SIQM Minutes 2018-04-22

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Meeting for Worship + Business, 04/22/2018

Present: Tom Hensold (clerk), Jill Adams, Kathy Cotton, Dennis Holtzclaw, Dawn Crimson, Michael Batinski, Gary Marx (recording)

The Meeting opened with a moment of silence, and a reading was given, from Illinois Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, about how Quakers ideally hold business meetings, reminding us that business should be conducted in the spirit of worship.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Dawn Crimson and approved. This was a typical month of income and expenses, and there is a sense of the Meeting that our finances are sound.

Friends agreed to pay $70 for another year of advertising in Friends Journal. It is the sense of the Meeting that this is an important thing to do, and Friends expressed appreciation to Gary Marx, who has offered to pay for the ad.

Friends agreed to make a $50 contribution to support the Carbondale Interfaith Council for 2018. Friends noted that we also make a separate quarterly contribution of $60 directly to Good Samaritan House, the program supported by 80% of Carbondale Interfaith Council's budget.

The Meeting approved sending the following message of Friendly congratulations and well-wishes to Justin Leverett and Marion Edgemeyer on their impending marriage: “In our gathered meeting, we send to you, Justin and Marion, our love and care, wishing you many blessings in your marriage. We celebrate with you.” This message will be sent also to Multnomah Friends Meeting in Portland, Oregon, under whose care they will be wed.

Friends agreed to hold the next Life of the Meeting at 4 p.m. Saturday, May 19, at Giant City State Park. Dennis Holtzclaw offered to make the arrangements.

Clerk Tom Hensold reported that he is making progress with the State of the Meeting report. He said he will share a first draft with Friends soon.

The Meeting closed with a moment of silence.
