PFF Organizational Structure

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Note:  This page describes the organizational structure of Piedmont Friends Fellowship.   Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting is organized independently.

Piedmont Friends Fellowship, an unincporporated association of Friends (Quaker) Meetings, holds an Annual Meeting (business meeting) where all Friends who are members of PFF member meetings or worship groups may attend to hear reports of all activities of the Fellowship. The Annual Meeting may accept reports and may direct PFF committees or the Representative Body to consider items of policy, decisions, or to take up additional specific concerns. The Annual Meeting approves the appointment of the PFF Clerk, Recording Clerk, Treasurer, and representatives to the FGC Central Committee for specified terms of service. The Annual Meeting is held in the spring, usually in March.

Each member meeting or worship group of Piedmont Friends Fellowship is asked to name one or more representatives to serve on the Representative Body of PFF which meets quarterly. The PFF Representative Body is responsible for all of the business decisions and policy incumbent on managing the Fellowship. The Representative Body may appoint standing or ad hoc committees to consider policy or execute decisions regarding defined areas, may appoint an Assistant Clerk, Assistant Recording Clerk, and/or an Assistant Treasurer as desired, and may appoint representatives to other organizations or meetings. The Representative Body considers regular reports from the Treasurer.

All meetings for business, including the Annual Meeting, meetings of the Representative Body, and appointed committees, will be conducted in the traditional manner of Friends where a unified and worshipful "sense of the meeting" is perceived and tested and minuted in writing in the face of the meeting for approval at that time. The appointed Clerk will conduct the Annual Meeting and meetings of the Representative Body. In the Clerk's absence the members present for the meeting will appoint a Friend to act as Clerk of that meeting.

A standing nominating committee of three Friends is appointed by the Representative Body in the summer (June or subsequent meeting.) The nominating committee will bring names for approval to the Annual Meeting for the Clerk, Recording Clerk, Treasurer, and (3) representatives to the FGC Central Committee.  Each appointment will be for (staggered) three year terms*. The nominating committee will also act to bring names forward to the Representative Body to fill the term of any vacated position (listed above) to be ratified at the next Annual Meeting.

A committee consisting of representatives appointed by their meetings as youth representatives may meet independently to plan youth activities on behalf of the Fellowship and to report such activities to the Representative Body.

*Terms of appointment for PFF officers begin after the weekend of the Annual Meeting and run three years through the completion of the weekend of the Annual Meeting. Terms of service for appointments to the FGC Central Committee begin with the meeting of that body in October following the appointment and are inclusive of the FGC Central Committee meeting three years later (4 meetings.)  Other appointments will have terms of service clearly specified at the time of approval.

