Joining FGC’s Direct Support program is one of the most convenient ways of providing year-round support to Friends General Conference!

Direct Support is a safe, secure way to give on an automatic, recurring basis without having to write and mail a monthly or quarterly check. Giving through Direct Support saves time and expense for both you and FGC, and it supports the ongoing nuture of the Religious Society of Friends throughout the year.

As a Direct Support Donor, FGC will exclude you from regular solicitations.  However, you will still continue to receive information about FGC’s programs, including the QuakerBooks bookstore catalog, the Annual Gathering Advance Program, and our Annual Report. 

To provide Direct Support contributions from your checking or savings bank account, complete and return the FGC Direct Support Enrollment Form.

To participate in the Direct Support program using your credit card, we ask that you phone in your donation information.  (To protect your personal financial data, we can no longer accept credit card information through the mail.)


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