WPFM is now under the care of Green Street Friends Meeting!

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After over a year of discernment, West Philadelphia Friends Meeting is now a preparative meeting, under the care of Green Street Monthly Meeting!

At their meeting for business on January 18, 2015 Green Street Friends minuted:
"Having heard the report from the joint affiliation committee, Green Street Monthly Meeting finds West Philadelphia Friends Meeting to be well grounded and well led to seek preparative meeting status under the care of Green Street. We are strongly impressed by their sincerity and creativity and their genuine search for truth and right order in their Quaker way. We hereby take them under our care, with divine assistance. We approve the attached guidelines for this relationship of care.
Green Street Monthly Meeting requests that Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting recognize West Philadelphia Friends Meeting as a preparative meeting under our care.”

Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting recognized West Philadelphia Friends Meeting as a preparative meeting under the care of Green Street Monthly Meeting at their meeting for business on January 25, 2015.

Huzzah!  A celebration is being planned!  (For more info, come to WPFM Meeting for Business on Sunday, February 8th!)
