Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Children and Youth

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We welcome families to worship with us at 11:00am, every First Day.

Children are welcome at our Meeting.  We encourage parents/care takers to help their children understand the special nature of a Quaker Meeting for Worship so that the children can participate in Meeting, experiencing and eventually becoming comfortable with the silence.

Before Meeting for Worship two adults will greet the children and introduce themselves to new attenders with children. Children go with the teachers for First Day School activities. These activities may take place outside in the yard, in the west room of the Meetinghouse, or occasionally the children will walk ½ a block to St. John’s Episcopal Church, which has offered classrooms until we build an additional building.

The children enter Meeting for Worship the last 15 minutes of worship. The children wait at the door if someone is sharing a message before entering the settled Meeting. The children go to the adults who accompanied them to Meeting and try to sit quietly. Their natural energy and curiosity sometimes fills the silence. Parents of young children are encouraged not to be upset by minor disruptions, being reminded by all gathered how precious the children are to the Meeting and how much we enjoy their presence.

While we have not scheduled child care for the 9:30 am discussion sessions, if a parent or guardian would like to come at 9:30, we ask that you call ahead so we can prepare child care on a special need basis.

We are in the planning stages of building an additional room on the Meeting House grounds for First Day School and other activities.

We have a child safety policy, which you can read as a PDF - see link below
