SIQM Minutes 2001-2016

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SIQM Minutes, 2001 through 2016

The minutes are hand written in paper notebooks, and they usually record the list of attending Friends. When posted online, the list of attenders was not publicized, and most last names were eliminated, out of a caution for privacy in an otherwise world-readable document. The following encompasses business minutes from the beginning of 2001 to the end of 2016.

Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting

Online Minute Book

Attenders are listed in the paper Minute Book. Minutes are presented newest-first.

Southern IL Quaker Meeting: Business Minutes of December 18, 2016

Present: Dawn Crimson (clerk), Maurine Pyle (recorder), Ginny Hoffman, Michael Batinski, Jill Adams, Tom Hensold, Zach Cravens

  1. Treasurer's report was accepted at the November 29th business meeting.
  2. We agree to signing the lease for 214 E. Jackson Street (Dayemi Family Center) as is. We are seeking a permanent lease with 60 days’ notice for changes in terms or cancellation. Dawn is authorized to negotiate the lease on behalf of the meeting.
  3. Note: the books and bookshelves from the Fox Den at Gaia House will be stored at Maurine’s apartment.
  4. Approved opening a post office box for SIQM at the Murdale Post Office. Maurine will use her identity card and pay the annual rent of $86 per year (to be reimbursed at a later date.) She accepts responsibility for checking the postbox regularly. A second key will be issued another meeting officer.
  5. Approved to send a $60 donation to Gaia House and offer the (two) key deposit of $40 as a gift.
  6. We welcomed Tom Leverett and Noah Leverett to our circle. Noah will be leaving for Israel soon to complete his internship in recreational therapy at SIU.
  7. Tom’s new address is: PO Box 707, Cloudcroft NM 88317

8 in attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Treasurer’s Report:    
            Money Market =    $2998.10
            Operating fund =   $753.36
            Ministry balance = $47.45
            Total = $3798.91

3. Request from the Martin Luther King Celebration Committee to fund their annual event was approved in the amount of $50.

4. Life of the Meeting will be held on December 16 (Friday) at 6:00 PM at Dawn’s home. Her address is 14B Canary Road in Carbondale. Tom Leverett will be in town for Noah’s graduation and can attend.

5. Two queries were posed for consideration about our meeting space.

-- What choice of worship space is the meeting called or led to make?
-- In what ways does this choice serve the future interest of the meeting community?

In response, people spoke from the silence. Dawn read an email from Jill responding that she would be standing aside on the decision. The following minute was approved:

We will hold onto the idea that there is pain within our meeting. And we can do that healing in any space we are in. If we are walking on broken glass, it is not just on the path but it is in our hearts. We have to bring this understanding with us wherever we move.

Given that understanding, with our eyes open, we will move to begin meeting at the Dayemi Family Center beginning on the second Sunday in December (Dec 11). We will make our December payment of rent plus donation to Gaia House. The clerk will notify Gaia House Director and Board of our decision.

6. Our final meeting at Gaia House will be held on December 4th with a potluck and ritual of farewell. All attenders and members will be invited to join us.


8 in attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Treasurer’s Report:    
            Ministry balance = $37.47
            Operating fund =   $588.36
            Money Market =    $2987.59
            Total = $3613.42

3) Ministry Report: Maurine requested an updated travel minute. The current one is dated 3/8/15. She requested a meeting of the Anchor Committee after which a minute can be brought forward for discernment at a meeting for business.

4) The next Life of the Meeting is scheduled for November 4th (Friday) at 6:00 PM at Maurine’s apartment.

5) The Margie Parker Teach-in for Peace is scheduled for 7:00 PM November 3rd at the SIU Law School. SIQM is a co-sponsor of the event. The featured speaker is Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink.

6) A meeting for worship space "test worship" will be held on November 6th at the Dayemi Family Center on Sunday, November 6th followed by a simple potluck with finger foods. Please bring paper plates and serving utensils.  The center is located at 214 E. Jackson Street in Carbondale.

7) Our clerk asked those present for a "pulse" for the unity of the meeting moving toward a new location for our meeting. In other words, asking people to express how they are feeling toward moving our meeting space. (responses were not recorded)

8) Gaia House Stakeholders Meeting report: Kathy and Dawn attended a meeting of stakeholders on October 8th. It was announced that Treesong, the current director, will be leaving the position as of the end of December 2016. No new director has been appointed. Dawn stated that she announced that SIQM is considering moving to a new location. She thanked Board President Ross Bauer for his hospitality in making our meeting space welcoming. 

9) Katie stated that she will be adding our meeting directory to the new QuakerCloud website with log-in capacity for our members.

10) The meeting ended with silence.


4 in attendance

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1. The treasurer’s report was reviewed. 7/25 through 8/28 and 8/29 through 9/25 were accepted. We noted that the Operating Fund [balance of $278.36] is lower than we are comfortable with.

2. We considered the Peace Coalition request to help sponsor Medea Benjamin as a speaker for the Marjorie Parker Teach-In for Peace. We agreed to co-sponsor and to contribute $75. If individuals feel moved to donate to increase this, they may designate donations to the meeting for this purpose and we will increase our donation to reflect donations made for this specific purpose.

3. Dawn shared with us her visit to the Dayemi Family Center during its open house. We will visit it at 5:15 on Tuesday, 9/27.

4. We agreed that before the Gaia House Stakeholder Meeting on Oct 8 we should let them know that we are moving closer to leaving. Dawn will communicate to them that they should plan alternative budgets with Quakers here [at the Gaia House] and with Quakers leaving, to discuss with stakeholders.

The meeting closed with a moment of silence.


5 in attendance

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1. The treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
    Notes on fund balances:      Operating     $586.36
                                                 Ministry    $125.00
                                                 Money Mkt     $2986.06
                                                 Total: $3697.42       

2. A workshop is being scheduled for the discernment of our meeting space for the weekend of August 27/28. Judy Wolicki, ILYM Field Secretary, and Mike Ruberton of St. Louis Friends Meeting will facilitate. We will ask Mike if he needs travel reimbursement.
Maurine agreed to contact all about setting the best date, either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Jill will contact Ginny and Michael about attending via Skype. Jill offered her home as the site for the workshop. Dawn offered her home for a Friday night “Life of the Meeting” potluck (August 26).

3.    Anchor Committee Report (July 3, 2016)
The committee consists of Jill, Dawn and Tom and currently oversees the ministry of Maurine Pyle. They raised to queries for discernment by the business meeting.
•    How do we distinguish between leadings of ministry and volunteer activity by Maurine?
•    Does the Carbondale Community view Maurine as being sent by the meeting?
•    Maurine requests oversight of her community activities but no financial support from the meeting.
Several terms were discussed for describing her outside activities: servant-leader, trusted servant, public Friend. The business meeting concluded the following:
Maurine, in conjunction with others, acts as servant-leader within the community guided by her Quaker community and faith. We recognize that her work in the community grows out of her Quaker experience and faith. Maurine will continue to discuss this community role with her Anchor Committee regularly.
Additional discussion:
Any financial proceeds from the publication of Maurine’s book NEW CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT shall be used to supply her personal financial needs (should that occasion arise). Maurine responded to concerns about her energy for doing the work that she is not stressed by the work and receives much joy from her service.

4.    The meeting closed with silence.


5 in attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed. We reviewed both May and June Treasurer's report. We expressed appreciation to Tom for his work as Treasurer. We accepted both May and June Treasurer's reports.

3. Discussion concerning the re-keying of Gaia House. We authorize the Treasurer to pay the deposit for a key for the lock box. In the future, the code for the lock box is not to be shared beyond the Quaker group. Anyone wanting an individual key should contact Treesong or Ross and make their own deposit. We also authorize the Treasurer to make a deposit from Meeting funds for two additional keys, to be carried by the Clerk and the Treasurer.

4. We discussed the official roles of the Meeting. We are asking those currently serving to continue serving until Feb 2017, with discernment of new roles in January 2017. [Clerk: Dawn. Recording Clerk: Maurine. Treasurer: Tom. FUN: Maurine and Noah. Care Committee: Kathy and Dennis. Sufferings: same membership as Care Committee. Anchoring for Maurine: Jill and Dawn]

5. Life of the Meeting is set for Friday, July 22. It will be at Dawn's new home.

6. We discussed visits to Dayemi Center. Jill expressed concerns about the space for children: it would be shared with Dayemi Herbals. Making it child proof is a concern, also whether there is outside space for children. Tom expressed liking the space. He thought that they might work with us on the kids' space. Dawn will pursue whether the Dayemi School may be available. Jill also expressed a concern that if they were able to rent the space for a whole day on a Sunday, they would need to do so for economic reasons. At least once a quarter they have committed the space to other uses. We could use the school space if the Dayemi Center was unavailable to us.

7. We will ask our facilitators for our space discussion if they are available the weekend of [...] August 27-28. We will encourage Michael and Ginny to communicate with the facilitators before that date and/or to participate by speakerphone or Skype. Dawn will ask the facilitators about that date. [edited from paper minutes to reflect narrowing options to this date.]

8. Dawn will make sure Gaia House knows the Fox Den is no longer to be considered exclusively Quaker. Dawn will send an email to Gaia House to see if there has been any follow up on the mold issue. Majestic will do an inspection for free. Dawn will relay this to Gaia House. Dawn will re-send our current, temporary payment plan, and we will ask again about their board meeting times and minutes.

The meeting closed with a moment of silence.


6 in attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Dawn read a proposed "State of the Meeting." After modest revision, we approved the statement, with appreciation to Katie for her drafting. Dawn will send the State of the Meeting to ILYM and Blue River Quarterly.

3. We authorized the Treasurer to use funds to subscribe to the Quaker Cloud. These funds may be taken from the money market account if necessary.

4. Dawn read a letter from the Sparrow Coalition inviting us to participate in a June 2nd meeting to address homelessness and poverty in our community. Jill will attend, and perhaps Tom and Maurine.

5. We discussed our scheduling a workshop on clearness about meeting space. Dawn will see if June 12th will work with our facilitators.

6. The Meeting unites to join and become an endorsing member of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT, Dawn will follow up with that organization.

The Meeting closed with silence.


8 in attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved. Donations to Good Samaritan Ministries are paid up to date.
Balances: Operating Fund = $700.76    Ministry Fund = $200.84

3. Traveling Ministry Report: a letter was read from Jason Stacy of St. Louis Meeting about Maurine’s facilitation of their annual retreat. Jill has offered to write an updated travel release for Maurine after she receives a draft of the donor outreach letter.

4. The State of Society report for ILYM is due  by June 1st. This is a reflection of the spiritual state of our meeting. We will consider this message at our monthly potluck on Sunday, May 1st. Katie has offered to prepare the first draft of the report after this conversation. The report will be approved on May 22nd at our business meeting.

5. Announcements: June 22-26 is the annual gathering of Illinois Yearly Meeting in McNabb, IL. Registration forms are now available at Gaia House. The Gathering of Friends General Conference will be held in St. Joseph Minnesota over the July 4th weekend.

6.The Life of the Meeting potluck will be held on Friday, May 13th at 6:00 PM at the home of Katie and Zach. They live at 1005 S. Skyline Drive in Carbondale. Please bring a chair.

7. Dawn will send a letter of congratulations to Treesong and Grace for the birth of their daughter Bedelia.

8. Regarding our discussions about our meeting space: Dawn, Tom and Katie will make some noon-time visits to potential alternate locations and report back to us. We will hold a discussion on this important matter at a “Special-called Meeting for Business” before many of us start our summer travel schedules. Dawn will seek the assistance of an outside facilitator. We hope to have an inclusive group discussion with a majority of our meeting members and attenders present. Dawn will send us copies of a Pendle Hill pamphlet to help us prepare for the meeting.
“Beyond Consensus: Salvaging the Sense of the Meeting” by Barry Morley.

9.The meeting closed with silence.


9 in attendance

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1.    The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and accepted. General operating: $840.76. Ministry: $235.85. Tom affirmed that the next honorarium checks received from Maurine’s speaking engagements will be included in the general operating fund.

2.    A thank you letter from our ILYM Field Secretary, Judy Wolicki, was read aloud.

3.    Discussion of our website: Our current website is maintained by Dawn on an SIU server with her as the sole passcode holder. Friends General Conference is offering a new service to monthly meetings, a Quaker Cloud, to host a website at an annual cost of $120. It offers stability for us when our membership changes. An archive for minutes and a directory service for our membership information will also be available. A subcommittee will be needed to maintain and change the website. Maurine offered to participate in managing the site with others. Dawn has asked us all to review the Quaker Cloud site:

Minute: The money market fund originally established with the donor’s intention to increase our visibility can be used for this purpose. Approved.

4.    Discussion of the Gaia House/SIQM rental agreement:

•    The issue of mold evaluation in the building remains unresolved pending a response from the Gaia House board.
•    Membership rental rates are $15 per room per hour with one free meeting per month and one event per year.
•    We are still undecided about our rental payment agreement in the long term, but we are currently paying $120 per month in donations (which includes a $20 increase as per our January 2016 business meeting) plus $15 per week. This is not a permanent decision.

               Minute: We have decided to continue this practice until we reach a resolution. Approved.

5.    Discussion of potential alternative sites for our meeting: Katie offered to set up a time for members to visit the Dayemi Community Center downtown together. She will contact us via email.

6.    The meeting closed with silence.


7 in attendance

1.    The meeting opened with silent worship.

2.    Two treasurer’s report were reviewed and accepted: (1/1/16 to 1/31/16)
(1/31/16 to 2/22/16) (See documents on file for details)

A question was raised about where to put honoraria from Maurine’s speaking engagements at local churches.

Minute: We considered the application of the recent honorarium received from Church of the Good Shepherd by Maurine which she has donated to the meeting. We decided to deposit it in the Operating Fund with a clear memo that it was an honorarium, and in the future we may elect to move those funds into the Ministry Fund. Approved.

We discussed the Ministry Fund’s history and how it works at the request of newcomers to the meeting.

3.    Discussion on the recent joint meeting on February 9th between the Gaia House Board (Ross Bauer, Treesong, Gillian Harrison, Grace Darmour-Paul) and SIQM members (Kathy, Dawn, Tom, Michael, Jill).

•    A letter was read from the board secretary, Grace Darmour-Paul, inviting us to become more involved in Gaia House and explaining their current status (see letter on file).
•    A letter will be sent in response (*see notes below for content).
•    Communication history between the Friends and the GH board was reviewed during the joint meeting.
•    The issue of alcohol usage in the building was engaged. We received assurance that underage drinkers are not involved.
•    Ross asked that we leave dirty dishes on the counter after our pot lucks. There was some concern expressed about the cleaning needs in the building.
•    Programming and management activity at the Gaia House faltered a couple of years ago, but the board members believe that the programming has been revitalized, and current operational finances (with revised/updated income and expenses) should provide a small surplus for a few months, which could be used to settle outstanding liabilities. If the surplus continues, it could help address maintenance needs. However, if an unexpected large expense occurs (failure of HVAC, roof problem, etc.), the only hope for paying it would be to find ad hoc large gifts.
•    Option discussed: the Friends will consider releasing exclusive use of the Fox Den, if they can have a location to store their group’s documents, materials, and some children’s supplies. A space needs to remain child-safe. The Friends were welcomed by the GH board to also use the Sunyatta room for Sunday School.
•    The question of a rent increase has not been resolved. We are still pondering the question – Are we renters or donors? At present we are acknowledged as both.

4.    Points to be covered in the letter to the Gaia House board:

a)    We can’t commit to offer a member for the Gaia House Board at this time.
b)    We do have a volunteer, Michael Batinski, who has offered to serve as an occasional liaison to the board representing the Meeting when he is available.
c)    We request that our liaison be included in all communications sent to board members including an advance agenda and any minutes of the board meetings. Our clerk (or the list) should also receive the same communication so that we can appoint a substitute if necessary.
d)    We are still requesting read-access to a permanent document storage location (Google Docs?) for Gaia House board agendas, minutes and treasurer’s reports.
e)    We propose that a professional/commercial evaluation of potential mold be conducted in the entire building.

5.     The business meeting ended with silence.


10  in attendance

1) We accepted the November and December 2015 treasurer's reports.

2) Next Life of the Meeting is Saturday, Feb 20 at 6pm at Dawn's -- 1339 E Park St, Carbondale 62901.

We articulated our questions for the Gaia House board, and later that week Dawn sent an edited version to Treesong. Treesong sent Dawn a response and some of the requested documents. Dawn forwarded these responses to the frequent attenders of the meeting. Additional discussion was held with about half of the regular attenders on Jan 31.


9 in attendance

1. After some discussion about the requested rent increase from Gaia House we approved the following minute:

Our clerk will attempt to arrange a joint meeting between SIQM and the board of Gaia House.
For the month of January we will authorize our treasurer to pay $75 in rent and $125 in donations. This is a temporary increase while we continue our deliberations about the rent increase.

2. The next Life of the Meeting will be held at the home of Michael and Ginny .
We will continue our discernment about the future of the meeting at that time.


9 in attendance
Guest: Treesong, director of Gaia House

The meeting opened and closed with silence.
1.    November treasurer’s report was presented by Tom Hensold and approved. October report also was approved.

Summary statement: 
Operating                $430.76
Sufferings fund            00.00       
Ministry fund              217.24

Checking                    648.00
Money market           3181.80
Grand Total              $3829.80

2.    Summary of discussion regarding potential rent increase (see attached statement provided by Treesong). Jill reviewed SIQM’s donor history and rental agreements since the 1990’s. In the current request for additional rent, the donations and monthly rent have been conflated not separated.  She felt this was not a fair assessment of our rental agreement. Commentary was offered on a number of conflicts between GH and SIQM over the displacement of the Fox Den upstairs, poor communication between the two groups and the lack of repairs to the building.

Treesong described the current GH budget situation and reported that in January he would be working only half time as director in order to save money. He covers the bookkeeping function currently. Volunteers from the other groups that use the building will cover the vacated office hours. There is no budgeted amount for repairs to the building and the women’s bathroom is not fully functioning. A description of current program activities was requested by Jill and should be submitted in printed form to the business meeting.

Minute: We are not yet prepared to make a decision about the rent increase request based on our need for more time to discern our meeting space needs. We appreciate Treesong’s commitment to ask the Gaia House board for an extension on our current rent agreement until we have reached a decision.

The Quakers are considering finding another meeting place and will hold two discernment discussions on 12/6 and 12/13.  It was agreed that the minutes of the Gaia House board and SIQM will be shared electronically.

3.    Noah requested a clearness committee for discernment of his future before Christmas break (12/17). He will send a statement about his need to Dawn with potential persons who could serve on his committee.


3 in attendance.

There was no official Quaker business meeting in September. Instead Jill, Maurine, and Dawn hosted a discussion with Ross Bauer, Gaia House board president, and Treesong, the director, who came to inform us of a recent Stakeholders Meeting regarding the future of Gaia House. There were six people in attendance [at the GH stakeholder meeting] and none of them were Quakers.  The Gaia House board is requesting a five dollar a month increase in our rental fee. It is unclear whether this increase will be applied both to the use of the Columbo Library and to the Fox Den for children on Sunday. Our current rental agreement is $60 per month [$15 per week] with a voluntary donation of $100 over that.

Gaia House cannot currently meet its monthly bills and is fundraising to increase its income with a mixed strategy of increasing paid memberships (six members at this time) and rental fees for community groups and collecting fees for workshops. Students are not expected to pay a rental fee for their activities. There is no budgeted amount for basic building maintenance at this time.

Additional information was shared:
•    Tabitha Ayres is no longer serving at the bookkeeper. Treesong is handling this function.
•    There is a small but active board of directors.
•    Monthly bills are not being paid on a regular schedule when there is a shortfall in income. The SIU rent is one month in arrears and insurance bills are paid up to date.
•    A three-option plan was handed out for handling the budget crisis and is available on line in a recent email sent via the Quaker list serve.
•    The non-profit status is up to date but the DBA certification with the State of Illinois is not. The legal name is University Christian Ministries DBA Gaia House Interfaith Center.

The issue was raised that Quakers will be discerning their future relationship with Gaia House at the next Life of the Meeting in November. Several key members will be traveling in October and there will be low attendance during that month. As a group, we have already decided to wait until Michael Batinski and Ginny Hoffman return in late October to hold a clearness session on our meeting site concerns.


5 in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with a brief period of silence.

2. Treasurer’s Report
Tom will send the Church Mutual Insurance payment of about $300.
The annual donation to Good Samaritan House has been paid.
Balances:  Operating Fund = $227.96  Ministry Fund = $286
The treasurer is authorized to move funds from the Money Market account to operations if needed to cover a shortfall in funds.
Treasurer’s reports from May, June, July and August were all accepted.

3. Ministry updates
Maurine’s Anchor Committee met at Morris Library in July. They agreed to support, at least for one year, her “ministry of writing’” book project about Quaker Millennials. The initial fee of $99 to set up a Weebly account for her book blog was approved for reimbursal.
Maurine updated the meeting on her recent ministry actions and proposed travel for the fall on behalf of ILYM as an adjunct traveling minister. If called upon, the ILYM Ministry and Advancement budget will fund her transportation.
A letter was read from St. Louis Meeting reflecting on a May visit by Maurine to lead their annual retreat.
Next meeting of the Anchor Committee will be August 30 after meeting for worship at Gaia House. Members of the committee are Dawn and Jill.
Note: The Anchor Committee also discussed the issue of Gaia House as a meeting place and agreed to take up the matter when Michael and Ginny return in the fall.

4. Blue River Quarterly  Meeting  September 18-20 at Dubois Center, Dubois IL.
SIQM Friends are invited to participate in this weekend recreational event. There will also be a business session. It was proposed by Maurine that our meeting raise some queries or prepare a minute for consideration on Gender Acceptance. This is a rising concern at the yearly meeting level, and we have been asked to respond. Since many Adult Young Friends and teens will be on hand at BRQ, this would be a time for their voices to be heard on this important subject.

5. Minute was  approved : We have scheduled a Life of the Meeting for Friday, September 4th with attention to discuss gender acceptance for a potential minute or query to be submitted to the business meeting at Blue River Quarterly. Young adult members will be especially invited.

Life of the Meeting: September 4th at 6 PM
Potluck hosted at Maurine’s.


4 in attendance.

We opened with silent worship.

1. We accepted the treasurer's report.

2. We discussed the State of the Meeting Report and accepted the revised version. We thank Dawn for her work in writing it.

3. We set Life of the Meeting for June 11 (a Thursday) and will seek a host.

4. Dawn will ask Treesong whether we can have the building tested for mold, and about the current status of UCM as a not-for-profit. She will also ask for a copy of the lease.

5. Jill will ask Maurine about scheduling an anchoring meeting for her ministry in the near future.

The Meeting closed with silence.


8 in attendance.

1. Treasurer's report was accepted. (file copy in minute book). The Ministry Fund has received an increase in donations.

2. The State of Society Report is due before yearly meeting. We agreed to meet and discuss it at the next Life of the Meeting on Friday, May 22nd. at Dawn's home.

3. Noah reported on his experience at Blue River Quarterly. He participated in an intergenerational program about discrimination between the generations of Friends. His travel was partially funded by the ILYM Adult Young Friends' group. He expressed gratitude to Jill for helping him make his way home from St. Louis. A copy of a minute he received from BRQ has been requested for the SIQM minute book.

4. Dawn read an endorsement on Maurine's travel minute from Friends Center in Barnesville OH about her recent visit there. She also read Maurine's summary of her travels to the Brian Drayton retreat and a visit with two Quakers in Cincinnati on her return home.

5. Dawn and Jill will meet to day with Maurine as her Anchor Committee.

6. The meeting closed with worship.


6 in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. We reviewed and accepted the March Treasurer's report. General fund: $317.76. Ministry fund: $414.46.

3. We set the next Life of the Meeting for Friday, 4/17 at 6pm, probably at Jill's.

Date: 2/22/15

3 in attendance.

1. We reviewed and approved the following slate of meeting roles for the coming year:

Officers (corporation status)
Clerk (President) - Dawn
Recording Clerk (Secretary) - Maurine
Treasurer (Treasurer) - Tom
F.U.N. - Maurine and Noah
Care Committee - Kathy & Dennis
Sufferings - to overlap with Care Committee this time (same participants)
Anchoring for Maurine - Jill & Dawn

2. A donation was approved of $40 to the Carbondale Interfaith Council.

3. The thank you letter to Ministry Fund donors was laid over to next month.

Date: 1/25/15

7 in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer provided a revised November report, plus a December and January report. Operating $415.76, Ministry $168.21. The reports were accepted.

3. Noah reported on his participation at an Illinois Yearly Meeting Adult Young Friends (ILYM AYF) gathering. The group was very welcoming. It was suggested that the AYF group consider having a gathering at fall Blue River Quarterly at DuBois Center, IL in September.

Our meeting had previously approved providing travel support and the Treasurer will release the funds.

4. We discussed names for terms of expired roles, and propose the following, to season for the coming month until Feb. 22.

Clerk - Dawn
Recording Clerk - Maurine
Treasurer - Tom (we ask if another Friend can take a turn at this)
F.U.N. - Maurine and Noah
Care Committee - Kathy & Dennis
Sufferings - to overlap with Care Committee this time (same participants)
Anchoring for Maurine - Jill & Dawn

5. We discussed Gaia House with Ross. The Gaia House board has agreed to reduce the building temperature a couple of degrees.We now have our postal mail delivered to the box at the Fox Den door. We thank Ross, Treesong and the Board for helping us rebuild the Fox Den.

6. Quaker tri-folds are requested for the RSO Fair and building entry. We will label the Quaker Meeting for Worship pamphlet with our name, web site, email, location and time.

7. Life of the Meeting - Tom will ask Michael and Ginny if they would like to host on Friday, 2/13.

8. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 11/23/14

5 Friends in attendance.

1. We reviewed the Treasurer's report and accepted it with minor revisions. Dawn will edit a copy for the minute book.

2. Dawn will correct recent minutes to reflect current membership of the Sufferings Committee.

3. The meeting is appreciative of the Illinois Yearly Meeting Adult Young Friends' (ILYM-AYF) outreach to ILYM High School Friends and hopes there will be a continuation of connection and coordination of meeting times with the HS group. We will help Adult Young Friends in our meeting if they would like financial support to attend ILYM-AYF gatherings such as the monthly ones in Chicago. Dawn will contact the ILYM-AYF clerk to suggest they invite Noah and Delia specifically.

4. We unite to send $50 to the MLK Celebration event.

5. We are beginning to think about SIQM role transitions for Clerk, Recording Clerk, and Treasurer, due by January.

6. Life of the Meeting: Thursday December 4 at 6pm at Dawn A's home.

7. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 10/26/14

6 Friends in attendance.

1. Treasurers report was accepted with the following amendment: $200 donation received from Sallyann G. has been designated by her to be for the Ministry Fund.
2. Concern and request for financial assistance from a meeting member from the Sufferings Fund. This matter will be discerned by the clerk, the treasurer and two additional people (update 11/23/14: Dennis, Kathy and Dawn participated). This committee is authorized to make the decision without returning to the business meeting. (Note: see handbook definition of Sufferings Fund).

3. Life of the Meeting: Adriane and Kris have offered their farm as the location for our next gathering. Maurine will call them to find open dates in November and early December.

4. Gaia House: A conversation is ongoing between the clerk and Treesong,director of Gaia House, regarding the First Day School room. “We agree that Gaia House can use the room during the week as long as the use is appropriate for children.” We will meet soon to mark those items of furniture needing to be removed.

5. Closed with a moment of silence.

Date: 9/28/14

4 Friends in attendance.

1. We received a visit from the Gaia House director and board president. They inquired about our needs for the upstairs office as First Day School room and asked if we would be willing to share the space with another group as long as we had sole use of it on Sundays. We offered that we are willing to share the space. No final decision has been made.

2. Treasurer's Report: A donation of $50 was received from Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting for the Ministry Fund. We agreed that the treasurer could transfer $350 from the Money Market account into operations to cover immediate expenses to recover loss from members leaving and payment of the Church Mutual Insurance bill.

The Sufferings Fund will remain active until further notice.

The treasurer's report was accepted.

The minutes were read and approved.

Also, we received a note of thanks from AFSC - St Louis and a photo which reads: "Dear Friends at Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting,

I know you'll get a thank you note from the AFSC Central Office, but I wanted to send a personal thank you for supporting our work in St. Louis. Thank you for lifting up our work and our community as we heal from Michael Brown's tragedy. Please continue to hold us in the Light as we seek justice and equity for all peoples.

Many thanks,
Joshua Soleen"

Date: 8/24/14

10 Friends in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. The Operating Fund has $250.75 with the annual insurance premium due shortly. Ministry Fund has $73.74. Money Market account $3,823.07. $250 in contributions are about to be deposited. Overall the operating balance seems roughly steady about $400.

3. Michael reported from the Gaia House Board meeting.
    a) They would like to know a plan for the upstairs room storing our Fox Den things, within 2-3 months.
    b) The board has 4-5 working members, appears to be in transition, in that they have little knowledge of the historical relationships in the building.

Communication and discussion should continue. We need to follow up on sharing each other's minutes.

We'll investigate the room at rise of business meeting. We continue to have a concern that we have space available and ready for whenever families with children attend.

Michael will remain the point of contact for our meeting even while he'll be unavailable to attend the board meetings regularly this fall.

4. Justin requests a clearness committee for considering options for his future, and membership. Tom, Dawn and Kathy are requested and agree to serve. We'll meet next Sunday after rise of meeting. Tom will convene.

5. We agreed to send our meeting directory to ILYM in response to the ILYM clerk's letter of 7/26/14.

6. We discussed a meeting response to the recent events in Ferguson, MO. We agreed to send a meeting contribution to AFSC St. Louis, funded with special individual contributions.

We will look into some relationship with the local Community Racial Justice Coalition, via Rev. Sonja Ingebritsen of Church of the Good Shepherd.

The meeting closed with silent worship followed by a visit to the upstairs room storing our Fox Den items.


7 Friends and two visitors (Ross and Treesong) in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. We opened discussion of our relationship with Gaia House. Our communication link with the University Christian Ministries (UCM) Board has not been active for some months. We noted that the Fox Den materials had been moved to storage upstairs and the room no longer available for our use. We noted that as a church, we have objectives about welcoming families.

Ross mentioned some of the points of broken communication that led to the elimination of the Fox Den.

One possible shared use of a children's space is to align with the objectives of the Settlement House.

Sunyatta Center is being used Sunday afternoons, but communication with Kathy F and Gillian H has also been sporadic.

Appreciation was expressed for what Treesong and Ross are doing for Gaia House. We explored the sources of the miscommunication that led to the emptying of the Fox Den.

We explored how to meet the objectives and needs of the Friends. We were informed that the Fox Den keys now operate the upstairs office locks.

Michael offered to check in periodically at UCM board meetings on behalf of Friends; Treesong offered the reciprocal attendance at Friends' business. We noted the need for all Gaia House stakeholders to meet face to face, along with our request that the Friends group be consulted formally, and as a whole, when changes in building operation are proposed. Friends suggested that both organizations should share business minutes with each other.

Friends will explore whether the upstairs office will work for our objectives. We will also review the draft building rental policy in light of our contributions.

[Not part of official minutes: A paper copy of the "Review of minutes regarding Fox Den" is attached in the paper Minute Book, as is the draft rental policy. The draft rental proposal would suggest 4 weeks of rent at $95 and 5 weeks of rent at $110, where the rent covers 1 weekly hour in the library plus 1 monthly hour in the dining room / kitchen. The proposal does not address the weekly use of the second room for the children's program, but if that were the same rent as the library, it would add $60/75, for a grand total of $155 for 4 week months (we currently pay $160) or $185 for 5 week months (we currently pay $175).]

3. The Treasurer's report was reviewed. We accept reports from 2/23/14 to 3/29/14, 3/30/14 to 4/25/14, 4/26/14 to 5/24/14, 5/25/14 to 6/22/14, and 6/23/14 to 7/26/14.

4. Discussion of treasury: Ministry Fund today is at $38.74. We renewed our not-for-profit status with the state of Illinois. The Church Mutual annual insurance bill is forthcoming. The Good Sam contribution is going out in August. There is $465.75 in the Operating Fund.

5. We meet as an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation. Our officers are recorded also as President, Michael B; Secretary, Dawn A; Treasurer, Tom H.

6. Ministry report was mailed electronically. Anchoring meeting was held for Maurine. We read an endorsement of her travel minute from Pacific Northwest Quaker Women's Theology Conference. Thanks have been expressed among those who appreciated learning useful content for a traveling minute and recorded ministry.

Date: 5/11/14

The State of Society report was approved and sent to Illinois Yearly Meeting.

Date: 2/23/14

8 adults in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

2. Maurine had a question of funding. She is going to Arizona in March and asks for funding for the BART trip from St. Louis upon her return after visiting St. Louis meeting. (Action not noted).

A wonderful letter from Helene Pollack / Bonnie Uman came with a contribution to the Ministry fund.

3. Regarding a note of thanks to Marlena and Nate. Nate came to Life of the Meeting with no connection to the Quakers. Michael will write a thank you note to both for their participation on the Gender Issues discussion.

4. Tom is willing to stay as Treasurer, Jill is willing to take on the role of clerk for Maurine's anchoring committee, Dawn is willing to serve as recording clerk. Friends suggest Michael continue as clerk for another year, and Michael will consider.

The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 1/26/14

9 adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was accepted. Total $3,818.62, Operating $495.75, Ministry $55.74. The Operating fund has been steadily declining, on average by $70/mo or $840/year. We discussed our budget expenses. We decided to continue $60 quarterly support for Good Sam House for the time being.

3. We had not decided on the amount of our support for the MLK Celebration, and as that event has passed, we won't send a check after all, and will try to anticipate better next year. The request comes in December, when we don't usually decide much for business items.

4. Tom and Kathy worked on an annual ministry donor appeal letter. Draft will be sent to the Listserv for final comments, and distributed to donors within two weeks.

5. We authorized the Treasurer to send a $50 check to the Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois to support the annual Margie Parker Teach-In.

6. Life of the Meeting theme will be Gender Difference. Tom and Dawn will collaborate on a date at Tom's, a Saturday. Dawn will ask Delia and Marlena to help generate queries. E.g. the change in the meaning of the word "queer".

7. Michael will look at our online minutes back to 2001 for our actions on peace, gender issues, and related social issues. Monthly meeting statements need to be elevated to quarterly and yearly venues.

8. Ari requested a clearness committee on voluntary service possibilities. Dawn, Dennis, Doc via conference call, Tom. Dawn will convene.

9. It is the season to discern our leadership roles for the meeting. Dawn will send a link to the Handbook and the meeting requests Friends to consider service. We will decide names next month. Includes Anchoring clerk(s). Query: "What leading might I have to serve the meeting in the coming year?"

10. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 11/24/13

6 adults in attendance.

The meeting opened with worshipful silence.

1. The Treasurer presented the Treasurer's report. The report was accepted and the expenditure from the Ministry fund was ratified. The Meeting reviewed the Ministry fund's guidelines.

2. Tom H offered to prepare a draft of a report to donors on the use of the Ministry fund for the past year. the Meeting gratefully accepted the offer. The letter will be sent out over the Clerk's signature on behalf of the Meeting.

3. The return of Maurine's travel minute from the Young Adult Friends of a regional cross-branch gathering was read to the Meeting.

The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 10/27/13

6 adults in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1. Treasurer's report: Total balance $3,816.69. Ministry: 200.74. Operating: 540.72

2. Life of the Meeting proposed dates: 11/15, 11/22, 12/6.

Date: 9/22/13

6 adults in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1. Request from Gaia House director for feedback and evaluation of their functioning and programs. Tabled for further discussion.

2. Treasurer's report. Paid Blue River Quarterly and Carbondale Interfaith Council dues. Paid Good Samaritan donation. Corporation renewal has been sent. Insurance is paid. Operating fund = $380.72, Ministry fund = $190.74. Report accepted.

3.At next business meeting we will discuss changing roles/responsibilities.

4. Request from ILYM about discussing the date for summer session. Third proposal might be the fourth week in June. Dawn will send a message to the clerk.

The meeting closed with a moment of silence.

Date: 8/25/13

10 adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's reports were reviewed. Operating balance is $612.92 and checking total is $793.66. Insurance bill has been paid for the year.

Life of the Meeting will be at Kris and Adriane's farm for pot luck, following worship on Sunday Sept 29. Note their wedding is October 19.

3. Maurine will look for missing June minutes.

4. The meeting approved the July and August treasurer reports.

5. Anchor Committee for Maurine will meet on Sunday Sept 9 at 9:15am at Gaia House to consider the past year of traveling ministry, and new approaches.

6. Reflections on the ILYM Faith and Practice section on the Light: we used it for discussion at Life of the Meeting and it challenged and moved us. We see no need for revision. On Education Sunday, Sept 15, we will gather our reflections formally on paper to send to the Faith & Practice committee. Accepted.

7. The meeting closed with a moment of silence.

Date: 7/28/13

# adults in attendance.

1. Minutes were read from June 30 business meeting and approved.

2. The Treasurer reported fund balances and will send the detailed report.

3. Ministry support: a revised travel minute for Maurine is proposed.
    -- New leading into research and publication of her writing
    -- Maurine is continuing in her ministry and what she has done
    -- We have a history of sending forth ministers from our meeting. Brief illustrations.

4. The meeting continues to support Justin's ministry in Atlanta.

5. The meeting will pay for the pizza party in amount of $125 which will be raised by special contributions.

6. Life of the Meeting: Kathy will call Adriane and Kris and then notify us of the date. Potentially August 16th.

Date: 6/30/13

# adults in attendance.

Date: 4/28/13

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

3. Discussion of donation to Carbondale Interfaith Council was held. We last authorized donation of $40 as annual contribution in August 2012. The Treasurer is authorized to annually disburse $40 to the Carbondale Interfaith Council.

4. Dawn previously reported that there were no tax consequences to recipient for donations from the Suffering fund.

5. The meeting approved a donation to Justin of $50 for the month of May, with the funds to come out of the Ministry fund.

6. Maurine reported on 3Rs (Reading Reduces Recidivism). There are active volunteers and a space at First Christian Church. Some from 3Rs will become prison visitors through the John Howard Association. There is still a bottle neck at getting books out to the prisons.

7. Life of the Meeting will be held on May 5 at the Gaia House as part of an extended pot luck. We will discuss the state of the meeting. Maurine will forward the queries to the listserv. We will ask Kathy to draft the state of the meeting, with Ari, with the understanding that the actual drafting will not be due until after Ari's finals week.

8. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 3/24/13

Nine adults in attendance.

1. Discussion of Reading Reduces Recidivism 3R's program. Storage space is in First Christian Church, not the building next door.

2. Discussion of Justin's budget that was submitted to his Anchor Committee. The Meeting will move $50 from the Operating fund to the Ministry fund. The Meeting ratifies all past payments from the Ministry fund to Justin and authorizes a $50 payment to Justin for April ministry expenses. We will discuss the amount and nature of contribution to Justin next month.

3. Dawn will find out about tax consequences from the Sufferings fund.

4. The Meeting approved the Treasurer's report.

5. Life of the Meeting will be at Doc & Mallary's on April 20th.

6. The Meeting acknowledged the death of Emily Ferre's father last week. Doc or Kathy will bring a sympathy card for signatures next week.

7. Meeting closed with silence.

Date: 2/24/13

Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

3. Discussion of Meeting support of Justin's ministry. We have asked for an accounting of how our donation supports his ministry. Tom will send a hard copy of the policy and a letter to Justin. Doc will contact Justin to try to set up an anchor committee meeting this week.

4. Discussion was held on Meeting support of the Margie Parker Teach-In on March 19. The Meeting agreed to send $50 in support.

5. Life of the Meeting will be held at 6:00pm on March 23 at Jill's.

6. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 1/27/13

Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

3. The response of Lois Jordan to Maurine's recent visit to Richmond, Indiana was read.

4. Ross B (on the Gaia House board) said the Gaia House would devote a month to Quakers. We expressed a desire not to have Quaker month in the summer. The month will likely be March.

5. Life of the Meeting will be at Dawn's on 2/16.

6. Jill and Doc will try to contact Justin about dates for an Anchor Committee meeting.

7. Gaia House will have an open house on 2/5. Quakers are scheduled for 6:00pm on "Who Are the Quakers?"

8. Jill will serve as alternate Recording Clerk when Noah is not available. Maurine will call Noah to see if he still wishes to serve.

9. A concern was expressed about continuing our involvement with 3 Rs. Michael reported on the current status of 3 Rs. A permanent depository is the greatest need.

10. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 1/13/13

Specially called meeting for business. Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting authorizes $40 from the Ministry fund to reimburse Maurine's ministry expense.

2. The meeting has agreed to donate $25 from the General fund to the annual M.L.K. Jr Celebration Committee.

Date: 11/25/12

Six adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Treasurer's report: Operating $1,667 with November child care to pay; Ministry $71 after a release for Justin's ministry. The meeting accepted the report.

3. The meeting has agreed to transfer $200 from Operating to Ministry in anticipation of upcoming ministry expenses.

4. The meeting reaffirms Maurine's travel release letter, noting that the only changes are the letter date and the signer.

5. We discussed Adult Religious Education (ARE). Themes that emerged:

a) Form vs. content. What we discuss is one thing, how we discuss it is another.
b) We expressed appreciation for a hybrid format with formal turn-taking followed by freer discussion.
c) Queries and passages work well for content, but we recognize that newcomers may have different ARE needs than seasoned Friends.
d) We wondered about having a committee or coordinator to help with content.

Discussion of ARE will continue.

6. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 10/28/12

Five adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Treasurer's report: Operating $1,197; Ministry $311.

3. Discussion about level of donations to Blue River Quarterly and ILYM: the meeting agreed to make an annual donation of $50 to BRQ and maintain the ILYM donation at the same level (despite members becoming non-resident). Approved.

4. Anchoring Committee Reports:

Dawn, as clerk, reported for Maurine's ministry committee. The phone plan is being reviewed. No reimbursement for the phone at this time. Her travel expenses will be reviewed in advance of travel. We are listening to openings for her ministry. The travel minute will be reviewed soon.

Tom H reported on the conference call with Justin. They reviewed his budget and found some uncertainty about his gas costs. He has reduced his phone plan. The food plan is working. He will review his delaying payment of his student loans. Doc will call him about a loan consolidation plan.

The meeting requests that Justin submit a budget showing his monthly income and expenses for review by his Anchor Committee. Approved.

5. The 3R's Project (Reading Reduces Recidivism) was discussed. Tod Kington made a presentation last Sunday regarding the need for a book storage space. He requested our support. Books will be collected and distributed to prison libraries. The next step is inviting our members to volunteer. Doc and Michael will do preliminary investigation of the need and our participation. They will report back to the November business meeting.

6. Second Hour program materials need to be selected. This occurs on the third Sunday of the month. The focus could be on "What is worship?" Michael will lead the first conversation and post the query on the listserve.

Date: 9/30/12

Five adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed. Operating balance is $1,288; Ministry Fund is $151; Money Market is $3,808. Two regular contributors are reducing donations. Report approved.

3. With regards to Justin's needs, the meeting will send $50 this month (October) from the Ministry Fund to help him to cover expenses. Jill will clerk his support committee, which also includes Doc and Tom H.

4. Discussion of Ministry Fund oversight. SIQM currently donates $10 per month to the fund. ILYM and Blue River Quarterly and others donated to QVS Atlanta directly.

5. Dawn is to call an Anchor Committee meeting to discern Maurine's call to traveling ministry.

6. Jill will arrange a phone conference of Justin's Anchoring Committee. Reports will be revisited next month.

7. Proposed queries for Adult Ed (second hour) meeting:
How does one enter into worship?
Faith & Practice as a text with worship sharing
What does it mean to be civically engaged?
How do I become a member?

Next ARE meeting is October 21, 3rd Sunday.

8. Next Life of the Meeting is October 26.

Date: 8/25/12

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The meeting has gratefully accepted Noah's services as Recording Clerk for the coming year.

3. The Treasurer's report for 8/25/12 was reviewed and accepted. Operating fund $1,415.80, Ministry fund $140.74, savings $3,807.77.

4. We continue the $40 annual contribution to the Carbondale Interfaith Council. The treasurer is authorized to make the payment.

5. The meeting has allocated $75 for reimbursement to Dawn for the Leverett pizza party from the general fund.

6. We read to the meeting an endorsement of Maurine's travel ministry from Fall Creek Friends Meeting in Indiana.

7. The meeting has decided on the next Life of the Meeting, Sunday September 16 noon-3pm at Ginny & Michael's. Meanwhile Doc will communicate with Margaret regarding a future visit.

8. The meeting has agreed to participation in the International Day of Peace on September 21 and we will offer a morning presentation.

9. Doc reports that he and Kris are continuing to season the minute on social justice and prison reform.

10. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 8/12/12

Ten adults in attendance.

1. The Meeting has authorized $230 to Justin for his moving cost to QVS/Atlanta, and an additional $70 for the initial expenses of his first month in the program. These expenses are to be taken from the SI Quaker Ministry Fund. The Meeting is aware that a follow-up Anchor Committee and Business Meeting will be necessary to consider additional expense needs for Justin's ministry and how he can be further supported by the Ministry Fund.

Date: 7/22/12

Seven adults in attendance.

1. We approve three treasurer's reports, 4/22/12 -7/21/12.

2. We formed a support committee, including Tom, Doc and Jill, for ongoing oversight of Justin's year of service with QVS.

Date: 5/26/12

Ten adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. There was no formal Treasurer's report. The Ministry fund totals $1,011.07. The operating fund totals $1,827.35.

3. The meeting is in unity over offering to add a $30/month surcharge for the use of air conditioning in the Library and the Fox Den. The meeting authorizes the Treasurer to add the surcharge to our monthly contribution to IFC/Gaia House, for months of use, beginning in June and ending in September.

4. The meeting has come to unity on the adoption of the Ministry Fund Guidelines as currently written, with a commitment to revisit it as needed.

5. The meeting will establish an anchoring committee to support Justin's year with Quaker Voluntary Service in Atlanta. Maurine and Jill have volunteered to serve on the committee, and Maurine will serve as convener.

6. The SIQM corporation met, including officers William S and Michael B as Presidents, Tom H as Treasurer, and Justin L as Secretary.

7. The endorsements of Maurine's travel minutes from Pendle Hill and Big Muddy Worship Group were read to the meeting.

8. Meeting closed with worshipful silence.

Date: 4/22/12

Twelve adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The treasury reports for March and April were reviewed and accepted. The Ministry Fund totals $1,343.36. The Operating Fund totals $1,878.97.

3. The meeting authorizes the disbursement of at least $500 from the Ministry Fund in support of Justin's Quaker Voluntary Service program, with appropriate oversight.

4. A fundraising committee was created to assist with development of funding for Justin's internship, including Maurine, Kathy, Tom L, and Jill. Maurine will clerk the committee. Maurine will draft a fundraising letter for Blue River Quarterly, to be approved by our co-clerks.

5. We discussed the draft minute on prisons, prepared by Doc and Kris, and agreed that it was the beginning of an ongoing discussion leading to action.

6. The meeting will forward the Tamms minute on to Blue River Quarterly, to be represented by Justin.

Date: 3/25/12

10 adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. [Begin text]  The Southern Illinois Quakers recognize the treatment of prisoners at Tamms Correctional Center as detrimental to human dignity. Starting in 2009, the Belleville News-Democrat documented policies of near-constant solitary confinement, without effective mechanisms for mental health treatment or eventual release to the general prison population. This deeply offends our conscience, and by some definitions it qualifies as torture.

We also recognize that many families in our region are dependent for their well-being on employment at the prison and that there are few other employment opportunities in the area. We come together in the belief that the rights of prisoners to humane treatment and the right of prison employees to the means for earning a decent living need not be viewed as antagonizing alternatives.

We thus believe that the current policy of isolation that leads to mental suffering should cease and that the prison with its current staff should continue to work toward devising a humane program that may lead to rehabilitation and restoration. The Mississippi State Penitentiary Unit 32 supermax has revolutionized its program, and so can Tamms.

We feel that Tamms is a current example of the larger need for prison reform. We strongly feel that the decision to close Tamms should not be dictated by budgetary problems, but rather be motivated by the value of human dignity and issues concerning quality of life for both the prisoners and employees. However, unless Tamms is dramatically reformed, the Southern Illinois Quakers support Governor Quinn's proposal to close the prison, redirecting a portion of the savings toward creating jobs in the area.

[End of text] A clerk will send a letter to Gov. Quinn and all local state representatives and senators including a copy of this minute and the article on Mississippi prison reform. We will include minute number 38 from the 2009 ILYM sessions. The minute will also be sent to the Southern Illinoisan, Daily Egyptian and Carbondale Times to be printed as a letter to the editor or as a guest column. We will also try to read this minute at the prisons hearing in Ullin, IL in April.

3. Friends agree to carry over the discussion on the larger issue of prison reform and institutionalized violence.

4. The meeting joyfully accepts the clearness committee's recommendation that the meeting endorse and support Justin going forward with the Quaker Voluntary Service program in Atlanta, GA, and the committee's recommendation of further consideration of use of the Ministry fund in support.

5. Meeting closed with worshipful silence.

Date: 2/26/12

Fourteen adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.
2. The treasurer's report was reviewed. The meeting accepts the report from 12/23/11 to 2/26/12. The operating fund balance is $1,560.22. The ministry fund balance is $1291.26. The money market account contains $4,004.86.
3. Tabitha attended as representative of the Gaia House board. We had a discussion of the financial situation of the Gaia House. The meeting will make a designated donation of $1,500.00 from the money market account to the Gaia House for 501c3 status and related costs. Michael will inform Tabitha of this donation.
4. Friends are urged to make donations to the money market account to replenish it.
5. Life of the meeting was scheduled for March 31st, possibly at Tom H's house.
6. Meeting closed with worshipful silence.
Date: 1/29/12

Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.
2. The treasurer's report was reviewed. The meeting accepts the report from 10/22/11 to 12/23/11. The meeting has come to agreement on rolling the money from the CD into a money market account when it matures in February. The Treasurer is directed to do this.
3. The meeting was updated about Maurine's traveling ministry. We read a travel endorsement of Maurine's ministry by Sandy M, the clerk of Columbia Friends Meeting. The anchoring committee recommended a reduction of $10 in her cell phone compensation, due to a reduction in costs. The meeting approves.
4. We discussed the ministry fund guidelines and Dawn has agreed to come back with another draft.
5. We encourage any meeting members to attend any upcoming Gaia House stakeholder meetings. We also encourage meeting members to explore alternate facilities.
6. Meeting closed with worshipful silence.
Date: 1/8/12

Special meeting for business. Eleven adults in attendance.

1. Doc and Michael agreed to their appointment as co-clerks of the meeting, and Justin as recording clerk. We also accepted Tom H as Treasurer.

2. We agreed to a donation of $50 to the Martin Luther King Celebration committee. We also agree to an additional $50 donation to the first annual Margie Parker teach-in.

Date: 10/23/11

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. Treesong, program director of Gaia House, met with us to talk about Gaia House programs and finances.

3. The Meeting was in consensus that it would continue to support Gaia House with rent and donation at current levels, while being aware that questions about the financial future of Gaia House exist. Schnucks cards which can be used to support Gaia House were distributed.

4. The Meeting accepted the Treasurer's reports for August and September.

5. The Meeting considered the request to help fund Quaker books to Kenya, and agreed to contribute $100 to this. Kathy will provide the information to the treasurer to allow this donation to be processed.

6. The Meeting closed in silent worship.

Date: 8/28/11

Twelve adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's reports were reviewed. Discussed state of accounts. Meeting accepts reports from June, July and August. Operating fund is $797.97. Ministry is $15.39. CD stands at $3,958. Total funds are $4,771.36.

3. The meeting joyfully accepts the recommendation of the marriage clearness committee for Emily and Eric. The meeting has agreed to take the marriage into the care of the meeting. Dawn's summary of the clearness meetings has been added to the minute book.

4. Endorsement letters obtained from other meetings that Maurine has visited were read in the meeting. Report of the Anchoring Committee was received.

5. Next Life of the Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 9 at 6:00. Ginny has offered her house as the location.

6. Doc has agreed to organize a threshing meeting to discuss the topic of the kids' program. He'll send an email over the listserve to coordinate times and dates.

7. Tom L has agreed to coordinate the annual camp-out. Possible dates - end of September or early October.

8. On September 18, the meeting will have a discussion about space needs for the meeting in the future.

9. Meeting closed with worshipful silence.

Date: 7/24/11

Six adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The clearness committee for Emily's marriage has been named. Tom H, Dawn, Mark, and Jill have been named to the committee. The wedding oversight committee is Kathy and Ginny. The wedding is scheduled for October 16 at 2:30. Regular attenders of the meeting are invited. It is at Starview Vineyard.

3. The Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting corporation met. The names of the officers to be entered onto the annual report form are as follows: "President" will be clerk Jill, "Secretary" will be recording clerk William, "Treasurer" will be treasurer Dawn. Friends affirm.

4. First Day School needs to be reorganized. Topic should be taken up at next business meeting. We had a preliminary discussion on the topic, and will attempt to schedule a more formal discussion before the next meeting for business.

5. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 6/26/11

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. There was discernment to increase our liability insurance to $15,000 in the up coming year, from the amount of  $10,000 in the past year.

3. There was recognition given to Margie Parker, who has recently passed away. The Meeting expressed gratitude for the many ways that Margie served the SI community, including her service to the Good Samaritan House, The Peace Coalition of SI and countless other causes for peace and justice issues.

4. There was discernment that we make a donation, in the name of Margie Parker, to the Good Samaritan House, in the amount of $100.

5. The meeting closed with a moment of silence.

Date: 5/22/11

Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The treasurer's report was reviewed. Operating 1521.22, Ministry 321.78, CD 3938.33, Total 5781.34.

3. The meeting has joyfully agreed to establish a clearness committee for Emily and Eric's discernment of marriage. The committee consists of Dawn, Mark, Tom H, Mallary and Doc. Dawn has agreed to serve as convener.

4. The meeting has agreed to establish a clearness committee in assisting Maurine in discernment of her relationship with the Gaia House Interfaith Center. Jill, Michael, and Tom L have agreed to sit on the committee. Jill has agreed to serve as convener.

5. The meeting common-sensically rejects terrorism risk insurance offered by Church Mutual Insurance.

6. The meeting has accepted the changes to the monthly meeting handbook with the addition of a term of service specified for Care Committee.

7. The term of service for the Care Committee shall be for one year with encouragement to renew for a second year, for continuity.

8. The composition for the Sufferings Committee at this time is Jill (clerk), Dawn (Treasurer), Maurine and Ginny. The meeting should review their term in December 2011 with anticipation of continuing to December 2012. Anticipation does not apply to officers.

9. The composition of the Care Committee at this time is Kathy and Maurine. The meeting should review their term in December 2011 with anticipation of continuing to December 2012.

10. General, ongoing appreciation to Dawn's efforts on behalf of the meeting was joyfully expressed by the meeting.

11. The meeting accepts the Anchoring Committee's recommendation for Maurine's telephone ministry, to the extent that the cell phone plan is more expensive than what she would otherwise require for personal use. The meeting ratifies previous allocations made from the Ministry fund on behalf of Maurine's ministry.

12. The meeting is in unity over offering to add a $30/month surcharge for the use of air conditioning in the Library and Fox Den. The meeting authorizes the Treasurer to add the surcharge to our monthly contribution to Gaia House Interfaith Center, for months of use, beginning in June.

13. The meeting closed with silent worship, given the lawn mowing occurring outside.

Date: 4/24/11

Thirteen adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The treasurer's report was reviewed.

3. The meeting considered Illinois' proposed concealed carry law. The meeting has united in opposing the concealed carry law that is currently under consideration in the Illinois Legislature. Tom H has agreed to draft a letter and send it to Doc S for input. Doc will then send the final draft to the listserv. Assuming no objections, it will then be sent to state Congressional Representatives, Governor Quinn, local media outlets, and ILYM urging other meetings to pick this  matter up as well.

4. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 3/27/11

Eleven adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating Fund $1,528.47, Ministry Fund $924.59, CD $3925.63, Total $6,378.69.

3. Doc volunteers to draft the annual State of the Meeting report. May's Life of the Meeting is on May 7th at Ginny & Michael's house.

4. The Meeting has agreed to donate $150 to the Japanese Student Association for disaster relief. All additional donations from individuals should be given to Dawn by April 2nd. Mallary has volunteered to find out contact information for the donation.

5. Dawn has agreed to reconfigure the listserve to create a broader listserve and a more limited listserve for just regular attenders. Both lists will be discussion based, but the local listserve will be closed to those who do not regularly attend the meeting. The listserve will also move off the server to a different host.

6. Ginny, Michael, Maurine and Dawn have been asked by the meeting to consider the IYM Site Envisioning Committee's queries and suggest some possible responses to bring back to the meeting, by the 10th of April.

7. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 2/27/11

Eight adults in attendance.

1.The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Current balance is $6,536.78, Operating is $1,518.22, Ministry is $1,099.59.

3. Kathy has, after much consideration, declined to serve on the Gaia House board. The Meeting would like to note the continuing volunteer work from the meeting at Gaia House, and will continue to offer the opportunity to others to fill the seat on the board.

4. Next Life of the Meeting is scheduled for April 2nd at 6pm. Jill has agreed to host the meeting. The topic of the meeting will be the queries about the State of the Meeting, to prepare an annual report for Blue River Quarterly.

5. The Meeting has agreed that with regards to membership for children in the meeting, membership will be recorded upon request of either a parent or the child. The meeting also shall provide support in discernment if there is some impulse toward membership. The meeting requests that Dawn submits this minute to ILYM Faith and Practice committee.

6. The meeting notes concerns with the appropriate use of the listserve. The meeting has agreed to hold the discussion over until Dawn is in attendance. One question raised concerned the use of the listserve by non-attenders. Another question raised was about the server being used for the listserve.

7. The meeting read the ILYM queries on site and visioning and has decided to think about them and discuss them next month.

8. Jill, in consultation with Michael and Doc, will draft a proposed minute addressing the wars, defense spending, and improvement of services to veterans. Jill will send out the proposed language before the next business meeting.

9. The meeting closed in silent worship.

Date: 1/23/11

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating fund $1,347.22, Ministry fund $924.59.

3. Next Life of the Meeting will be dedicated to a discussion about membership.

4. Discussion of guidelines for Ministry Fund is put off pending a meeting of the Anchoring committee.

5. Kathy has agreed to consider for a month whether to fill the Quaker representative position on the Gaia House board.

6. The meeting joyfully accepts Maurine's offer to lead 3rd week discussion on Exploring Quakerism.

7. The meeting unites in its opposition to the death penalty, and encourages Governor Quinn to sign the legislation which abolishes the death penalty in Illinois.

8. The meeting would like to express its gratitude to Mallary for her service as Recording Clerk and FUN Coordinator, which we recognize as a service well done, especially for a mother of young children.

9. The meeting accepts Dawn's willingness to take up the role of FUN Coordinator.

10. The meeting gleefully accepts Doc's willingness to take up the role of Recording Clerk for a year.

11. The meeting gratefully accepts Dawn's willingness to continue in the role of Treasurer.

12. The meeting joyfully accepts Jill's willingness to continue in the role of Clerk.

13. The meeting agrees to participate in the Good Sam Souper Bowl Offering for the Good Samaritan Food Pantry. [special collection on Feb 6]

14. The meeting has agreed to join the Interfaith Council and directs the Treasurer to disburse the correct membership fee.

15. The meeting has scheduled the next Life of the Meeting for 6pm Jan 29 and the Amos house.

16. The meeting carries over Ministry Fund guidelines, a minute about the wars, the Site Visioning committee questions, and Gaia House Rep until next month.

17. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 12/12/10

Twelve adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance $1,307.72. Ministry fund $953.87.

3. Tom H volunteered to compose a letter of thanks and appreciation to Paul Buckley for his visit.

4. Discussion of Ministry Fund guidelines clerked by Dawn. Friends asked Dawn to return next month with additional language.

5. Discussion about whether Jill and Dawn would be willing to remain in their roles will be held over until next month. As will discussion about who will be new recording clerk.

6. Friends agree to meet at another time for a called meeting for business with attention to membership. Date will be determined later.

7. Remaining items - Site Visioning request, Afghanistan war minute, discussion about membership.

8. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 10/24/10

Eight adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance is $1,128.60. Ministry fund is $1,045.

3. The meeting agrees to give $20 to the Gaia House for extra building time used for Being Salt and Light last week.

4. The meeting agrees to give a contribution of $110 to FWCC for Being Salt and Light last week.

5. Jill will send a letter to Felicity and Sheila to thank them for their visit and presentation last week.

6. The Amoses offered to host the pot luck Dec. 4 for Paul Buckley's Field Secretary visit. Tom H will look into hosting Paul at his home.

7. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 9/26/10

Nine adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance is $1,091.60. Ministry fund is $1,035.55.

3. Jill will invite ILYM Field Secretary Paul Buckley to visit December 4-5.

4. Following the Being Salt and Light presentation on 10/17/10, we will discuss what type of donation to give FWCC and Gaia House, taking into account the amount of free will donations collected from those attending. The meeting authorizes Dawn to buy a catered lunch for the event.

5. Jill will draft a letter to go out, seeking contributions to the Ministry fund.

6. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 8/22/10

Eleven adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. The balance for the Ministry Fund is $975.00. The operating fund's balance is $1,532.10.

3. We will establish a budget with a line item for Sufferings to be kept at $0 until a need arises. We will establish a committee of 4 people to whom individuals can appeal when funds are needed. The committee shall consist of the Clerk, the Treasurer and 2 others to serve a 2 year term. The committee shall take into account the meeting's other financial needs when deciding an amount to give. Maurine and Ginny will serve as initial members of the Sufferings committee along with current clerk Jill and treasurer Dawn.

4. The meeting approves the contribution of $50 to Blue River Quarterly Meeting.

5. The meeting approves increasing the annual contribution to ILYM to a monthly amount of $120 to reflect 6 adult resident members.

6. The meeting approves disbursement of $76 for the purchase of newcomer pamphlets.

7. The meeting approves increasing wages for child care to $8.25/hour.

8. The meeting agrees to contribute $60 quarterly to Good Samaritan House.

9. The meeting agrees to contribute $10 monthly to the Ministry Fund.

10. The meeting agrees to increase the weekly contribution to the Gaia House Interfaith Center by $5/week to $40/week. This comprises $15 for rent and $25 as contribution.

11. The meeting rescinds the minute of 1/26/09 concerning the Ministry Fund. The Ministry Fund is for ministry needs as they arise, and not for those of any one particular individual. Expenditures will be approved by a subcommittee composed of the Clerk, Treasurer and Recording Clerk.

12. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 5/23/10

Six adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating fund $1,302.98. Ministry fund $1,076.17.

3. Friends were in unity about forming a Care Committee of 2 people who will reach out to those Friends who are identified as being absent or in need. The members of this committee may be called upon for assistance. Kathy and Maurine have agreed to serve.

4. Friends will discuss ongoing donations at the next business meeting in June.

5. Friends accept the State of Society report, which will be submitted by Dawn to ILYM. We appreciate the work Mallay did to draft the report.

6. We read the Among Friends article, summer 2010 issue, with thanks to Maurine for its composition.

7. The meeting welcomes Mica Jane A. The Amos girls are especially eager to welcome another girl to the meeting.

8. The meeting will discuss membership guidelines at the July Life of the Meeting potluck.

9. The meeting accepts Marlena's agreement to serve as second hour child care provider.

10. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 3/28/10

8 adults in attendance.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance is $1,027.48. Ministry balance is

3. Mallary will do a State of the Meeting report for ILYM and Maurine will write about our meeting for submission to
Among Friends.

4. The next Life of the Meeting will be held May 1st at Tom H's (tentatively).

5. The Meeting's camp-out will be Sept. 4-5 (Labor Day weekend).

6. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 2/28/10

Attending: 9 Adults

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance is $1,094.48. Maurine's Travel Ministry Fund is $1,621.66.

3. Doc's clearness committee joyfully recommends Doc's membership in the Meeting. The Meeting joyfully approves Doc's membership.

4. The Meeting authorizes payment to Delia for second hour childcare as she is available and encourages Delia to participate in all aspects of the Meeting in which she feels drawn to participate.

5. Maurine's anchoring committee will meet on a quarterly basis. When the need arises, special meetings can be called with attendance as people are available. Those attending will report back to the larger anchoring committee via email. Current anchoring committee members are Dawn (convener), Mark, Doc, Tom H., Jill, and Ginny.

6. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Meeting for Business 1/24/10

Attending: 9 Adults

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. The Meeting's operating balance is $911, and the Ministry Fund is $1721.

3. The Meeting directs the Treasurer to roll over the CD for up to two years at the best rate available at the Bank of Carbondale.

4. We formally recognize that money to meet personal needs can be requested of the Meeting by individuals and that this money can be accessed from the Meeting's operating expenses, personal donations, and the CD. This will be in lieu of establishing a traditional Sufferings and Education Fund.

5. A clearness committee was established for Doc's membership. Maurine is the convener, and Tom H., Kathy, and Mark are members of the committee.

6. A clearness committee was established for Lawrence's consideration of "what's next."

7. The Meeting has authorized a donation of $25 to Quakers United in Publishing to help distribute the book Spirit Rising abroad. Mallary will email the electronic donation form to the Treasurer and will also send it to the list-serve for individual Friends to donate if desired.

8. The Meeting will file with the Secretary of State that our officers are now Jill A. (Clerk), Dawn A. (Treasurer), Mallary A. (Recording Clerk).

9. The Annual Meeting of the Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting was held Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 11 AM. At this meeting, the following officers were present: President (i.e. Clerk), Secretary (i.e. Recording Clerk), and Treasurer. Annual business was conducted. The meeting adjourned at 12:19PM.

10. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 1/13/10

Attending: 11 Adults

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

3. The meeting approved donating $50 to the Martin Luther King celebration this Sunday 1/17/10, at the Civic Center. SIQM agreed to be a co-sponsor of the MLK event.

4. The approved reimbursing Dawn A. $33.46 for her purchase of a lock box for our building key.

5. The meeting approved the Minute of Release for Ministry and Travel for Maurine P., with amendments.

6. The meeting gleefully united to approve the nomination of Jill Adams as clerk* of the meeting, and we are grateful for her acceptance.

7. The meeting gratefully accepted Dawn A. to the role of treasurer.*

8. The meeting united to invite Tom L. to serve as representative to the Gaia House board. Tom H. and Doc S. are other suggestions.

9. The meeting accepted Doc S. and Mallary A. as co-coordinators of Friends Under Nineteen (FUN).

10. A discussion was held with regard to the position of Gaia House board representative. Michael B. is willing to resume his role of representative upon his return to Carbondale this summer. A replacement representative could serve as interim in Michael's absence or continue serving with Michael upon his return in the interest of continuity.

11. The meeting extends gratitude to Mark A. for his service as Clerk for the past two years and to Tom H. for his service as Treasurer.

12. Next Meeting for Business is 1/24/10.

*These are one year appointments with the expectation for up to two years.


Attending: 11 adults

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The treasurer's report was reviewed. As of 10/24/09, the operating balance is $925.24. Maurine's Traveling Ministry is an additional $1,812.98. The treasurer's report was accepted by the meeting.

3. The meeting approved giving $100 to Good Samaritan to be sent by the treasurer.

4. The meeting approved a donation of $60 from Maurine's Traveling Ministry Fund and $60 from the meeting's operating funds to Blue River Quarterly in support of SI Quakers attending regional gatherings.

5. Doc will write a letter to Hugh thanking the Interfaith Center for the new room. We found unity in naming the room "The Quaker Fox Den" with input from the children.

6. The meeting agreed to continue posting business minutes to a stand-alone web-page and not to link them to our homepage.

7. The meeting asked Gavin to further investigate the meeting becoming a member of the coalition Tamms Year Ten regarding conditions in Tamms prison. If it is simply a matter of lending our name to the cause, Gavin is released to do so.

8. The meeting closed with silent worship.


Nine adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. The operating balance is $841.24, total (with Ministry fund) is $2,654.22.

3) Discussion of revisions in By-laws. We accepted the By-laws as amended in the attached document.

4) Discussion of IYM recommended contribution per adult resident member. IYM has requested an increase from $200 to $240. We have 5 adult resident members. We agreed to meet their request, and at current membership, pay $100 a month.

5) We discussed the state increase in minimum wage. We agreed to pay our child care worker at the state minimum wage rate. The current rate is $8.00 per hour. We agreed that the Meeting will pay for childcare during Meeting-sponsored events.

6) The reading group that meets on Thursday at noon will meet in the "Quaker Quarters." The group is reading Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship. Gavin will notify Hugh so the notice can go out with the Gaia House newsletter.

7) Maurine offered to make a card to give to visitors explaining Quaker worship. We gratefully accepted her offer. We discussed other ways to make newcomers welcome.

8) We discussed Tamms Correctional Institution. Gavin indicated that a group he has organized will visit with Lois Hayward to discuss Tamms on Oct. 3. Those interested should contact Gavin. We agreed to endorse the minute adopted by IYM in opposition to the conditions at Tamms. The clerk will notify IYM.

The meeting closed with silent worship.

Meeting for Business 8/16/09

Attending: Mark A. (Clerk), Ginny H., Kathy C., Erica (unknown), Michael B., Mallary A. (recording), Jill A., Doc S., Maurine P., Gavin B.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The meeting agreed to purchase a 3X3 ad in the Daily Egyptian "Welcome Back" edition for $117 and a 3X3 ad in the Daily Egyptian "Religious Guide" for $117. Dawn, Kathy, and Mallary will work on the text for the ad.

3. Families in the Meeting agreed to contribute items to the Kids' Room at the Interfaith Center. The Meeting agreed to purchase additional items needed up to $300. Gavin will inquire about getting shelves built by local carpenters.

4. We united to charge Dawn to draft the amendments to the by-laws of the corporation reflecting our name change and adopting Illinois Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice as our primary Business procedure with reliance upon the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice where IYM Faith and Practice does not address the issue.

5. The Meeting closed with silent worship.

7-26-09 Minutes

8 Friends in attendance

1. The treasurer's report was reviewed. Deposits are a little behind. There is an $11 discrepancy in the report, which Tom will identify & fix before posting an updated report to the list. Tom will let payees know about our forthcoming name change. The report was accepted subject to these changes. Operating balance net of ministry and outreach is $565.75.

2. We united to rename our meeting "Southern Illinois Quaker Meeting." Dawn will follow up on identifying the correct state filing form, which Tom can use to change the bank account and other names. Dawn will also follow up on our IRS number-name, and our listings with ILYM, FGC and FWCC.

3. We briefly discussed the new room/office at the Interfaith Center. Friends are asked to request of Hugh that we can change the locks. We can work around the built-in computer desk. Hugh has an air conditioning unit to offer for our use.

4. We discussed the issue of torture. We united with North Pacific Yearly Meeting's 5-paragraph minute on the abolition of torture. We further united with FCNL/Amnesty International's "12-Point Program for the Prevention of Torture by Agents of the State" ( updated 10/15/2007, with one exception. We were divided on point 7, Prosecution. We believe that accountability on torture is required, but we are open to achieving accountability through additional mechanisms such as Truth & Reconciliation Commissions as alternatives to prosecution.

We asked the clerk to forward this minute and related materials to our state and federal representatives.

5. Mark will redistribute materials so we can discuss action on Tamms.

6. We had a meeting of our Corporation Board and authorize renewal of our state paperwork.

7. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 6-14-09

Attending: Thirteen Adults in Attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed. Operating balance $1,278.

3. The meeting is interested in the room offered by IFC for our use, if the room can be emptied. A subcommittee was created to explore possibilities of the room. The sub-committee is comprised of Gavin B., Ginny H., Maurine P., Mallary A., and William S.

4. Dawn A. will make name tags for the meeting and copies of the Directory for guests.

5. The meeting united around annual support for Blue River Quarterly in the amount of $5 per adult resident member. Tom H., Treasurer, is released to send $25 now.

6. Mallary A. will contact the Daily Egyptian and Southern Illinoisan newspapers to include our meeting in the listings of places of worship that are printed at the beginning of the fall semester. The meeting approves up to $150 total for our listings. Meeting name change to be discerned prior to the listings.

7. Ginny H. has offered to convene Gavin B.'s committee of care before he leaves for Colombia for service with Christian Peacemaker Teams. The committee is Ginny H., Kathy C., Maurine P., and William S.

8. With love and concern for Gavin B., we have agreed to support him both financially and spiritually in his CPT mission to Colombia. To this end, we will provide $500 from the meeting's general operating fund and ask any who feel moved to contribute to SISF specifically for support of Gavin by the end of June. We are moved by his commitment and leading.

9. The meeting closed with silent worship.

Date: 4-26-09

Nine Adults in Attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance $1,225.

3. The meeting authorizes $200 as an honorarium to AGLI and reimbursement for advertising for Getry's talk to Dawn A. Both are to be paid from the Outreach Fund.

4. The meeting authorizes renewal of liability insurance, assuming the premium remains within $75 of last year's premium. If it is more than this amount, the meeting will reconsider renewal.

5. The meeting clarifies the minute of 1-25-09 by establishing a specific line in the Ministry Fund to be called "Maurine P.'s Traveling Ministry Fund" to be used only in support of Maurine P.'s traveling ministry. The meeting authorizes the Anchoring Committee to approve release of these funds, up to the amount specifically designated for her ministry.

6. The Anchoring Committee will revisit with Maurine P. the issue of discussing with her donor base how donations are to be designated.

7. The meeting agrees to donate a total of $20 a week to UCM, making our weekly payment (including rent) $35 a week. The memo of the check shall indicate $15 for rent, $20 as gift, effective in May.

8. The meeting authorizes $125 to be sent as a donation to Good Samaritan. The meeting will come back to discussion on continuing donation to Good Samaritan.

9. The meeting will discuss, in the future, our commitment to the Peace Coalition.

Date: 3-22-09

Attending: Eleven Adults in Attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. Operating balance is $1,566.75.

3. The meeting releases Lisa Z., a long-term, beloved member, to Santa Cruz Monthly Meeting. The meeting approved the clerk's letter or transfer.

4. The meeting ratified the renewal of the CD, which had been discussed earlier due to time constraints.

5. The meeting agrees to donate at least $200 to Getry A.'s cause but will get more information about how to apportion this money.

6. The meeting accepts the revisions to the handbook.

7. The meeting closed with silent worship.

3/14/09 Pressing business matter

The Meeting agrees to co-sponsor a presentation regarding the death penalty at SIU on March 24th. The Meeting authorizes the treasurer, Dawn, to contribute a $50 check to help with event expenses.


Attending: Ten Adults in Attendance

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The treasurer's report was reviewed. We have an operating balance of approximately $1,700. Our expenses are paid up.

3. The business meeting accepts the recommendations of Maurine's clearness committee and joyfully accepts her as a member of our religious community.

4. The meeting records Maurine as a traveling minister. We look forward to working with Maurine to provide her with elder oversight and a traveling letter and to further discern our role of supporting her ministry.

5. The meeting will accepts contributions in support of Maurine's ministry into our Ministry Fund. The process of oversight for these funds will be developed.

6. Michael Batinski volunteered to inquire of the Interfaith Center about the availability of designated office or storage space in the building. Michael volunteered to report back to the meeting.

1-18-09 - Meeting for Clearness

Attending: Eleven Adults in Attendance

1. The meeting joyfully accepted Mallary's offer to serve as recording Clerk, effective immediately and under the terms described in our handbook. Dawn handed the minute book to Mallary.

2. Maurine Pyle joined our meeting to help us consider her request for membership in Southern Illinois Society of Friends meeting and our support and oversight of her traveling ministry. We met to discern Maurine's proposed responsibilities to us and our responsibilities to her.

3. The clearness committee joyfully recommends that the meeting accepts Maurine as a member of Southern Illinois Society of Friends.

4. We recommend that the meeting accept with humility, uncertainty, and joyful anticipation our role in Maurine's ministry. This role includes our provision of heart-felt, spirit-led elders, oversight, and engagement.


Nine adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted. The operating balance (excluding savings and outreach) is $1,322.22.

3) We discussed our support of Good Samaritan house. We still intend to commit to quarterly support in the near future. For now we united to contribute $125 plus any individual contributions received by December 21st for that purpose.

4) Clerk Mark A reported that Tom H's clearness committee for membership was very clear that Tom belongs in our community. We joyfully and warmly welcome Tom H as a member of the Religious Society of Friends and of our meeting.

5) Dawn's term as recording clerk is ending this month. Friends interested in serving in this role may contact the clerk.

6) We shared impressions of Maurine's visit with us at Life of the Meeting after Thanksgiving. We look forward to meeting with her again in January.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


13 Friends discussed winter scheduling.


Ten adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed and accepted.

3) We agreed to hire Delia for child care, with Noah as a backup.

4) F.U.N. in October will be under Tom L's guidance, producing a new Quaker play. We hope to present the play 1st Sunday of November after pot luck.

5) Mark will send out a meeting request for the next Life of the Meeting. We will meet at Michael Bu's.

6) Mark will speak with Tom H and Gavin about their respective clearness committee requests.

7) We united to organize a talk by Getry Agizah in mid-November. Mark will make phone calls about venues and co-sponsors. After additional discussion, we came to a common understanding that our own local community needs HROC - to address wounds around racism in the election, wounds around our local community members' parts in relation to the Iraq war.

8) We began discussing our recognition of Maurine Pyle's gift of ministry. We did not read her recent letter to the group - Dawn will forward it to the worshiping SISF group later today. However, we warmly united on certain principles. We feel love for Maurine and note that she is in deep relationship with our community. We appreciate her ministry and recognize it as a spiritual gift. We will take up this discussion further to be led to the concrete ways in which we can support her ministry, and we invite Maurine to enter into dialogue and discernment with us on the way forward.

9) We discussed outreach. Kathy will send a PDF of fliers to Mark & Dawn to print and post. Gavin will chalk the sidewalks, given slogan ideas from Friends. Dawn will investigate ad/announcement space in the PCSI newsletter.

10) The meeting closed with silent worship.


Nine adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. The CD rolled over at $3,681.49. In checking, $1,482.26 with $499 of this set out for outreach.

3) We united to increase child care pay to the minimum wage of $7.75/hour.

4) We united to send $25 to the Peace Coalition in support of their ongoing activities.

5) We agreed to send $75 to the Good Samaritan House now, plus any contributions from individual Friends directed to that purpose by Sept. 1st. We agreed to bring to our agenda the question of ongoing support for PCSI, Good Sam and UCM on a quarterly basis.

6) We approved the minute of 7-11-08.

7) We accept Gavin B among our congregation and are happy to be noted as his primary congregation on his application with Christian Peacemaker Teams.

8) The meeting closed with silent worship.


Fourteen adults in attendance (Life of the Meeting gathering).

After discussing a) planning for fall Blue River Quarterly during a proposed visit by Columbia Friends July 26-27, b) starting a reading & discussion group, and c) questions about inviting the ILYM Peace Resources committee to facilitate a workshop on the Peace testimony, Friends labored over the question of taking out a liability insurance policy for the meeting. A wide array of messages was given, in a spirit of deep caring.

Friends came to unity that we would purchase the policy from Church Mutual for up to $430 for the first year. Next spring we will verify whether contributions have increased to continue this new financial obligation.

Friends gratefully accepted Jill's offer to speak with the agent about tailoring the policy to our specific needs.


Ten adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. We authorize the Treasurer to roll over the current principal and interest of our CD (about $3,693) into a new term at a suitable interest rate and period.

We request that the Treasurer report back on the bank charges being incurred.

3) Friends discussed the weighty topics around meeting space. Much of this discussion will be carried over. We did unite on the following:

a) We would like Adam Alexander to serve for child care this summer.

b) Dawn will ask Hugh to make the downstairs office child ready.

c) We are committed to maintaining a relationship with the Interfaith Center governing organization(s). To this end, we begin by naming Michael Ba. as our liaison to the appropriate board(s).

d) Mark will set up another Life of the Meeting to season these issues.


Seven in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. A bank fee was noted, Tom H will investigate. There is $887.76 in the checking account, of which $499.29 is reserved for outreach.

3) Announcements were made of local and other events.

4) We decided on dates for the following events:

  • Children's play: Sunday April 20 at 11am
  • Spring camp-out: Saturday afternoon May 3rd to Sunday noon at Giant City State Park
  • Life of the Meeting: a Tuesday or Friday in April; Mark is arranging schedules
  • Peace Testimony workshop: we will ask IYM's Peace Resources committee for their available dates in the next few months

5) The meeting ended in silent worship.


Ten in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. There is $638.26 in checking to date ($138.97 General, balance Outreach) with expenses paid up-to-date. CD of $3,591.65 is renewed until 7/23/08 at 4.13%.

3) We discussed child care plans.

  1. The meeting will cover child care costs from general funds, anticipating that Friends may increase their contributions a little to help cover them.
  2. Tom H will ask Hugh about obtaining a stable storage space for toys and materials.
  3. The meeting warmly thanks Diane S for helping provide childcare materials.
  4. We will pay our child care provider at least monthly, at the discretion of the treasurer. We will start with $45 for six hours per month, adding on $7.50 per hour for additional hours worked in the month. The meeting will certainly consider more money per hour should the need arise.

4) Officers: Mark has offered to take the clerk position, which the meeting has joyously accepted. The term is for one year with the option to renew for another year. Kathy C will look into filing the form to change our corporation officers.

5) Retiring clerk Tom H has graciously offered to step into the role of treasurer, which the meeting joyously accepts. Term is the same as the clerk. Kathy C will arrange with Tom the transfer of the financial records.

6) The meeting gratefully thanks Tom H and Kathy C for their years of service as clerk and treasurer.

7) We will gather at Michael and Ginny's on Saturday evening Jan 26 at 6pm for our next Life of the Meeting session, with IYM Field Secretary Maurine Pyle, continuing Sunday with perhaps more of a fellowship theme.

8) The meeting closed with silent gratitude.


Seven in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. There is $754.26 in checking to date ($254.97 General, balance Outreach). We have enough to pay our bills through the end of the year. We need to decide on the CD renewal.

3) We authorize Kathy to renew the CD for 6 to 12 months at the best rate, including rolling over the current interest into the new CD.

4) We united on paying the IYM contribution monthly -- currently $83/month.

5) We are ready to hire a babysitter for approximately $12-15 each week. We acknowledge the need to set mutual expectations about when the sitter will and won't be needed, with sufficient lead time notification.

6) In response to Hugh's plan for a new sign, we authorize the treasurer to pay up to $100 towards our portion, if asked.

7) Wording on the sign: "Friends Quaker Meeting / Worship Sundays 10am".

8) We will invite Maurine Pyle, IYM Field Secretary, to visit us Jan 26-27 for our January "Life of the Meeting" session.

9) There is a UCM open house tomorrow 12/10 at 5pm and our next "Life of the Meeting" session is Weds 12/12 at the Leveretts at 7pm for dessert.

10) We discussed rotating roles in the meeting. For clerk, Mark A's name came forward, and for treasurer, Tom H. We ask the meeting to take these names in discernment and prayer, and join us in Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business on Jan. 20 to discuss further.

11) The meeting ended in silent worship.


Ten adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Treasurer's report was reviewed. As of today there is $499.29 left of the outreach fund after the purchase of two signs, and the general account is ($35.03) in the red. There are some UCM rent checks that have not been cashed, and Online Banking is being set up for our accounts.

3) We planned for the visit next weekend of the Unitarian junior high class. We agreed to hold worship to 20 minutes followed by round table discussion on topics suggested by their youth leaders. After that we'll put on a classic Quaker pot luck.

4) On Nov. 12 at 6:00pm at Ginny & Michael's we will hold a pot luck and discussion around being a thriving meeting, with further meetings planned.

5) We made and approved minor revisions to the Handbook.

6) We will hold our last business meeting of the year on Dec. 9 to discuss officers. [Post meeting: it was noted that our CD matures on 12/23 so we should also decide at this meeting whether and how much to renew.]

The meeting closed with a moment of silent worship.


Eleven adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The Southern Illinois Society of Friends continues to support the Amos family as they wrap up their service project with African Great Lakes Initiative. We unite with their plan to publicize their reports and findings, and to solicit additional funding for the Friends Peace Center in Lubao through a matching challenge on the IYM-L mailing list. The meeting continues to hold the Amos family in the Light during this transition.

3) We reviewed the Treasurer's report.
a) We united on setting up monthly automatic transfers for the contribution to IYM, which this year is $1,000 or $83/month.
b) We united to reimburse Dawn and Mark $35.00 for a meeting sign from QuakerBooks.
c) We united to purchase Welcome postcards from QuakerBooks for approximately $8.00, which includes using the meeting's credit balance at QuakerBooks.
d) We appreciate the Amos family's donation of Quaker pamphlets for our meeting and for newcomers.

4) We discussed a new meeting sign. We asked Tom H, Kathy, Dawn & Mark to design and make or order the sign, with a maximum expenditure of $200.

5) We agreed to help plan fall 2008 Blue River Quarterly, and ask Lisa, Kathy and Dawn to serve on the planning committee.

6) There have been two requests for clearness committees, and the meeting is in the process of forming those committees.

7) The meeting discussed the roles of clerk, treasurer and recording clerk by reading our handbook (which needs updating). We ask Jill to speak with Kevin about his relationship with the meeting and the possibility of serving as recording clerk. We ask each other to be open to leadings to serve in these roles.

The meeting closed with a moment of silent worship.


Ten adults in attendance.

1) The meeting opened with silent worship.

2) The treasurer's report was reviewed. We have sufficient funds to pay current rent, but have not yet collected toward our IYM donation. We briefly discussed our financial history and current status.

3) We discussed having a sign for the meetinghouse. We agreed that it needs four basic elements: the word "Quaker," the word "Friends," the web site address, and the worship day and time. Kathy, Mark and Dawn will take measurements and come up with some proposals to share with the group this week over email and at the forthcoming pot luck.

4) While we are united on the need for a flier, we need more information about ads and print media. Jill will get more information from the Daily Egyptian and Tom H will get more information from the Southern Illinoisan. We felt that the weekly ads are expensive and that we need to take advantage of free mechanisms like announcements and public interest articles. Mark will contact the Carbondale Times and Nightlife as well.

5) We approved a flier design that Kathy brought us, a series of simple "moment" flyers. Next week Kathy will bring copies of the amended ones and this week we all will help provide ideas for more in the series.

6) The meeting closed with silent worship.


Six in attendance.

We agree to authorize [treasurer] Kathy C to donate $40 of meeting funds to Blue River Quarterly.


Seven in attendance.

Our corporation officers (Tom H as clerk and Dawn A as recording clerk) met along with the corporation members. We agreed to approve and sign the Illinois state annual report and corporation renewal, supplying Dawn's name as an officer after Adam moved along to college. We authorize treasurer Kathy C to file the report with the state.


Seven in attendance.

The meeting opened after silent worship.

1) The treasurer reported that there is currently $1,308 in our Ministry fund. Contributions to this fund received by June 15 will be donated to African Great Lakes Initiative to support the Amos work camp in Kenya. She also reported that the certificate of deposit is about to roll over for renewal.

2) We united on rolling the $4,000 CD and interest over for three more months. In that time, we will find out about outreach costs -- Ginny will call The Southern about ads, Mark will contact the Daily Egyptian for options, and in August, Dawn and Kathy will collaborate on layout and design for ads and a meetinghouse sign. Our hope is that all of these will come together for an outreach program in early September.

3) The meeting closed with silent worship.


Eight in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) Treasurer Kathy C reported that we have $647.47 in the general fund as of 4/21/07. (This is in addition to the CD savings.)

2) The meeting will establish a Ministry fund. Contributions made to this fund by June 15 will be used to support the Amos family participation in the African Great Lakes Initiative work camp in Kenya. Additionally, the meeting will immediately transfer $200 from general operating funds to the Ministry fund.

3) Southern Illinois Society of Friends gives its love and support to Dawn, Mark, Miranda, Delia and Marlena Amos as they participate in the African Great Lakes Initiative to build peace camps in Africa. The Amoses, having been through clearness with the meeting, are led to donate their time, money and effort to the African Great Lakes Initiative in Lubao, Kenya. Our meeting is moved by their dedication and commitment and offers them financial and spiritual support as we are able as they undertake this work. We ask that other meetings and organizations join with us in supporting the Amos family spiritually and financially as they follow this leading, and that we all hold them in the Light as they undertake this endeavor.


Nine in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) The meeting welcomed a visit by IYM Friends Maurine P and Margaret K this past week. We enjoyed their friendship and building community together as we shared pot luck and played games. The meeting also thanks Dawn amd Mark for hosting the event.

2) The meeting released inactive Friend Karla from membership. We would always welcome her back into our community.

3) We briefly discussed the question of moving the dates of the annual sessions of Illinois Yearly Meeting.

4) Kathy presented the treasurer's report, which was accepted.

5) We agreed to contribute $150 to the Peace Coalition to support and sponsor a talk on torture by Alfred McCoy on April 3.

6) We agreed to keep our listserv as "open subscription" (anyone can join) and to leave all subscribers intact. We will share with each other the current subscription list for informational purposes. We recognize the need to be aware that postings are available to all subscribers, and to exercise discretion when posting.

After discussing future agenda items, the meeting closed with silent worship.


Six in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) Recording clerk: Friends agreed to ask Dawn to serve as recording clerk for one year, with a review in January 2008 to evaluate additional service or an alternate candidate. The Meeting noted that Dawn has graciously agreed to serve.

2) Procedure of meeting for business:

a. We united on having business meeting after weekly worship instead of during worship.

b. We ask Friends to send agenda items to the clerk, who will collect them. As the agenda becomes pressing, the clerk will schedule business meeting. The frequency is likely to be more than quarterly but less than monthly.

c. We recognize the need to cyclically educate Friends about the value of participating in Quaker business process.

3) We received, reviewed and approved the treasurer's report.

4) Friends agreed to ask our treasurer to write a letter to Will Major, carbon copying the UCM board, asking that our rent/contribution checks be deposited in a timely fashion.

5) We reviewed the status of UCM and the Interfaith Center. We probably have more time in this building than we have feared, but we are concerned about environmental comfort.

6) Friends united on an intention to contribute to Illinois Yearly Meeting the suggested donation of $1,000 for this fiscal year, in three installments on or about December 2006, March 2007 and June 2007. Thereafter, Friends intend to send these contributions quarterly.

7) We agreed not to join the Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice due to their expectations about updating our "votes" on their web site.

8) We express our appreciation to Maurine for facilitating our recent retreats, and to Tom and Diane for hosting.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Six in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) The Meeting wishes to acknowledge Adam A's faithful service as recording clerk, and we wish him well in his university studies.

2) The Meeting needs a new recording clerk. Friends interested in serving should contact clerk Tom H.

3) On 8-6-2006, our corporation officers met and approved and signed the Illinois state annual report, which was then submitted to the state with the annual corporation payment.

4) Friends united over the decision to move $4,000.00 to a 6-month single signature certificate of deposit. Friends intend to consider prayerfully how this gift from Tim Rodgers ought best be used, with hope that by the first 6-month maturity we will have more clarity.

5) Friends agreed to invite IYM Field Secretary Maurine Pyle for 12-3-2006 (and 12-2-2006 evening if she is able) to help us define and deepen our meeting community.

6) Friends agreed to send $25 to the Peace Coalition of S.I. in support of the Peace Pole Project, for installing at Town Square a wooden pole inscribed with the word "peace" in several languages.

7) Friends were primary, along with instrumental help and support from other community groups, in hosting AFSC's Eyes Wide Open Illinois, an exhibit of the Iraq war. We felt that it served as a form of outreach to our community, witnessing our peace testimony to the wider community. It pulled us together with a sense of action and purpose, and strengthened our ties with like minded groups. Many were genuinely moved by the experience.

8) Friends have concerns about the mechanics of holding business meetings. We agreed to hold our next business meeting on 12-10-2006 with attention to this topic. (The 11/26 date conflicts with Thanksgiving.)

9) We discussed a proposed letter to a long absent member, Karla K, and agreed to send her the revised version. Dawn will send the soft copy to Tom H to sign and mail.

10) In terms of the Listening Committee for Tom A, Friends reiterated their welcome to Tom to return to meeting, and that the Listening Committee is still available should he choose to utilize it. It is our sense that at this point in time Tom is not seeking a clearness committee for leaving the meeting.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Seven in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) Dawn will send Tom H a copy of a traveling minute template which he will use to write letters of introduction for Adam and Justin prior to their departure for college.

2) Agreement to purchase Rise Up Singing for the meeting, using our $18 credit at Quakerbooks. We can allow $300 toward the purchase of ten large-print copies, either via Quakerbooks (preferred) or Amazon. Lisa will do final research on this and will post details on the list, and we empower Kathy Cotton to make the purchase.

3) Lisa, Dawn, Jill and Tom H will serve together in helping plan for Illinois Eyes Wide Open, an AFSC exhibit about the costs of war. Planning should begin in the next 2-3 weeks. Proposed dates are Aug 28 - Sep 3 time frame.

4) We agreed we do not have the resources to co-sponsor the Hiroshima Day observance with the Peace Coalition. Individual Friends may choose to participate.

5) Maurine requests a meeting directory. Dawn will send it. We agreed to ask Maurine to facilitate a visioning for our next meeting space. Tom H will invite her for sessions beginning in September. [dma: avoiding conflict with Calvi, Oct. 14 and other events]

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Nine in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) The meeting agreed to donate $825 to IYM to be spent according to the recommended allocations from IYM.

2) The meeting agreed to donate $40 to Blue River Quarterly.

3) Lisa has offered to become a board member for UCM to represent the Quakers. The meeting thanks Lisa for taking on this task. The meeting is unclear at this point whether to become a constituent member of UCM.

4) Vince, as a board member at large of UCM, gave details regarding the feasibility study under consideration of the board to finance UCM/IFC.

5) Lisa volunteers to investigate the prices of purchasing several Rise Up Singing books.

6) The Listening Committee for Tom A's request for a clearness committee regarding whether he should leave the meeting or not has listened to several Friends, and plans on listening to Tom again. The meeting wishes to express that it continues to welcome Tom back and that we feel his absence here.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Nine in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) The meeting decided to ask Maurine [IYM Field Secretary] if she is available to come on May 21. Tom H will follow up.

2) Listening Committee met with Tom A in February. The committee plans to proceed. The meeting feels that Tom A is welcome in the meeting. The meeting misses his presence.

3) "The meeting is moved by the life of Tom Fox of Langley Meeting in Virginia. We hold him, his family, and friends in the Light. We join his call that any response be in the spirit of restorative justice rather than retribution. We join in the call for the release of Harmeet Sooden, Jim Loney, and Norman Kember. We answer Tom Fox's call to see the Light in everyone." Tom H will send this minute in letter form to the Southern Illinoisan and the Daily Egyptian, in addition to sending it to the Langley meeting and to Christian Peacemaker Teams.

4) The meeting approves increasing our weekly rent to $25. It also agrees to give a $100 donation to UCM as a sign of good faith. Further discussion of a larger donation is needed. The members of the meeting agree to meet the increased rent through donations to the meeting.

5) Lisa will explore representing the meeting on the UCM board.

6) Tom H volunteers to lead the peace march on the 18th [of March], being here at 11:15 a.m. The march commemorates the third anniversary of the Iraq war.


Nine in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) Adoption of the By-Laws has been discussed and approved by the meeting (draft by-laws dated 10/23/05).

2) The meeting appreciates the work and patience that Dawn and Kathy C. contributed for organizing the draft By-laws.

3) Dawn agrees to volunteer for FUN (Friends Under Nineteen) coordinator with consensus of the meeting, in addition to her roles as Yearly and Quarterly liaison. Meeting approves.

4) Handbook discussion was held. The meeting approves the description of roles provided in the meeting Handbook dated 10/23/05 with recognition that it is a living document.

5) Meeting agrees to pay the 2005 rent of $520. Jill will write the check.

6) Ruth read an email from a member of World Gathering of Young Friends in Kenya.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Eleven in attendance plus three children.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

1) The meeting joyfully united in naming and making Tom H. our new Clerk. The term of service will usually run for a calendar year, when we will review it for renewal. In this case we ask Tom to serve for an additional three months at the beginning of his term. The date of the next review will be 12/31/2006.

2) The meeting joyfully united in naming and making Adam our new Recording Clerk, for a term to run until a review on 12/31/2006. The term may be shortened by his going away to college.

The meeting returned to silent worship.


Twelve in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

Consideration of By-Laws.


Eight in attendance.

The meeting opened with silent worship.

Consideration of By-Laws.


Six in attendance.

1) Discussion: adding corporate officers to list of positions in the meeting for the application of Illinois Not for Profit Corporate status, which requires three signatures. It was agreed that the Clerk, Recording Clerk, and Treasurer will serve as the three required officers, and that the Treasurer will be responsible for keeping our information current with the state of Illinois. The meeting handbook was amended to reflect these changes.

8-14-2005 (brief)

1) We agreed that Tom L., Dawn and Kathy C. would serve as the Officers of our Illinois Corporation. Application will be mailed this week and bylaws will be written ASAP.


Seven in attendance.

1) We agreed that Kathy C., Jill and Dawn's names would be on the new checking account.

2) Amount in account is approximately $5,200. There are five adult members currently. IYM suggests $165 per adult resident member, totalling $825. Friends agreed to pay this amount by June 30 if possible. Kathy C. will call Jill to request a check be sent.

3) Friends agreed to pay $90 to the Friends Journal for a Southern Illinois Friends announcement. We will cancel this announcement as of October 2005.

4) Silent worship with attention to naming for clerk and recording clerk. Names raised were Dawn, Jill, Tom H., Adam, Tom L., Lisa. It was also mentioned that a Friends Under Nineteen (FUN) coordinator could be considered. Reference to the British Friends handbook was made, which includes suggestions for two teachers working together and for a background check for all First Day School workers. Membership for this coordinator is encouraged but not required. Term would be for one year with the option to renew.


Seven in attendance.

1) Jill reports that there is $4,000+ in account. Dawn raises issue of contribution to Young Friends meeting in England. IYM is sponsoring 2 people, including Ruth who is living in Carbondale. IYM is also sponsoring 2 African Friends if they can get visas. Dawn proposes we send $200. One reason for supporting this is that it is rare to find Friends in the U.S. between 18-35. The meeting agrees to send $200 to support World Gathering of Young Friends attendees.

2) Kathy C. will become treasurer and agrees to serve through January 2007.

The meeting returned to silent worship.


Ten in attendance.

The meeting opened with worshipful silence.

1) Dawn raised the possibility of seeking a new clerk and treasurer. She suggested outlining the requirements of each role. Dawn says minimum requirement for clerk is to exercise discernment at business meeting and being signatory to communications from the meeting -- with the possibility of separating out role of communicating with larger Quaker community, setting up chairs, opening meeting house, etc., keeping up with mail.

Jill pointed out the role of clerk in signing marriage licenses for marriages undertaken in the care of the meeting.

Bob says the clerk has only been the one to open and close silence. The face of the meeting to the meeting. To convene and facilitate rise of meeting.

Dawn raised the issue of whether the clerk also plays the role of greeting newcomers. Clerk is the person who signs travelling minutes.

Kathy N. asks whether it would also be meaningful to compile a list of what gifts each of us can bring to the meeting.

Dawn raises possibility of using Roxy Jacobs' materials to help us discern the gifts we can bring on our own.

Treasurer's role: Jill handles deposits and check writing, balances check book. Treasurer also reports current state of finances. One issue that has raised is whether to provide year end statements to donors for tax purposes. Dawn would like to see tracking of donations and thanks for [them].

Is membership a qualification [for treasurer or clerk]? Historically it has not been. Term should also be discussed. Dawn suggests a term of one or two years. Kathy N. says term should be one year to encourage participation.

There is a sense of the meeting that membership is not required but is encouraged.

Jill says she is more comfortable with two year term -- so there could be more continuity. Dawn remarks that for her it was helpful to be one year with option to renew.

Dawn raises possibility of there being an assistant to learn role.

There is the sense of the meeting that the term of clerk should be for one year with a goal of two.

There is a sense of the meeting that the role of treasurer should include the list of duties above.

The additional role is that of recording clerk. The minimum requirement would be to be at business meeting.

An additional responsibility of the clerk is to post an agenda before meeting for business.

It is the sense of the meeting that we should have a designated recording clerk.

2) The meeting closed with silent worship.


Six in attendance.

1) IYM Listening Project [later called the Dream Gathering Project] is asking to be invited to all monthly meetings in the second quarter of the year to hear about the relationship between IYM and all MM's. SI Meeting agreed to invite them.

2) Lisa may be buying a house in Carbondale that could be offered for usable space for the monthly meeting.

3) Tax ID number and 501(c)(3) incorporation. There is a form for becoming a religious tax free organization. Roger Laughlin is IYM Treasurer and Dawn agreed to contact him.

4) The Interfaith Center is holding a meeting this afternoon to discuss financing the mission of the Interfaith Center and the proposed constitution. Dawn and Kathy C. will attend.

The meeting closed with silent worship.


Five in attendance.

1) Finances. Discussion of t-shirts as a possible source [of funds]. Tom L. suggests meeting could do that, or an individual could do it. Discussion of whether we need a tax ID number. Kathy C. expressed concern about funds being used as Tim Rodgers would have wished. Concern with sense of Quakers as needing sense of financial commitment to Meeting and for donation to worthy groups expressed by Kathy C.

Dawn will look into obtaining tax ID number and consider incorporation. After that, we will move $4,000 to savings. By the end of the year, we will have little in checking, but could inspire more donations.

2) Outreach. Tom L. mentions we ought to put our name into the free listings of churches. Each of us will keep an eye out for local lists of churches and bring them to the attention of the Meeting with an eye to getting included in them.


Eight in attendance.

1) The meeting wants to express its heartfelt gratitude to Dawn for her year of service as clerk, and for agreeing to continue in that service for another year.

2) We discussed the one/two year term of service and Friends were in agreement as to the benefits of rotating the position of clerk among Friends. Friends are in agreement to seek and search within themselves to discover when and how they might offer that service to the Meeting.

3) Friends have agreed to have business within regular meeting for worship, quarterly, during the next year. Pressing items may be raised and treated during the fourth Sunday of the month. Agenda items will ideally be brought forward 7-10 days before the scheduled meeting. Agenda items will be read out at the start of the meeting so that Friends can use them as a guide for worship; we envision 20-30 minutes of silence before attending to business. Dawn and Mark will look into arranging child care for the quarterly meetings. [Also, Jessica has volunteered for this service.]

4) The proposal to have the children join us in silence for the first fifteen minutes of Meeting rather than the last was discussed. Benefits were seen as including coordinating the natural restlessness of children with the settling-in period, allowing for the possibility of latecomers to join the silence without being overly interruptive, and marking the rise of meeting with the joyous return of the children.

A related issue, moving the body of the meeting into the library, was also discussed. Benefits were seen as more clearly defining the sacred space, insulating the meeting somewhat from noise, and providing the children with more space [downstairs] for their activities during meeting.

Both proposals were enthusiastically approved.

The meeting closed with a moment of silence.


Eight in attendance.

Friends discussed the finances of the meeting and their relationship to the meeting's vision of itself and its place in the local community and the larger community of Friends. We agreed upon a number of elements of a long-term vision, including the following commitments: to grow the endowment for a long term project such as a meeting house, a program for youth in the meeting, support for separate donation offerings, and a more visible collection of donations, fund raising projects, and outreach and publicity once the vision is clearer. For this year we agreed to send 25% of our net income to IYM, in this case $200.


Six in attendance.

At our October monthly meeting, we received and approved the report of the clearness committee enthusiastically recommending that we accept Dawn's application for membership in the SI monthly meeting. We welcome Dawn into the meeting.

We considered Lisa's request for support for Brianna's exchange program with the Monteverde Friends School in Costa Rica. The meeting agreed to provide $150 at this time, with the hope of increasing our support at a later date.

A letter of feedback to IYM concerning Roxy's November visit was read and considered and approved (with pending amendments). We are pleased to voice our heartfelt appreciation.


Seven in attendance.

In discussing inviting Roxy for a visit in November, the following observations were made or issues raised: a question how we can bring the experiences and values of Meeting and Quakerism from meeting out with us into the world; the bringing together of the meeting through shared prayer, sharing the thoughts we have during silence, perhaps through a shared query for consideration during silence; addressing how to encourage us to bring our individual concerns to the meeting, either in silence or in discussion after meeting; addressing how what we do differs from individual meditation; how through prayer we might learn more about each other and better know each other to build and form community.

Dawn will invite Roxy for a workshop on 15-16 November and will discuss with her the many concerns and themes raised in our spirited discussion.

Dawn's clearness committee: Dawn would like to invite Tom, Jill, Tom, Jen, Tom and Mark to be on [the committee to consider her request for membership]. Tentative date to meet at Dawn's house 24 September at 6:00pm.

Quaker mail includes religious junk mail, periodic newsletters; the mail will be circulated, gleaned and recycled.


Eight in attendance.

The meeting agreed to continue the listing in Friends Journal. The entry should include the website address. There was concern about cost and a thought that the issue should be revisited next year.

We discussed funding for Project Lakota. It was noted that this group receives some funds from IYM, and that our donation to IYM partly funds this group. It was the sense of the meeting that, given our limited resources, we would not contribute this year, but members are encouraged to support the project individually.

After discussion, the meeting decided not to contribute to FCNL, again noting IYM's contribution. Again members are encouraged to donate individually.

A discussion was held regarding the process for membership and the role of clearness committees. There was discussion of whether the business meeting as a whole should serve as the clearness committee. After discussion, Dawn stated that she would like a separate clearness meeting and that it should be held before school starts or shortly thereafter. Throughout the discussion the meeting expressed its sense that there was no doubt about Dawn's ultimate membership. The issue was one of the richness of process.


Seven in attendance.

1) Friends will donate $250 at this time toward the Interfaith Center air handler upgrades. Jill will post an appeal to the list requesting individual contributions, with our wish to increase the group donation to a total of $500. Jill will accept checks and send a single contribution to UCM. This contribution will include group funds and individual ones earmarked for UCM.

2) Dawn will serve as clerk of the meeting for a term of one year. The meeting expressed a concern that the position not be viewed as overwhelming and that the primary role of the clerk is to bring discernment to the business meeting. The clerk will also assume responsibility for assuring that someone will open and close meeting. It is the hope of the meeting that the year will be a fruitful one and that at the end of the year Dawn will feel willing to serve an additional year if she and the meeting both desire. The meeting expresses gratitude to Dawn for being willing to fill this position.

3) Business meeting will be held quarterly in September, January, April and July. In intervening months short meetings will be held to develop agenda items for the business meeting and to tend to pressing concerns. These are contemplated to last only about 15 minutes.


Five in attendance.

1) Lisa and Friends discussed the current responsibilities of SI Friends clerking.

  • preparing the building for meeting
  • cleaning up afterward
  • centering the meeting down into silence
  • rise of meeting
    • standing up at 11:00 and saying "Good morning, Friends."
    • asking for the circle to introduce themselves with special attention to visitors
    • calling for and making announcements
  • transition to post meeting activities: potluck, music, discussion, business, music
  • spiritual nurturing of the Meeting community

2) Our one committee currently is the Correspondence Committee consisting of Tom L, Jim S and Lisa Z.

3) We discussed the opportunity of the meeting to form a clerking or co-clerking committee.

4) Lisa would like to host a meeting for worship sharing on the topic of clerking. Nancy J. and Margaret K. [of St. Louis] will be invited to attend. Friends are encouraged to bring thoughts about their unique gifts and the needs and concerns of the Meeting with respect to clerking.


Seven in attendance.

1) We discussed war tax resistance. Jim volunteered to talk to Dave Z [St. Louis] and Hugh to propose a session on this topic open to the Southern Illinois community.

2) Friends discussed the impact of the strike situation at Southern Illinois University upon the area community and on the community of our meeting. We noted that affiliation with the university, or lack of affiliation, can serve to divide the community. We also noted that political and economic issues of the university can divide the community.

We feel called to be more aware of these potential divisions. As Quakers we reach again to connect with our tradition of accepting and respecting each other as we seek our own conscience in coping with these divisive issues.

Dawn agreed to post these minutes to the listserv today.

3) Friends are encouraged to participate in local peace vigils as announced on our listserv.

4) Friends discussed a flier for outreach composed by Lisa. Jim, Mark, Tom, and Lisa volunteered to post some on campus.

5) Mark will consult the Daily Egyptian, Nightlife and the Carbondale Times about paid ad space for Quaker worship time and place.


Five in attendance.

1) Ministry and Advancement committee ideas:

  • entry in phone book -- expensive?
  • entry in campus directory of religious organizations
  • have a Quaker sign at Saturday peace vigils
  • WDBX announcements (Dawn will follow up)

We will continue to consider an M&A committee.

2) Finances. A) Friends agreed to set aside the donation to IYM for 2001-2002, but to send the entire suggested amount for 2002-2003 which is $840 ($140 times six Adult Resident Members) to be distributed as recommended by IYM. B) Friends agreed to send $100 to Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.

3) Lisa will connect Hugh Muldoon with Dave Zarembka about a Jan-Feb war tax resistance talk that Friends will sponsor.

4) Lisa will send Roxy Jacobs an email of thanks for her visit last month.


Eight in attendance.

Discussion of expenditures and donations. Friends agreed to donate $100 to UCM via Hugh Muldoon for a pro-peace ad in the Daily Egyptian. Friends decided to defer the payment for 2001-2002 IYM to another meeting for worship and business.


Six in attendance plus two youth.

1) We agreed to revise our IYM 2001-2002 contribution based on forthcoming treasurer's report. Jill will post the information and next month we will settle on the contribution and send it in.

2) Mark will look at QuakerBooks of FGC for ordering newcomer pamphlets. Tom A. will look for his catalog.

8-25-2002 (informal)

Three in attendance.

1) Dawn will contact Hugh Muldoon to suggest that SISF lead an hour of observance on the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. We prefer 4:30-5:30 (or lunch time) with 1/2 hour discussion and flier, including explaining Quaker meeting for worship, followed by 1/2 hour of silent worship/meditation or possibly worship sharing format.

2) Dawn volunteered to join Tom L. and Jim on correspondence committee. Division of labor to be set out.

3) We discussed annual contribution to IYM and did not reach clearness. More information is needed regarding minute of December 23, 2001 approving $840 contribution; and regarding list of adult resident members.

4) Brief discussion of First Day School. Dawn will again ask about location of box of RE materials. Dawn will work on inter-generational activities and work with the younger children regularly. Tom A. (per Jill) is happy to continue working with the teens.

5) Discussion of outreach. Packets of newcomer materials, meetinghouse signs, and a designated greeter are needed. Then WDBX announcements and campus outreach should proceed.

6) Jill announced a day of action on immigrant issues Oct. 15 and requested Friends participate. Dawn will ask Jill to post the details to the listserv.

7-28-2002 (informal)

Three in attendance plus two guests.

1) Jayme reported that a letter confirming her Sept. 8, 2002 visit was sent to Roxy Jacobs.

2) Also a letter of transfer of membership was sent to Burlington, VT meeting for Erik Andrus.

3) Jayme Long is moving to Canton, MO and this is her last meeting as co-clerk. She will be missed.

5-26-2002 (informal)

Three in attendance plus three guests.

Jayme will post queries from IYM due by July.

4-28-2002 (informal)

Three in attendance.

Could IYM McNabb committee wait until fall? Jayme will contact Site committee.

Re-introduce the Site Envisioning and Building Committee online survey to Listserv. May 1st deadline.

The older First Day group is studying Rumi, a Sufi poet, under Tom A.'s leading. Very well attended.

Jayme will contact Roxy to set up something for September.

Jill will copy and send to city officials and possibly President Wendler a piece from the Peace Team on how one college handled Strip/Halloween type rioting in peaceful manner.

Gillian and her partner will be attending FGC and would like to meet up with SI Friends also going to FGC.

Jill took info from different social consciousness/peace organizations that would be of interest to Young Friends to pass on to Tom A.

Jill mentioned learning of the role of Quakers in the distribution of food during the Great Hunger in Ireland. Part of an exhibit in Faner that she saw.

Lisa will post on listserv the queries from IYM who is requesting info about each Monthly Meeting's concerns. We will address the concerns as a meeting during May meeting for worship for the purpose of business.


Three in attendance.

1) We agreed to form a correspondence committee. Jayme will be clerk and Jim and Tom L. will work on the committee. Jayme will write for spring Among Friends and will regularly look through the mail. The committee will prepare the annual state of the meeting report for IYM, make submissions to Among Friends, and monitor the mail for other needed correspondence.

2) We will conclude meeting weekly with a period for announcements.

3) Discussion of Lakota project sponsored by the Columbia monthly meeting. Donations made prior to the 15th of April will be matched. As a meeting we will donate $150. Anyone wishing to make individual contributions should get the funds to Jill by 4/7. Lisa will post information about the project and the call for donations on the listserv.

4) We have received a letter from the field secretary of IYM. She would like to visit. We would like to pursue this and have her come either in May or in the fall.

5) IYM has asked us to invite a member of the Site Envisioning & Building Committee which is working to determine the future of the McNabb meetinghouse. We will invite a person from this committee to meeting. We will ask the correspondence committee to be in touch with the committee.

6) We continue to be concerned about First Day education for the children. We are aware of the need for at least two age groups. We will continue discussions.

The meeting closed with silent worship.

1-24-2002 (informal)

Six in attendance.

Several announcements of upcoming events were made.

[Friends agreed to do] worship sharing as discussion second Sundays for three months.

The issue of prayer at SIU graduation came up. It was agreed that we could work on a letter opposing the prayer (pointing out the history of separation of church and state in light of 9/11 and other events) over the listserv. Jill and Tom A. would work on it and get back to us.


Eight in attendance.

The Meeting agreed to contribute $140 per six adult members to IYM. Lisa will contact Jill with further financial information before the check can be written. The total will be $840 for the fiscal year.


Jill gave a treasurer's report. Our total current budget is $3,847.96.

Lisa agreed to check on the recommended total contribution to ILYM and to post it on the listserv, including the breakdown of how the money is spent.

It is our intention to make an annual contribution in December.


Friends agreed to make a contribution to the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. The amount was agreed at $100. Friends are invited to make individual contributions at Meeting next week.

Tom A will post a message on the listserv to this effect.

First Day School was discussed. Morning walks are an appropriate activity while the weather is good. Parents are willing to go with the children as needed. Further discussion is necessary and encouraged.


Recording: Jayme Long

Friends agreed we should continue investigation into best way to [unreadable]ling the peace tax effort. We will await Jill's analysis of FCNL website.

Jayme expressed her family's desire to worship as a family. Asked for the Meeting's support, prayer, thoughts, any expression of support. Friends lovingly and supportively responded.


Attending: Lisa Zee, Jill Adams, Kathy Neely, Bob Streit, Jayme Long (recording)

Lisa brought up peace tax amount.

Brianna said she remembers a list of service projects, things they wanted to talk about. Mark may have this. I'll email.

Heavy travel season now. Maybe set something up late Aug/Sept? Combining Quaker youth and Community of Christ kids. Jill said Tom A is still interested in leading First Day.

Maybe generate another list, at least review it. Get a copy to each of the kids. They can update it.

A donation request for the lobby effort to have a spot on tax form for money to go to non-war, only peace efforts. Maybe Friends Committee on National Legislation is better. Jill will look on their web site.


Attending: Jen Dunn, Tom Leverett, Luke Herron-Titus, Kim Herron-Titus, Kathy Neely, Bob Streit, Twyla, Jayme Long

We discussed Phase II of Campaign of Conscience for the Iraqi people. Tom suggested to put the brochure info in an upcoming newsletter.

The 28th Quaker Family Camping/Canoe Outing is June 8-10.

Bob raised the question of how to deal with First Day School and not being able to use the basement.

Some suggestions included: contacting Hugh for some specific tasks, cleaning the Interfaith.

The older youth, it was felt, could benefit from getting involved in a service project. Adopt A Spot? Turley Park? Should a committee be formed to come up with ideas even for the rest of the year?

Kathy brought up the list that the kids generated.

Food pantry -- Kathy would be willing to contact Good Samaritan regarding the food pantry.

Kim will call the Women's Center, have some sort of activity with kids over there at that time.

Also maybe include kids from Community of Christ (Steve Long's church)


Attending: Jen Dunn, Tom Leverett, Jayme and Helen Long

Minute: Jen Dunn and Tom Leverett's request to be married under the care of the meeting has been accepted by the Southern Illinois Friends.

There were three clearness committees involved in the process, the third designed to provide Jen & Tom's children an opportunity for clearness.


Attending: Lisa Zee, Karla Kleuter, Miranda Amos, Mark Amos, Tom Leverett, Jayme Long, Bob Streit, Jen Dunn, Kylie Metz

Blue River Quarterly needs child care.

Peace Tax Fund - campaign to be able to give taxes to non-war functions. We will wait on this... The meeting might donate to this.

Project Lakota workcamp at the Sioux reservation

Workshop proposal for ILYM

New Faith & Practice, bought with general funds

Newcomer & visitor pamphlets ... Shall we get them? 20 packets & set of samplers. Mark will buy sampler set. One set of everything will be bought. Mark will call Jill.

Jen and Tom are new members of the meeting.

Wedding is May 5, 11:00, Giant City Shelter 3. Clearness committee requested. Big committee is a good idea. Tom & Jen will think of people and make calls & perhaps post to list.

Jayme talked about commitment to meeting...

Karla is going to Interfaith Council and Cropwalk.


Attending: Jayme Long, Kathy Neely, Tom Alexander, David, Tom Leverett, Jen Dunn, Jill Adams, Bob Streit, Lisa Zee, Kim Herron-Titus

Discussion of procedures for Tom Leverett and Jen Dunn - Meeting for Worship for Marriage

Also discussion of the procedures for Tom and Jen's letters of application for membership

Discussion of forming committees for clearness

Friends shared feelings about the seriousness of application for being married under the care of a meeting. Also the relevance of being members of this meeting before being married by it.

Jen said she would like to formally ask the Meeting to take their marriage under its care in whatever way it will.

Tom L and Jen will write letters of request for membership and a letter to request to be married under the care of our meeting. One of their letters may contain both a request for membership and a request to be married under the care of the meeting.

A committee for clearness for marriage and a committee for clearness for membership, one each for Tom and Jen will be formed.

Jen had an idea about the childcare that sign up list is not effective. It might make more sense to play it by ear. Leave some room for unstructured and structured activity.

Maybe sign up list should be on email. Maybe people forget to sign up.

Reminding that Tom A has made himself always available to take the older kids.

Bob reaffirmed his commitment to do Easter story for older kids.

Jill suggested that we can do something that would encompass the multiple age ranges.

Tom A - one possibility for the younger older kids (maybe have older kids could read it) a great version, illustrated Bible. I think we ought to have someone who is designated on an at least monthly basis.

Jill - one option to consider is that the older kids come to silence and then have an evening program. Jen said the kids have mentioned interest in community service.

We had an agreement with PUKA at some point to use their playground. It might have been insurance issues that ended that. Lisa recommended the use of the labyrinth fo rfirst day activities.

Jill will call PUKA to see if use of the playground is possible again.

Lisa - Blue River Quarterly Apr 20-22. Scott Searles is very interested in having meetings be represented. BRQ is about a 45 minute drive. If anyone wants to participate, Lisa will be a contact person.

Continuing Committee - people from ILYM that meet at end of July. Twice a year to continue the missions and goals of ILYM. This Saturday in Peoria.

ILYM July 25-29. Lisa encourages us to attend ILYM.

The meeting ended at 12:05.
