Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Thoughts about Business Meeting; Spiritual Preparation

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Thoughts about Business Meetings


The business of our Monthly Meeting continues even during these times when the COVOD-19 virus keeps us physically apart from one another. The challenge of seeking God's will is always with us. Now that we meet in virtual meetings for worship and business, we are tempted to think it will be more difficult. Yet as we reflect, the required disciplines are the same when we are together in the same room or when we are together in a virtual zoom meeting. Friends business meetings are at least as important as our meetings for worship for corporate discernment of how the Divine Spirit will guide our faith community. There are many good references that introduce one to Friends distinctive way of doing business and they are all worth reading or attending if provided in workshops at Friends gatherings or locally at Pendle Hill. The effectiveness of the practice when fully entered into has been admired by many organizations outside of the Society of Friends and for a while in the early 2000's it was proposed as model for commercial business to imitate.

There are structural (if you will) aspects of the meeting for Business and there are there is the spiritual foundation that allows the structure to be of service in the search for the faithful response to God's leading will. A rough outline of the structure:

  • A clerk that sits aside and listens and discerns the sense of the Meeting
  • Participants
    • some who will present a topic for discernment
    • some who will consider what has been presented and offer questions seeking clarity or requesting/offering additional information to help fully understand the topic
    • some who hold all in prayer in their hearts of love

• Phases of the business meeting

  • centering/letting go of self
  • presentation of topic
  • time of clarification
  • obtaining a gathered understanding of the topic
  • consideration of topic as received
  • additional questions
  • growth of acceptance of proposed action or suggestions of an alternate path forward
    • discernment by the Clerk of the unity or disunity of those gathered with the proposed action
    • Presentation of minute of action by the Clerk
      • Acceptance of the minute or acknowledgment of the lack of unity on the proposed minute
    • If approved, a breath prayer of thankfulness
    • If not approved, the holding over of the topic while Friends consider why they could not come to unity, revelation of new path or yielding (standing aside) to the original, or acknowledgment of the need for prayerful work to be continued search for unity in understanding God's will on the topic (holding over)

These aspects of business meeting structure rest upon how successful each individual is in entering into the first phase of the business meeting - centering/letting go of self.

How do we know that we are ready to enter into discerning God's will on a topic of business? Bill Tabor, a life-long member of Ohio Yearly Meeting Conservative wrote about his five "Gut" feelings that he came to know as the indicators that he had come into that "inward space" where self-yielded to spiritual listening and faithful obedience to Divine will has occurred. The realization of now being ready for business he likened to stepping into a stream. The gut feelings also served as a signpost that he had stepped out of the stream and hence needed to return to that first phase of prayerful preparing before continuing to participate in business discernment.


Bill's five gut feelings are not a step 1,2,3 ... guide to successful centering. They are challenging and joyful inward transformations that occur as one is attentive and prayerfully yielding. The gut feelings are joyful because they are nurtured and experienced with the individuals of our beloved community. Love abounds as the gut feelings grow. The belly of love is what our best business meeting decisions are birthed from.

1. Joy in being together

"joy of coming together and being with these familiar faces. It is the joy of being again with the blessed fellowship .. "

"It is the joy at feeling the organic connection with ... these people, joy at feeling our linkage with them through the Spirit and through our common work."

2. Joy at being with God

"the joy and awe and comfort at being once again in the presence of the Great Friend ... the Healer .. the Forgiver... who can give such joy and peace"


"Admittedly, it is difficult to lay aside one's dep and passionate involvement in some concern to come before the meeting, but it can be done in the presence of the Great Friend"


"We are in the presence of the Absolute Other, something far greater than ourselves, yet something which is our Friend, bring us into alert, honest communion.”


" we move into an alter state of consciousness where we become amazingly relaxed and amazingly alert at the same time"

3. Joy of Assurance

"as we rest in that Presence .. we feel our selves cradled, supported, held up by those everlasting arms"


"it is the deep assurance of being filled with the water of life ... At this point there may be no words , only a sense of unity"


"It is as if we are entering a stream ... which is as real as stepping into a stream of water, so there is no doubt we are surrounded by that Stream of Living Unity."

4. Joy of Trust

"a deep feeling of trust, which we experience as the silence deepens and the power grows around us"

"trust in the immense Power at the heart of the universe, which is also in our own hearts" "there is a deep trust in the process, the process by which God is at work in our individual lives."


"Only as we are given the grace in trust this Process are, we able to let go even a little bit of our personal and partisan obstacles to the working of God among us."

"willingness to let go and let God work among us, in us, in me, yes - change me."

5 Joy of Excitement

"This is the feeling of excitement, excitement about the unexpected, the unpredictable."

"Every time .. we enter business meeting there is a mounting sense of excitement as we come face to face with the utter unpredictability of God at work in our lives."

" .. never know how it will affect the course of their lives forever, perhaps to take up a cause, or cross the ocean, or painfully to give up some cherished dream or concern. Yet in all that excitement, there is trust, trust."

Bill's personal experience of his gut feelings in Business Meeting are recorded in Pendle Hill Pamphlet #406 The Mind of Christ - Bill Taber on Meeting for Business, edited by Michael Birkel from Bill's papers after his death in 2005. I recommend reading the whole pamphlet. Bill was a conservative Friend, steeped in the Christian tradition of early Friends. He was eager to help people get beyond the words that may inhibit them from grasping the deeper universal meaning of their own personal spiritual growth. If Christian language is a barrier to you, give Bill's writing a try.

If not read the pamphlet to experience The Society of Friends unique interpretation of the Christian experience in a life applied.
