Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
Quakers in Stillwater, Cushing and Payne County, Oklahoma

For Visitors

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Thinking of Visiting?

The Stillwater Friends Meeting is an unprogrammed meeting, which means that we worship in silence unless someone is moved to speak. If you are considering visiting, here is what you might expect.

  • Depending on the Sunday, we may meet at 9:45 am in the morning for discussion or business. Please see the schedule below or Events page to see what is planned on the day that you will visit. We will break for 15 minutes for conversation or coffee at 10:45.
  • At 11:00 am, we begin our meeting for worship. The children will attend the first ten minutes of worship with adults and then go to their own class. Please write if you have questions about child care of children's religious education.
  • Before we close our time together, the children will join the meeting and there will be an invitation to share any joys, concerns or final thoughts.
  • Someone from the meeting will thank everyone, then invite announcements from those present.


Our schedule usually follows the program outlined below. Check under the events section or contact us for more specific information.

  • The first Sunday is reserved for our pot luck lunches. We do not usually have activities before meeting for worship at 11 am.
  • The second Sunday is reserved for our meeting for worship to attend to business from 9:45 am until 10:45. Worship begins at 11 am.
  • The third Sunday is reserved for religious education. Look under events for what we will discuss.
  • The fourth Sunday is reserved for our discussions on issues of peace and social concerns.
