Event Details
Next Event Date
Event Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Event Time
Event Time: 7:00 PM - to 8:30 PM
All events are Eastern Time
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Repeating Event Schedule
Repeating Event Date Range: The third Sunday of every month
Event Time: 7:00 PM - to 8:30 PM
All events are Eastern Time
Event Description
Join our Generation X Quaker discussion group! Connect with fellow Gen Xers to explore Quaker spirituality, share personal experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations about faith, community, and social issues in a supportive and open environment. This newly formed, experimental group will grow and evolve over time.
The discussion group will be held on Third Sundays at 7pm EST/ 4pm PT/ 1pm HT.
Please sign up here to receive notifications about the monthly calls.
There is no registration fee required to attend this Spiritual Deepening offering.
This group will be led by various Generation X Quakers, including Melinda Wenner Bradley, Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky, and Windy Cooler
Melinda Wenner Bradley is a child of the 80s, farmgirl at heart, former latchkey kid, and current member of West Chester Meeting (PhYM). Her teaching ministry weaves together interests in children’s spiritual lives and support for families in Quaker communities. Melinda currently serves Friends as the Director of Communications and Training for Faith & Play Stories. She lives in PA with her family that includes a teen, two young adults, four hens, and a Gen X spouse who has supported her travel in the ministry across the globe.
Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky (Ashkenazi and Caribbean) is an Equity, Justice, and Inclusion educator. She is informed by her identity as a 53-year-old, first-generation, straight, cisgender woman. Lori is a member of Green Street Meeting in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and clerk of the Worship and Ministry committee. She’s worked for many Quaker organizations in the Philadelphia area over the last 25 years. Lori is a graduate of Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, a single mother of two young adult children, and works to create a more liberated and just world.
Windy is a bicentennial baby. When she was little and adults would ask how old she was she would say “I don’t know…but much older than you.” She thought she had been born in 1776. Windy is today no less perplexed. She spends her days as a Quaker public minister, considering “right relationship” among Friends. She lives with her husband, Erik, and Buster the Cat. She has two young adult children, Maggie and Ob. Windy is a member of Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting (Baltimore Yearly).