Vital Friends: Five Quaker Authors to Follow

Quaker authors have been a transformational presence in the Religious Society of Friends since its founding in the 17th century. Friends were originally referred to as the “Publishers of Truth,” and the writers featured here are living into this title with their contributions to the world of literature.

Here are five Quaker authors whose work we’re blessed to follow.

Vanessa Julye

In her work as FGC’s Ministry on Racism program coordinator, Vanessa seeks to create opportunities where Friends of Color can connect and worship (including virtually during the pandemic), and “to help the Religious Society of Friends be whole” (she describes her ministry in detail in an interview here, and it’s worth reading). As an author, she confronts the myth of racial justice in Quaker history and challenges each of us to examine our role in confronting racism, and how to help the Quaker community be whole. This summer, she will co-facilitate the Challenging Ethnic and Racial Divisions workshop as part of the virtual FGC Gathering.

Recommended Reading:

Eileen Flanagan

Eileen’s work is informed by her activism, her faith, and her curiosity. She is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, an environmental activist, a devoted parent, a gifted public speaker, and a Friend who not only wants to change the world, she wants to help you do it, too. Through Earth Quaker Action Team, she worked with activists to wage a non-violent campaign against one of the largest banks in the United States, and won. Her book The Wisdom to Know the Difference is especially worth reading now, as it teaches readers to recognize when change is needed in our lives and when acceptance is the answer. In addition to her writing, she also offers virtual classes and workshops through her website (where you can also sign up for her monthly newsletter).

Recommended Reading:

Dwight L. Wilson

Dwight’s work as a poet and storyteller is inspired by his experiences as a Friend and leader (noteworthy fact – he served as FGC’s General Secretary in the 1980s). He also takes a deeper look at sacred texts and history to offer a new dimension of faith and understanding. In his latest book, Whispering to Babies, Dwight reflects on his experiences as a volunteer baby-holder in the pediatric ward of a hospital, and shares how even the smallest beings can teach us so much about our humanity and capacity for compassion. 

Recommended Reading:

J. Brent Bill

A self-proclaimed “Bad Friend,” Brent has written about his humble stumble toward grace across 24 books, more than 100 short stories and non-fiction articles, and through his blog, Holy Ordinary. Brent also explores beauty and truth as a photographer, and leads workshops for writers and aspiring Bad Friends. This summer, he will release his newest book, Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times (look for it online at in the coming weeks), and he’ll facilitate a workshop at the virtual FGC Gathering, called Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker: Bad at Being Good? 

Recommended Reading:

Becky Birtha

Photo by John Meyer

Raised in a family that instilled a passion for storytelling and reading from a young age, Becky Birtha writes stories for children that depict moments in history as well as real-world issues like racism and poverty. Grandmama’s Pride and Lucky Beans are set in the South during segregation in 1956 and the Great Depression respectively, while Far Apart, Close in Heart describes the relationship between a child and their currently-incarcerated parent. Before writing books for children, Becky drew from her experiences as a Black, gay woman to pen short stories for various anthologies and a volume of poetry. Though they are out of print, copies of these works can be found online via or at your local library.

Recommended Reading:

Want more options for your Quaker author reading list from these authors and others? Check out the Quaker Favorite Authors collection at!

This article was created for the April 2021 issue of the Vital Friends eNewsletter.

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