SIQM Minutes 2018-11-25

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Minutes Details: 

Meeting for Worship + Business, 11/25/2018

Present: Tom Hensold (Clerk), Kathy Cotton, Dawn Crimson (recording), Dennis Holtzclaw, Michael Batinski.

Preamble: Our roles in service are expiring in January. Friends are asked to consider their capacity to serve as the next Clerk, Recording Clerk or Treasurer.

1. The meeting opened with silent worship.

2. The Treasurer's report for October 2018 was reviewed and accepted. General fund balance is $1,297.01.

3. We tentatively schedule the next Life of the Meeting for Saturday, 12/15 at 6pm.

4. A concern was raised regarding immigrant and minority rights. In what ways are we called as a Meeting to witness or respond?

5. The meeting closed with silent worship.
