
Workshop Number: 309
Leaders: Barry Scott, Lee Andrew Sayles
Who May Register?: People of Color Only
Worship/Worship-Sharing: 15%
Lecture: 10%
Discussion: 75%

Who May Attend?
part-time attenders welcome (can come any session)

Five 2-hour sessions: Monday 2/3 – Friday 2/7 (3-5pm Eastern / 12-2pm Pacific) This workshop will highlight the joy in the lives of BIPOC people as represented in movies other than those that exploit and stereotype the experience of people of color. The films we watch will be directed by and star BIPOC folks and…

Workshop Description

Five 2-hour sessions: Monday 2/3 – Friday 2/7 (3-5pm Eastern / 12-2pm Pacific)

This workshop will highlight the joy in the lives of BIPOC people as represented in movies other than those that exploit and stereotype the experience of people of color. The films we watch will be directed by and star BIPOC folks and will focus on our full, rich lives. We expect participants to leave with a renewed appreciation for movies which focus on our lives. Hopefully, participants will find joy, respite and recognition in these movies at a time when it is sorely needed.

The format will be to watch a film before each session and be ready to explore and discuss the feelings and joys in the cultures represented. We will reserve a period for Worship at the beginning and end of each session. Participants will be expect ed to watch a film before each day’s discussion . Individuals can choose to watch the film on their own or collectively on Zoom the night before at agreed upon time. Thus, there will not be reading but watching assignments for each day.

Leader Experience

Barry co-facilitated a workshop on film at the 2007 FGC Gathering and has served as Gathering film program coordinator for the last ten years. He has also facilitated workshops in his monthly meeting and other Quaker spaces.
Lee Andrew assisted during the 2020 Hey White People Lets Watch Movies workshop and co-facilitated the FGC 2021 film workshop as well. Both Barry and Lee Andrew and have facilitated numerous workshops in secular settings. We share a love of film.

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