritual guides that are meaningful to you? How do they guide or change your experience?
Most of the retreat time will be spent in individual contemplation and small group sharing. Everyone is welcome, but the retreat will be particularly meaningful for groups who worship together on a regular basis.
Workshop Details:
- This workshop will take place over two Zoom calls on Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18
- Workshop Times: 1pm-5pm Eastern / 12pm-4pm Central / 11am-3pm Mountain / 10am-2pm Pacific
- There will be a one hour break each day.
- $45 pay-as-led** participation fee
**Pay-as-Led is a method of offering sliding scale pricing so that paid events are more accessible for people with a wide range of abilities to pay. Participants choose how much to pay for the registration fee.
The Maps, Guides, and the Experience of God workshop will be facilitated by Michael Levi
Michael Levi is a member of Adelphi Friends Meeting in Maryland. For many years he has taught “An Introduction to Quakerism” to members and attenders of his Meeting and to parents of a Friends school. In addition, Michael has led many sessions, especially on Friends history and practices, under the care of Adelphi’s Continuing Quaker Education committee. Michael’s leading is to help provide a framework in which the guidance of the Spirit can resonate and be better understood, so that we all emerge better equipped to answer that of God.
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