Event Details

Next Event Date

Event Date: Monday, February 24, 2025

Event Time

Event Time: 7:00 PM - to 8:30 PM

All events are Eastern Time

Register Now

Repeating Event Schedule

Repeating Event Date Range: Every other Monday,starting February 24, 2025 -through May 19, 2025

Event Time: 7:00 PM - to 8:30 PM

All events are Eastern Time

Event Description

Join us for the Quaker Tools for the Spiritual Journey eRetreat to explore various practices of Quaker faith, designed to deepen our connection to Spirit and each other in today’s world. Quakers use a range of tools to help guide us in listening to Divine, test the leadings we think we hear from Spirit, and act faithfully in the world. Throughout this three month eRetreat, we will listen and learn together in community, create sacred space for collective growth, and engage directly with tools such as queries, mentoring, clearness committees, and spiritual practices.

eRetreat Details:

  • Offered February 24th through May 19th, with Zoom calls every other Monday
  • 3 months, $65 pay-as-led** participation fee
  • People of all ages are invited to participate
  • Weekly readings, queries, resources, and activities available on FGC’s eRetreat website
  • Community Building Calls: Every other Monday at 7-8:30pm Eastern / 4-5:30pm Pacific. The seven calls start February 24th and include 2/24, 3/10, 3/24, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19

**Pay-as-Led is a method of offering sliding scale pricing so that paid events are more accessible for people with a wide range of abilities to pay. Participants choose how much to pay for the registration fee.

eRetreat Schedule and Weekly Themes

Section ThemesCommunity Building CallPractice week
Section 1: Grounding & Spiritual PracticeFebruary 24March 3
Section 2: Faithfulness & MentorshipMarch 10March 17
Section 3: Testimony & Faith and PracticeMarch 24March 31
Section 4: Continuing Revelation & QueriesApril 7April 14
Section 5: Integrity & Testing LeadingsApril 21April 28
Section 6: Discernment & Clearness CommitteesMay 5May 12
Section 7: Sowing Seeds and Letting Spirit Move WithinMay 19ongoing

Community Building Calls

Every other week, the facilitator will lead Community Building Calls using Zoom. During these calls, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the eRetreat content, worship together, do additional eRetreat exercises, and build connections with each other.

Invite others to join us on this eRetreat

Please consider helping us spread the word and hang this eRetreat flyer in your meetinghouse and/or share it with folks you think might be interested… thank you!

The Quaker Tools for the Spiritual Journey eRetreat will be facilitated by Yana Landowne.

Mahayana (Yana) Landowne is deeply connected to various Quaker communities. She serves as a NYYM Aging Resources Consultation Help (ARCH) Outreach Coordinator, workshop facilitator, and co-developer of the mentorship program for Young Adult Friends. She is a member of Brooklyn Monthly Meeting where she clerks the Welcoming Committee and facilitates art activism groups. Passionate about interactive performance and art activism, Yana encourages radical self-expression and empowerment through creativity. She is a professional theater director, interactive artist, art activist, and is very involved with the Extinction Rebellion community. See more at mahayanalandowne.com and quakerspeak.com/video/creativity/.

Sign up for the Spiritual Deepening email list to be notified about upcoming eRetreat opportunities.

Location Details


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