Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 -through Thursday, June 16, 2022
Event Time
Event Time: 8:30 PM - to 10:00 PM
All events are Eastern Time
Event Description
The Building a Meaningful and Connected Life eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the spirituality of meaning-making, resiliency, renewal, and life transitions. Participants will ask themselves and each other, what choices can we make and what steps can we take now to nurture our inner life, creative life, and connected life?
eRetreat Details:
- Offered May 19 – June 16, 2022
- Four weeks, $45 pay-as-led** participation fee
- Weekly readings, queries, resources, and activities available on FGC’s eRetreat website, Matrix
- Community Building Calls: Thursdays at 8:30pm Eastern / 7:30p Central / 6:30pm Mountain / 5:30pm Pacific, starting May 26.
**Pay-as-Led is a method of offering sliding scale pricing so that paid events are more accessible for people with a wide range of abilities to pay. Participants choose how much to pay for the registration fee.
eRetreat Schedule and Weekly Themes
Weekly Module Begins: | Community Building Call, 8:30pm Eastern on Thursdays | |
Week 1: What is a Meaningful Life? | May 19 | May 26 |
Week 2: Cultural Expectations | May 26 | June 2 |
Week 3: Resilient Transitions | June 2 | June 9 |
Week 4: Renewal | June 9 | June 16 |
Community Building Calls
Each week, the facilitators will lead Community Building Calls using Zoom. During these calls, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the eRetreat content, worship together, do additional eRetreat exercises, and build connections with each other.
The Building a Meaningful and Connected Life eRetreat will be facilitated by Regina Renee Ward.
Regina Renee Ward is a public librarian and former public school teacher. She is passionate about social justice, intellectual freedom, books, and labyrinths. Her work with Friends and racial healing was born out of necessity as she navigates life as both a Black woman and a Friend. She identifies as a Christian Friend and her favorite book in the Bible is James. Her life verse is Micah 6:8.
Sign up for the Spiritual Deepening email list to be notified about upcoming eRetreat opportunities.